Wall of Voodoo site, 312-313
war-dialing, 294-313. See also dial-up hacking
carrier exploitation, 311-313
hardware for, 296-297
legal issues, 297-298
long-distance charges incurred by, 298
PhoneSweep, 308-311
software for, 298-313
THC-Scan, 304-308
ToneLoc, 299-304
war-driving, 408, 411-412, 415-421, 435
WASAT (Web Authentication Security Analysis Tool), 556
watches , Microsoft, 408-409
Watchfire tool, 560-561
Wayback Machine site, 13
web administration, 399
web applications
analyzing, 549-561
attack countermeasures, 522-534
common vulnerabilities, 561-572
finding vulnerable apps, 546-547
hacking, 522, 544-572
IIS and, 173
security scanners , 557-561
SQL injection, 553, 561-564
web crawling, 547-548
Windows family and, 171, 201, 204, 209
Web Authentication Security Analysis Tool (WASAT), 556
web browsers. See also Netscape, Internet Explorer
add-ons, 629-630
ASP and, 538, 542
crashes, 613
Firefox, 614-615
IP Network Browser, 114-115
non-IE vulnerabilities, 618
remote access to companies, 9
sensitive information and, 612, 622-623, 641
WebProxy tool, 553-554
webspy tool, 384
web clients , 564-566
web crawling, 547-548
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), 540, 542
web pages
cached, 13-14
company, 9
"crawling" HTML code, 89
cross-site scripting (XSS), 581-582
HTML source code in, 9
webspy tool, 384
web servers. See also servers
Apache. See Apache Web Server
back channels and, 235
buffer overflow attacks, 542-544
canonicalization issues, 520-522
ColdFusion Application Server, 538
egress filtering, 168
enumerating, 88-91
FAT partitions, 171
hacking, 536-544
ISAPI idq.dll buffer overflows, 543
mapping directory structure, 540
OWA, 9, 547
running as "root," 57-58
sample files on, 537-539
scanning, 544-545
vulnerabilities, 536-544
Weblogic, 539
Web Services, 168
web sites
802.1x standard, 457
cached, 13-14
company, 9
disgrunted employees , 14
DumpSec tool, 98-99
encryption, 438
entering malicious data in, 564-566
Form Scalpel tool, 554-555
Hacking Exposed, 99
hidden tag modification, 570-571
HTML source code in pages, 9
improper links to, 597-598
IP Network Browser, 115
job, 18
Linux security resources, 291-292
Linux system security resources, 291-292
AS lookups, 359
malicious, 597-598
Microsoft security tools/best practices, 171, 201, 204, 209
MRTG traffic analysis, 547
NAT, 99-101
nbtscan tool, 96
netviewx tool, 94
nmap scans , 134
Novell security information, 127
Offline Explorer Pro, 548
packet capture, 426-427
phishing scams, 598, 623-628
port information, 652
retrieving information about, 547-548
Samba, 133
Secure UNIX Program FAQ, 220
sensitive information and, 612, 622-623, 641
shellcode creation tools, 220
shopping-cart sites, 570-571
Solaris security resources, 291
SPIKE Proxy tool, 553-554
SQL security, 132
SQL Server 2000, 209
testing, 554-555
tracerouting, 359
UNIX security resources, 290-292
viewing offline, 548
viruses, 634-635
Wall of Voodoo, 312-313
WASAT tool, 556
Web Proxy tool, 553-554
worms, 634-635
WWW Security FAQ, 226, 258
XSS attacks, 564-566
web vulnerability scanners, 544-545
WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning), 540, 542
WebInspect tool, 557-560
WebLOAD tool, 503
Weblogic servers, 539
webmitm tool, 385
WebProxy tool, 553-554
WebSleuth tool, 551-553
webspy tool, 384
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 348, 416, 441-442, 445-446
WEP key, 416, 435, 441, 443, 447-451
WEP-Plus, 447, 449
WEPAttack tool, 451-452
Werth, Volker, 588
WFP (Windows File Protection), 193
wget tool, 9, 547-548
Whalen, Sean, 419
Whisker scanner, 544-547
whitelists , 631
whoami utility, 162, 167
WHOIS client, 31
WHOIS database, 22, 24-31, 39, 295
WHOIS enumeration, 18-32
WHOIS searches, 22, 24-31, 39, 295
WHOIS servers, 24, 28-131
wi (Wavelan) driver, 444
wicontrol command, 444
WiFi-Plus, 413, 461
WifiScanner, 436-437
WiGLE.net database, 424
Wikto tool, 15
wildcards, 86, 248, 581
Williams/Northern Telcom PBX system, 326-327
Win2K Kernel Hidden Process-Module Checker, 645
Win32 Structured Exception Handling (SEH), 208
Window Size attribute, 73-74
Windows 2000 platform. See also Windows platform
password hashes, 176-178
privilege-escalation attacks, 173
SYSKEY and, 177
Windows File Protection, 193
zone transfers, 86
Windows 2000 SP4 systems, 160, 166-167
Windows 2000 Support Tools, 118
Windows File Protection (WFP), 193
Windows file shares, 97-99
