

abstract business processes, 734

abstract descriptions, 135–137

illustrated, 139

messages:, 137

operations:, 137

portTypes:, 137

types:, 137

See also WSDL; WSDL documents

accessibility, 17–18

accounting services, 695–696

illustrated, 695

steps, 695–696

ACID, 583

atomicity, 584

consistency, 584

durability, 585

isolation, 584–585

transactions, 597

WS-Transaction and, 617

Activity Service, 597, 617–618

defined, 617

OTS and, 617–618

specification submission, 617

See also transaction models; transactions

add publisherAssertions API, 198

addressing, 431

administered objects, 414

annotation element, 567, 568, 769

ANSI X12, 235

Ant, 270–271

default download, 271

defined, 27

samples using, 275

support, 270–271

using, 271

See also Java WSDP (JWSDP)

any element, 768–769

anyAttribute element, 768, 769


SOAP, 226, 692

Xerces parser, 693, 746, 761

XML project software, 311

XML security, 639–648

Apache Axis, 267

digital signature validation with, 645–647

signer, 640–645

verifier, 645–647

appinfo element, 759

application architecture, 82–86

baseline, 82

business logic, 84–85

conceptual, 82

data access layer, 85–86

framework, 82

impact, 86

layered, 82–83

proxy layer, 83–84

resource layer, 86

service fa ade, 84

session fa ade,, 84

See also architecture

application scenarios, 21–25

business-to-business, 21–22

EAI, 22–25


asynchronous communication, 409

complex messaging, 426

high-level reliability, 409

message trail, 409

MTA, 419

MUA, 419

multiple recipient, 409

security in, 625

store-and-forward, 409

architecture, 81–89

application, 82–86

baseline, 82

conceptual, 82

defined, 81

framework, 82

layered, 82–83

process, 88–89

technical, 86–88

viewpoints, 81

arrays, 122–125

compound types, 123–124, 125

defined, 122

encoding, 122–123

mapping, 326

multidimensional, 124, 326–327

type determination, 326

WSDL specification and, 147, 148

See also compound data types

assertions, 650–658

attribute, 653–654

authentication, 652–653

authorization, 654–657

custom, 657

defined, 651

illustrated, 656–657

publishing, 223–224

response, 657

specification, 651

See also Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML)


extramural, 489, 491

intramural, 489

registry data, 489–491

XML document options, 293

asymmetric algorithms, 629–630

AsyncClient, 455–464

defined, 455

listing, 456–458

asynchronous invocation, 383–384

asynchronous messaging, 436–439, 451–469

with acknowledgment, 437, 438, 464

AsyncClient, 455–464

CallbackProcessor, 464–469

categories, 436–438

environments, 439

illustrated, 452

inquiry, 437

MessageFactory, 453

one-way, 437, 438

provider roles in, 436

ProviderConnection, 453

ProviderConnectionFactory, 453

PurchaseOrderService, 458, 460–464

requirement, 475

with response, 436–437, 464

self-addressed messages, 455

send message steps, 452

sender, 456–458

service implementation, 461

update, 437

Web components, 465–466

See also JAXM; messaging

asynchronous Web services, 410


defined, 584

relaxed, 596

See also ACID

atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability. See ACID

atoms, 601

application/BTP elements in, 602

coordinator, 601, 603

defined, 600

See also business transactions

attachments, 367–371, 383–384

asynchronous invocation with, 383–384

compound message with, 367–368

JAX-RPC, 367–371

MIME, 367–368

service implementation for processing, 369–370

SOAP, 368

XML, 384

attribute assertion, 653–654

defined, 653–654

request, 654

See also assertions


declaring, globally, 758

declaring, locally, 757

group, 758–759

values, 756–757

See also XML Schema; XML schemas


assertion, 652–653

digital signatures, 648

methods, 623

pluggable, 669, 670

support, 687

authorization assertion, 654–657

contents, 656

defined, 654

illustrated, 654–655

response, 655

See also assertions

availability, 707–712

benefit, 30

CBS development, 78–79

concepts, 709–710

damage, 708

defined, 17, 78–79, 709

expense, 709

high, 707–712

infrastructure design techniques, 711–712

questions, 79

redundant infrastructure for, 711

service consumers and, 79

service design techniques, 710

statistics, 709

support, 79

Java Web Services Architecture
Java Web Services Architecture (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
ISBN: 1558609008
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 210 © 2008-2017.
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