Color Monochrome

The Color Monochrome filter allows you to select any color as your image wash. You can also control the intensity of the color wash and use the Colors palette to select and save color swatches. Let's change images, increase the exposure, and apply a Color Monochrome filter.


Select Tibet 05 082 from the Browser.


Click the Exposure disclosure button in the Adjustments Inspector.


Drag the Exposure slider to the right to a value of 0.85.


From the Add pop-up menu choose Color Monochrome.


Click the color swatch in the Color Monochrome filter.

A color wheel appears. The icons at the top of the color wheel allow you to view your color as a wheel; as sliders representing RGB, CMYK, grayscale, or HSB; or as a palette or crayons.

You can use the magnifying glass to sample a color from anywhere on your display. You will see this color wheel throughout the Mac operating system and it's also found in other Apple applications.


Click the magnifying glass to select it. You will notice your cursor turns into a magnifying glass.


From the Browser click to select a yellow sample from one of the thumbnails.

The color of your image has updated. You can save the color swatch for use in the future.


Drag the color swatch from the color bar beside the magnifying glass to one of the white cells in the panel below the color wheel.


This color swatch is now available for you as a sample custom color. You can increase the number of available cells by dragging the three dots beneath the panel.


Drag the Intensity slider in the Color Monochrome area to the left to decrease the color influence over your picture.


Click the upper-left button of the Colors palette to close the window.

Now that we have applied a Color Monochrome filter, let's choose a different image and apply a sepia tone.

Apple Pro Training Series. Getting Started with Aperture
Apple Pro Training Series: Getting Started with Aperture
ISBN: 0321422759
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 110 © 2008-2017.
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