Section 13.5. dcmd and Walker Reference

13.5. dcmd and Walker Reference

13.5.1. Commands

        pipeline [!word...] [;]                 basic         expr pipeline [!word...] [;]            set dot, run once         expr, expr pipeline [!word...] [;]      set dot, repeat         ,expr pipeline [!word...] [;]           repeat         expr [!word...] [;]                     set dot, last pipeline, run once         ,expr [!word...] [;]                    last pipeline, repeat         expr, expr [!word...] [;]               set dot, last pipeline, repeat         !word... [;]                            shell escape 


        //                              Comment to end of line 

13.5.3. Expressions

        Arithmetic                 integer                 0i binary, 0o octal, 0t decimal, 0x hex                 0t[0-9]+\.[0-9]+        IEEE floating point                 'cccccccc'              Little-endian character const                 <identifier             variable lookup                 identifier              symbol lookup                 (expr)                  the value of expr                 .                       the value of dot                 &                       last dot used by dcmd                 +                       dot+increment                 ^                       dot-increment                 increment is effected by the last formatting dcmd.         Unary Ops                 #expr                   logical NOT                 ~expr                   bitwise NOT                 -expr                   integer negation                 %expr                   object file pointer dereference                 %/[csil]/expr           object file typed dereference                 %/[1248]/expr           object file sized dereference                 *expr                   virtual address pointer dereference                 */[csil]/expr           virtual address typed dereference                 */[1248]/expr           virtual address sized dereference                 [csil] is char-, short-, int-, or long-sized         Binary Ops                 expr *  expr            integer multiplication                 expr %  expr            integer division                 left #  right           left rounded up to next right multiple                 expr +  expr            integer addition                 expr -  expr            integer subtraction                 expr << expr            bitwise left shift                 expr >> expr            bitwise right shift (logical)                 expr == expr            logical equality                 expr != expr            logical inequality                 expr &  expr            bitwise AND                 expr ^  expr            bitwise XOR                 expr |  expr            bitwise OR 

13.5.4. Symbols

        kernel          {module`}{file`}symbol         proc            {LM[0-9]+`}{library`}{file`}symbol 

13.5.5. dcmds

        ::{module`}d         expr>var        write the value of expr into var 

13.5.6. Variables

        0               Most recent value [/\?=]ed.         9               Most recent count for $< dcmd         b               base VA of the data section         d               size of the data         e               VA of entry point         hits            Event callback match count         m               magic number of primary object file, or zero         t               size of text section         thread          TID of current representative thread.                  registers are exported as variables (g0, g1, ...) 

13.5.7. Read Formats

        /               format VA from .         \               format PA from .         ?               format primary object file, using VA from .         =               format value of .            B (1)   hex                     +       dot += increment         C (1)   char (C-encoded)        -       dot -= increment         V (1)   unsigned                ^ (var) dot -= incr*count         b (1)   octal                   N       newline         c (1)   char (raw)              n       newline         d (2)   signed                  T       tab         h (2)   hex, swap endianness    r       whitespace         o (2)   octal                   t       tab         q (2)   signed octal            a       dot as symbol+offset         u (2)   decimal                 I (var) address and instruction         D (4)   signed                  i (var) instruction         H (4)   hex, swap endianness    S (var) string (C-encoded)         O (4)   octal                   s (var) string (raw)         Q (4)   signed octal            E (8)   unsigned         U (4)   unsigned                F (8)   double         X (4)   hex                     G (8)   octal         Y (4)   decoded time32_t        J (8)   hex         f (4)   float                   R (8)   binary         K (4|8) hex uintptr_t           e (8)   signed         P (4|8) symbol                  g (8)   signed octal         p (4|8) symbol                  y (8)   decoded time64_t 

13.5.8. Write Formats

        [/\?][vwWZ] value...            value is immediate or $[expr]         /       write virtual addresses         \       write physical addresses         ?       write object file         v (1)   write low byte of each value, starting at dot         w (2)   write low 2 bytes of each value, starting at dot         W (4)   write low 4 bytes of each value, starting at dot         Z (8)   write all 8 bytes of each value, starting at dot 

13.5.9. Search Formats

        [/\?][lLM] value [mask]        value and mask are immediate or $[expr]         /       search virtual addresses         \       search physical addresses         ?       search object file         l (2)   search for 2-byte value, optionally masked         L (4)   search for 4-byte value, optionally masked         M (8)   search for 8-byte value, optionally masked 

13.5.10. General dcmds

        ::help dcmd                 Give help text for 'dcmd.'         ::dmods -l [module...]                 List dcmds and walkers grouped by the dmod which provides them.         ::log -e file                 Log session to file.         ::quit / $q                 Quit. 

