additive color

The color space of computer displays. It uses primary elements composed of the light source itself to produce other colors. RGB is a common form of additive color. See also RGB.

Adjustments HUD

A heads-up display, or floating panel of contextual controls, that enables adjustments to be applied to images.

Adjustments Inspector

An area of the main window where image adjustments can be viewed or performed. The inspector shows a luminance histogram along with controls for three basic filters: exposure, levels, and white balance.

Adobe DNG

Adobe's Digital Negative archival format for raw digital camera files. Aperture supports the DNG format.

Adobe RGB (1998)

A commonly used color profile often used for printing. Many professional labs request that image files be delivered in this color space. See also color space.


A type of folder in Aperture that contains only versions. See also Smart Album.


The image immediately below the pick in a stack. Alternate images are used when more than one image in a stack merits the pick position. See also pick, stack.

ambient light

The natural light in a scene, indoor or outdoor, without additional lighting supplied by the photographer.

analog-to-digital conversion

The transformation of light energy voltage values captured by the camera's digital image sensor into binary (digital) numbers for processing and storage. See also quantization.

angle of view

Determined by the focal length of the lens, angle of view refers to the area of the scene displayed within the frame.


An adjustable iris or diaphragm in the lens through which light passes. The aperture is measured in f-stops. See also f-stop.

aspect ratio

The ratio of height to width of a photograph. Common aspect ratios are 3.5 x 5, 4 x 6, 5 x 7, 11 x 14, and 16 x 20 inches.

Apple Pro Training Series. Getting Started with Aperture
Apple Pro Training Series: Getting Started with Aperture
ISBN: 0321422759
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 110

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