26.3. Data Transformations

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Changes in data types can be a powerful aid in reducing program size and improving execution speed. Data-structure design is outside the scope of this book, but modest changes in the implementation of a specific data type can also improve performance. Here are a few ways to tune your data types.

Use Integers Rather Than Floating-Point Numbers

Integer addition and multiplication tend to be faster than floating point. Changing a loop index from a floating point to an integer, for example, can save time:


For details on using integers and floating point, see Chapter 12, "Fundamental Data Types."

Visual Basic Example of a Loop That Uses a Time-Consuming Floating-Point Loop Index

Dim x As Single For x = 0 to 99    a( x ) = 0 Next

Contrast this with a similar Visual Basic loop that explicitly uses the integer type:

Visual Basic Example of a Loop That Uses a Timesaving Integer Loop Index
Dim i As Integer For i = 0 to 99    a( i ) = 0 Next

How much difference does it make? Here are the results for this Visual Basic code and for similar code in C++ and PHP:


Straight Time

Code-Tuned Time

Time Savings

Performance Ratio











Visual Basic





Use the Fewest Array Dimensions Possible

Conventional wisdom maintains that multiple dimensions on arrays are expensive. If you can structure your data so that it's in a one-dimensional array rather than a twodimensional or three-dimensional array, you might be able to save some time. Suppose you have initialization code like this:


For details on arrays, see Section 12.8, "Arrays."

Java Example of a Standard, Two-Dimensional Array Initialization
for ( row = 0; row < numRows; row++ ) {    for ( column = 0; column < numColumns; column++ ) {       matrix[ row ][ column ] = 0;    } }

When this code is run with 50 rows and 20 columns, it takes twice as long with my current Java compiler as when the array is restructured so that it's one-dimensional. Here's how the revised code would look:

Java Example of a One-Dimensional Representation of an Array
for ( entry = 0; entry < numRows * numColumns; entry++ ) {    matrix[ entry ] = 0; }

And here's a summary of the results, with the addition of comparable results in several other languages:


Straight Time

Code-Tuned Time

Time Savings

Performance Ratio


























Visual Basic





Note: Times for Python and PHP aren't directly comparable to times for the other languages because they were run <1% as many iterations as the other languages.

The results of this optimization are excellent in Visual Basic and Java, good in PHP and Python, but mediocre in C++ and C#. Of course, the C# compiler's unoptimized time was easily the best of the group, so you can't be too hard on it.

This wide range of results again shows the hazard of following any code-tuning advice blindly. You can never be sure until you try the advice in your specific circumstances.

Minimize Array References

In addition to minimizing accesses to doubly or triply dimensioned arrays, it's often advantageous to minimize array accesses, period. A loop that repeatedly uses one element of an array is a good candidate for the application of this technique. Here's an example of an unnecessary array access:

C++ Example of Unnecessarily Referencing an Array Inside a Loop
for ( discountType = 0; discountType < typeCount; discountType++ ) {    for ( discountLevel = 0; discountLevel < levelCount; discountLevel++ ) {       rate[ discountLevel ] = rate[ discountLevel ] * discount[ discountType ];    } }

The reference to discount[ discountType ] doesn't change when discountLevel changes in the inner loop. Consequently, you can move it out of the inner loop so that you'll have only one array access per execution of the outer loop rather than one for each execution of the inner loop. The next example shows the revised code.

C++ Example of Moving an Array Reference Outside a Loop
for ( discountType = 0; discountType < typeCount; discountType++ ) {    thisDiscount = discount[ discountType ];    for ( discountLevel = 0; discountLevel < levelCount; discountLevel++ ) {       rate[ discountLevel ] = rate[ discountLevel ] * thisDiscount;    } }

Here are the results:


Straight Time

Code-Tuned Time

Time Savings









Visual Basic




Note: Benchmark times were computed for the case in which typeCount equals 10 and levelCount equals 100.