13.5.11. Target-Related dcmds

        ::status                 Print summary of current target.         $r / ::regs                 Display current register values for target.         $c / ::stack / $C                 Print current stack trace ($C: with frame pointers).         addr[,b]::dump [-g sz] [-e]                 Dump at least b bytes starting at address addr.  -g sets                 the group size -- for 64-bit debugging, '-g 8' is useful.         addr::dis                 Disassemble text, starting around addr.                  [ addr ] :b         [ addr ] ::bp [+/-dDestT] [-c cmd] [-n count] sym ...  addr  [cmd ... ]                 Set breakpoint at addr.         $b         ::events [-av]         $b [-av]                 Display all the breakpoints.         addr ::delete [id | all]         addr :d [id | all]                 Delete a breakpoint at addr.         :z                 Deletes all breakpoints         ::cont [SIG]         :c [SIG]                 Continue the target program, and wait for it to terminate         id ::evset [+/-dDestT] [-c cmd] [-n count] id ...                 Modify the properties of one or more software event specifiers.         ::next [SIG]         :e [SIG]                 Step the target program one instruction, but step over subroutine calls.         ::step [branch | over | out] [SIG]         :s SIG         :u SIG                 Step the target program one instruction.         addr [,len]::wp [+/-dDestT] [-rwx] [-ip] [-c cmd] [-n count]         addr [,len]:a [cmd... ]         addr [,len]:p [cmd... ]         addr [,len]:w [cmd... ]                 Set a watchpoint at the specified address. 

13.5.12. CTF-Related

        addr::print [type] [field...]                 Use CTF info to print out a full structure, or                 particular fields thereof.         ::sizeof type / ::offsetof type field / ::enum enumname                 Get information about a type         addr::array [type count] [var]                 Walk the count elements of an array of type 'type'                 starting at address.         addr::list type field [var]                 Walk a circular or NULL-terminated list of type 'type',                 which starts at addr and uses 'field' as its linkage.         ::typegraph / addr::whattype / addr::istype type / addr::notype                 bmc's type inference engine -- works on non-debug 

13.5.13. Kernel: proc-Related

        0tpid::pid2proc                 Convert the process ID 'pid' (in decimal) into a proc_t ptr.         as::as2proc                 Convert a 'struct as' pointer to its associated proc_t ptr.         vn::whereopen                 Find all processes with a particular vnode open.         ::pgrep pattern                 Print out proc_t ptrs which match pattern.         [procp]::ps                 Process table, or (with procp) the line for particular proc_t.         ::ptree                 Print out a ptree(1)-like indented process tree.         procp::pfiles                 Print out information on a process' file descriptors.         [procp]::walk proc                 walks all processes, or the tree rooted at procp 

13.5.14. Kernel: Thread-Related

        threadp::findstack                 Print out a stack trace (with frame pointers) for threadp.         [threadp]::thread                 Give summary information about all threads or a particular thread.         [procp]::walk thread                 Walk all threads, or all threads in a process (with procp). 

13.5.15. Kernel: Synchronization-Related

        [sobj]::wchaninfo [-v]                 Get information on blocked-on condition variables.  With                 sobj, info about that wchan.  With -v, lists all threads                 blocked on the wchan.         sobj::rwlock                 Dump out a rwlock, including detailed blocking information.         sobj::walk blocked                 Walk all threads blocked on sobj, a synchronization object. 

13.5.16. Kernel: CPU-Related

        ::cpuinfo [-v]                 Give information about CPUs on the system and what they                 are doing.  With '-v', show threads on the run queues.         ::cpupart                 Give information about CPU partitions (psrset(1m)s).         addr::cpuset                 Print out a cpuset as a list of included CPUs.         [cpuid]::ttrace                 Dump out traptrace records, which are generated in DEBUG                 kernels.  These include all traps and various other events of                 interest.         ::walk cpu                 Walk all cpu_ts on the system. 

13.5.17. Kernel: Memory-Related

        ::memstat                 Display memory usage summary.         pattern::kgrep [-d dist|-m mask|-M invmask]                 Search the kernel heap for pointers equal to pattern.         addr::whatis [-b]                 Try to identify what a given kernel address is.  With                 '-b', give bufctl address for the buffer (see                 $<bufctl_audit, below). 

