Chapter 14

Listing B.4. Command-Line Attributes

 using System; using System.Diagnostics; public partial class Program {   public static void Main(string[] args)   {       string errorMessage;       CommandLineInfo commandLine = new CommandLineInfo();       if (!CommandLineHandler.TryParse(           args, commandLine, out errorMessage))       {           Console.WriteLine(errorMessage);           DisplayHelp();       }       if (commandLine.Help)       {           DisplayHelp();       }       else       {           if (commandLine.Priority !=           ProcessPriorityClass.Normal)       {           // Change thread priority       }    }    // ...  }  private static void DisplayHelp()  {            // Display the command-line help.            Console.WriteLine(                "Thankyou for contacting the help text"); } } ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ using System; using System.Diagnostics; public partial class Program {   private class CommandLineInfo   {       [CommandLineSwitchAlias("?")]       public bool Help       {           get { return _Help; }           set { _Help = value; }       }       private bool _Help;       [CommandLineSwitchRequired]       [CommandLineSwitchAlias("FileName")]       public string Out       {           get { return _Out; }           set { _Out = value; }       }       private string _Out;       public ProcessPriorityClass Priority       {           get { return _Priority; }           set { _Priority = value; }       }       private ProcessPriorityClass _Priority =           ProcessPriorityClass.Normal;    } } using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; public class CommandLineHandler {   public static void Parse(string[] args, object commandLine)   {       string errorMessage;       if (!TryParse(args, commandLine, out errorMessage))       {           throw new ApplicationException(errorMessage);       }   }   public static bool TryParse(string[] args, object commandLine,       out string errorMessage)   {       bool success = false;       errorMessage = null;       foreach (string arg in args)       {           string option;           if (arg[0] == '/' || arg[0] == '-')           {               string[] optionParts = arg.Split(                   new char[] { ':' }, 2);               // Remove the slash|dash               option = optionParts[0].Remove(0, 1);               PropertyInfo property =                   commandLine.GetType().GetProperty(option,                       BindingFlags.IgnoreCase |                       BindingFlags.Instance |                       BindingFlags.Public);               if (property != null)               {                   if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool))                   {                       // Last parameters for handling indexers                       property.SetValue(                           commandLine, true, null);                       success = true;                   }                   else if (                       property.PropertyType == typeof(string))                   {                       property.SetValue(                           commandLine, optionParts[1], null);                       success = true;                   }                   else if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum)                   {                       try                       {                           property.SetValue(commandLine,                               Enum.Parse(                                   typeof(ProcessPriorityClass),                                   optionParts[1], true),                               null);                           success = true;                       }                       catch (ArgumentException )                       {                           success = false;                           errorMessage =                               string.Format(                                   "The option '{0}' is " +                                   "invalid for '{1}'",                               optionParts[1], option);                       }                    }                    else                    {                        success = false;                        errorMessage = string.Format(                            "Data type '{0}' on {1} is not"                            + " supported.",                            property.PropertyType.ToString(),                            commandLine.GetType().ToString());                    }                 }                 else                 {                     success = false;                     errorMessage = string.Format(                          "Option '{0}' is not supported.",                          option);                 }            }        }        return success;     } } ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)] public class CommandLineSwitchRequiredAttribute : Attribute {   public static string[] GetMissingRequiredOptions(       object commandLine)   {       StringCollection missingOptions = new StringCollection();       PropertyInfo[] properties =           commandLine.GetType().GetProperties();       foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)       {           Attribute[] attributes =                (Attribute[])property.GetCustomAttributes(                   typeof(CommandLineSwitchRequiredAttribute),                   false);           if ((attributes.Length > 0) &&               (property.GetValue(commandLine, null) == null))           {               if (property.GetValue(commandLine, null) == null)               {                   missingOptions.Add(property.Name);               }           }       }       string[] results = new string[missingOptions.Count];       missingOptions.CopyTo(results, 0);       return results;    } } ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)] public class CommandLineSwitchAliasAttribute : Attribute {   public CommandLineSwitchAliasAttribute(string alias)   {       Alias = alias;   }   public string Alias   {       get { return _Alias; }       set { _Alias = value; }   }   private string _Alias;  public static Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> GetSwitches(      object commandLine)  {      PropertyInfo[] properties = null;      Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> options =          new Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo>();      properties = commandLine.GetType().GetProperties(          BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic |          BindingFlags.Instance);     foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)     {         options.Add(property.Name.ToLower(), property);         foreach (CommandLineSwitchAliasAttribute attribute in             property.GetCustomAttributes(             typeof(CommandLineSwitchAliasAttribute), false))         {             options.Add(attribute.Alias.ToLower(), property);         }      }      return options;    } } _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; public class CommandLineHandler {   // ...   public static bool TryParse(       string[] args, object commandLine,       out string errorMessage)   {       bool success = false;       errorMessage = null;       Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> options =           CommandLineSwitchAliasAttribute.GetSwitches(               commandLine);       foreach (string arg in args)       {           PropertyInfo property;           string option;           if (arg[0] == '/' || arg[0] == '-')           {               string[] optionParts = arg.Split(               new char[] { ':' }, 2);           option = optionParts[0].Remove(0, 1).ToLower();           if (options.TryGetValue(option, out property))           {               success = SetOption(                   commandLine, property,                   optionParts, ref errorMessage);           }           else           {               success = false;               errorMessage = string.Format(                   "Option '{0}' is not supported.",                   option);           }        }    }    return success; }  private static bool SetOption(      object commandLine, PropertyInfo property,      string[] optionParts, ref string errorMessage)  {      bool success;      if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool))      {           // Last parameters for handling indexers           property.SetValue(               commandLine, true, null);           success = true;      }      else      {          if ((optionParts.Length < 2)              || optionParts[1] == ""              || optionParts[1] == ":")          {              // No setting was provided for the switch.              success = false;              errorMessage = string.Format(                  "You must specify the value for the {0} option.",                  property.Name);           }           else if (               property.PropertyType == typeof(string))           {               property.SetValue(                   commandLine, optionParts[1], null);               success = true;           }           else if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum)           {               success = TryParseEnumSwitch(                   commandLine, optionParts,                   property, ref errorMessage);           }           else           {               success = false;               errorMessage = string.Format(                   "Data type '{0}' on {1} is not supported.",                   property.PropertyType.ToString(),                   commandLine.GetType().ToString());           }        }        return success;     } }

Essential C# 2.0
Essential C# 2.0
ISBN: 0321150775
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 185 © 2008-2017.
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