As usual, the results vary significantly from compiler to compiler.

Use Supplementary Indexes

Using a supplementary index means adding related data that makes accessing a data type more efficient. You can add the related data to the main data type, or you can store it in a parallel structure.

String-Length Index

One example of using a supplementary index can be found in the different string-storage strategies. In C, strings are terminated by a byte that's set to 0. In Visual Basic string format, a length byte hidden at the beginning of each string indicates how long the string is. To determine the length of a string in C, a program has to start at the beginning of the string and count each byte until it finds the byte that's set to 0. To determine the length of a Visual Basic string, the program just looks at the length byte. Visual Basic length byte is an example of augmenting a data type with an index to make certain operations like computing the length of a string faster.

You can apply the idea of indexing for length to any variable-length data type. It's often more efficient to keep track of the length of the structure rather than computing the length each time you need it.

Independent, Parallel Index Structure

Sometimes it's more efficient to manipulate an index to a data type than it is to manipulate the data type itself. If the items in the data type are big or hard to move (on disk, perhaps), sorting and searching index references is faster than working with the data directly. If each data item is large, you can create an auxiliary structure that consists of key values and pointers to the detailed information. If the difference in size between the data-structure item and the auxiliary-structure item is great enough, sometimes you can store the key item in memory even when the data item has to be stored externally. All searching and sorting is done in memory, and you have to access the disk only once, when you know the exact location of the item you want.

Use Caching

Caching means saving a few values in such a way that you can retrieve the most commonly used values more easily than the less commonly used values. If a program randomly reads records from a disk, for example, a routine might use a cache to save the records read most frequently. When the routine receives a request for a record, it checks the cache to see whether it has the record. If it does, the record is returned directly from memory rather than from disk.

In addition to caching records on disk, you can apply caching in other areas. In a Microsoft Windows font-proofing program, the performance bottleneck was in retrieving the width of each character as it was displayed. Caching the most recently used character width roughly doubled the display speed.

You can cache the results of time-consuming computations too especially if the parameters to the calculation are simple. Suppose, for example, that you need to compute the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, given the lengths of the other two sides. The straightforward implementation of the routine would look like this:

Java Example of a Routine That's Conducive to Caching
double Hypotenuse(    double sideA,    double sideB    ) {    return Math.sqrt( ( sideA * sideA ) + ( sideB * sideB ) ); }

If you know that the same values tend to be requested repeatedly, you can cache values this way:

Java Example of Caching to Avoid an Expensive Computation
private double cachedHypotenuse = 0; private double cachedSideA = 0; private double cachedSideB = 0; public double Hypotenuse(    double sideA,    double sideB    ) {    // check to see if the triangle is already in the cache    if ( ( sideA == cachedSideA ) && ( sideB == cachedSideB ) ) {       return cachedHypotenuse;    }    // compute new hypotenuse and cache it    cachedHypotenuse = Math.sqrt( ( sideA * sideA ) + ( sideB * sideB ) );    cachedSideA = sideA;    cachedSideB = sideB;    return cachedHypotenuse; }

The second version of the routine is more complicated than the first and takes up more space, so speed has to be at a premium to justify it. Many caching schemes cache more than one element, so they have even more overhead. Here's the speed difference between these two versions:


Straight Time

Code-Tuned Time

Time Savings

Performance Ratio
















Visual Basic





Note: The results shown assume that the cache is hit twice for each time it's set.

The success of the cache depends on the relative costs of accessing a cached element, creating an uncached element, and saving a new element in the cache. Success also depends on how often the cached information is requested. In some cases, success might also depend on caching done by the hardware. Generally, the more it costs to generate a new element and the more times the same information is requested, the more valuable a cache is. The cheaper it is to access a cached element and save new elements in the cache, the more valuable a cache is. As with other optimization techniques, caching adds complexity and tends to be error-prone.

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Code Complete
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition
ISBN: 0735619670
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 334

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