13.5.18. Kernel: kmem-Related

        ::kmastat                 Give statistics on the kmem caches and vmem arenas in the system         ::kmem_cache                 Information about the kmem caches on the system         [cachep]::kmem_verify                 Validate all buffers in the system, checking for corruption.                 With cachep, shows the details of a particular cache.         threadp::allocdby / threadp::freedby                 Show buffers that were last allocated/freed by a particular                 thread, and are still in that state.         ::kmalog [fail | slab]                 Dump out the transaction log, showing recent kmem activity.                 With fail/slab, outputs records of allocation failures and                 slab creations (which are always enabled)         ::findleaks [-dvf]                 Find memory leaks, coalesced by stack trace.         ::bufctl [-v]                 Print a summary line for a bufctl -- can also filter them                 -v dumps out a kmem_bufctl_audit_t.         ::walk cachename                 Print out all allocated buffers in the cache named cachename.         [cp]::walk kmem/[cp]::walk freemem/[cp]::walk bufctl/[cp]::walk freectl                 Walk {allocated,freed}{buffers,bufctls} for all caches,                 or the particular kmem_cache_t cp. 

13.5.19. Process: Target-Related

        flt ::fltbp [+/-dDestT] [-c cmd] [-n count] flt ...                 Trace the specified machine faults.         signal :i                 Ignore the specified signal and allow it to be delivered                 transparently to the target.         $i                 Display the list of signals that are ignored by the debugger and                 will be handled directly by the target.         $l                 Print the LWPID of the representative thread if the target is a user process.         $L                 Print the LWPIDs of each LWP in the target if the target is a user                 process.         ::kill         :k                 Forcibly terminate the target if it is a live user process.         ::run [args ... ]         :r [args ... ]                 Start a new target program running with the specified arguments and                 attach to it.         [signal] ::sigbp [+/-dDestT] [-c cmd] [-n count] SIG ...         [signal] :t [+/-dDestT] [-c cmd] [-n count] SIG ...                 Trace delivery of the specified signals.         ::step [branch | over | out] [SIG]         :s SIG         :u SIG                 Step the target program one instruction.         [syscall] ::sysbp [+/-dDestT] [-io] [-c cmd] [-n count] syscall ...                 Trace entry to or exit from the specified system calls. 

13.5.20. Kernel: kmdb-Related

        ::help dcmd                 gives help text for 'dcmd'         ::dmods -l [module...]                 Lists dcmds and walkers grouped by the dmod which provides them         ::status                 Print summary of current target.         $r         ::regs                 Display current register values for target.         $c         ::stack         $C                 Print current stack trace ($C: with frame pointers).         addr[,b]         ::dump [-g sz] [-e]                 Dump at least b bytes starting at address addr.  -g sets the group size;                 for 64-bit debugging, -g 8 is useful.         addr::dis                 Disassemble text, starting around addr.         [ addr ] :b         [ addr ] ::bp [+/-dDestT] [-n count] sym ...  addr                 Set breakpoint at addr.         $b                 Display all the breakpoints.         ::branches                 Display the last branches taken by the CPU. (x86 only)         addr ::delete [id | all]         addr :d [id | all]                 Delete a breakpoint at addr.         :z                 Delete all breakpoints.         function ::call [arg [arg ...]]                 Call the specified function, using the specified arguments.         [cpuid] ::cpuregs [-c cpuid]                 Display the current general-purpose register set.         [cpuid] ::cpustack [-c cpuid]                 Print a C stack backtrace for the specified CPU.         ::cont         :c                 Continue the target program.         $M                 List the macro files that are cached by kmdb for use with the $< dcmd         ::next         :e                 Step the target program one instruction, but step over subroutine calls.         ::step [branch | over | out]                 Step the target program one instruction.         $<systemdump                 Initiate a panic/dump.         ::quit [-u]         $q                 Cause the debugger to exit. When the -u option is used,                 the system is resumed and the debugger is unloaded.                 addr [,len]::wp [+/-dDestT] [-rwx] [-ip] [-n count]         addr [,len]:a [cmd ...]         addr [,len]:p [cmd ...]         addr [,len]:w [cmd ...]                 Set a watchpoint at the specified address. 

Solaris Performance and Tools(c) Dtrace and Mdb Techniques for Solaris 10 and Opensolaris
Solaris Performance and Tools: DTrace and MDB Techniques for Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris
ISBN: 0131568191
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 180 © 2008-2017.
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