Windows Firewall, 148-149, 203, 205, 207, 600
Windows Internet service, 143
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), 644-645
Windows Media Player, 617
Windows NT File System. See NTFS
Windows NT kernel, 140
Windows NT platform. See also NT entries
2003 Server. See Windows Server 2003
defined, 79
enumeration, 92-94
registry, 99-101, 106-111, 115
tracert utility, 37-40, 354-356
Windows NT Registry, 99-101, 106-111, 115
Windows platform, 139-210
2000 Server, 59, 156
2003 Server. See Windows Server 2003
Administrator accounts, 144-148, 173-178
applications and, 142, 209
auditing, 154-156, 197
authentication, 173-199
back doors, 176-190
changing default configurations, 611-612
covering tracks, 197
disabling auditing, 197
Encrypting File System (EFS), 205-206
event log, 197-198
executables, 195
filenames, 193
footprinting functions, 35
Group Policy, 200-202, 205, 207, 209-210
hacking, 139-210
hidden files, 198-199, 637-638
interactive logon rights, 174-175
intrusion-detection checklists, 644
intrusion-detection tools, 157
IPSec, 148, 202-203
L0phtcrack (LC) tool, 158-161
logging, 154-156, 172
logon cache dump, 185-186
Mac connections, 137
.NET Framework (.NET FX), 204-205
NetScan tools. See NetScan tools
network architecture, 140
network protocol attacks, 143-165
password cracking, 178-183
password hashes, 158-161, 176-178
patches, 199-200, 208, 210
pilfering, 175-176
port redirection, 190-192
port scanners, 60-66
ports, 195-196
privilege escalation, 173-175, 600
processes, 195
remote control, 176-190
rootkits, 199, 636-640
runas command, 203-204
security and, 140, 199-209
Security Center control panel, 206-207
service packs , 199-200, 208, 210
SMB attacks, 142-157
tracert utility, 467
unauthenticated attacks, 142-173
versions, 140
vs. other platforms, 140
Windows 2000. See Windows 2000 platform
Windows Firewall, 148-149, 203, 205, 207
Windows XP. See Windows XP platform
Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE), 645-646
Windows Registry
anonymous setting and, 106-111
authenticated compromise, 193-195
enumeration, 99-101
lockdown , 110
null sessions and, 106-111
rogue values, 193-195
viruses/worms and, 635
Windows Resource Kit (RK), 94
Windows scan, 53
Windows Scheduler service, 174, 176, 195
Windows Server, 59
Windows Server 2000, 59, 156
Windows Server 2003
anonymous settings, 110-111
.NET Framework vulnerabilities, 204-205
port scans and, 59
Registry lockdown, 110
resources, 209
secure configuration for, 154
Security Policy tool, 154
zone transfers and, 86
Windows Server service, 165
Windows Session Manager, 204
Windows System File Protection (SFP), 90
Windows Terminal Server, 118, 187, 204
Windows UDP Port Scanner (WUPS), 63-64
Windows Update (WU), 604
Windows Update Corporate Edition. See Software Update Service
Windows WLAN Sniffer, 410
Windows Workgroups, 93-94
Windows XP platform. See also Windows platform
RestrictAnonymous setting, 110-111
Sasser worm, 164-165
security and, 140, 205
Security Zone changes, 606-610
Windows Firewall, 148-149, 203, 205, 207
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (XP SP2), 206-208, 606
WindowsInfoScan (WindowsIS) tool, 147
WindowsIS (WindowsInfoScan) tool, 147
winfo tool, 106
WinGate proxy firewall, 482-484
WinGate servers, 482-484
WinPE (Windows Preinstallation Environment), 645-646
WINS broadcast packets, 375-376
WINS Client, 106, 149-150
WinScan, 62, 66
WinTrinoo tool, 496
WinVNC, 188-190, 193-195
WINVNC.exe file, 193
Wired Equivalent Privacy. See WEP
wireless access points, 408-409, 435
wireless antennas, 411-414, 461
wireless cards, 409-411, 427-429
Wireless Central, 412, 461
wireless drivers, 410-411
wireless hotspots, 417
wireless Internet service providers (WISPs), 413
wireless LANs. See WLANs
wireless networks, 407-461
access to, 440-442
case study, 348-349
decibel-to- volts -to-watts table, 458-460
defense mechanisms, 437-442
denial of service attacks, 441, 456
enumeration, 425-437
footprinting, 408-425
free, 413
GPS devices, 414-415
LEAP technology, 453-456
MAC addresses, 440-442, 444-446
mapping, 421-425
monitoring tools, 430-437
scanning, 425-437
SSID, 438-439, 443-444
war-driving, 415-421
WEP, 441-442, 445-446
wireless sniffers, 409, 426-429
wireless technology, 408, 458-460
WISPs (wireless Internet service providers), 413
WLAN Drivers Patch, 427-428
WLAN-Tools, 449-450
WLAN transceivers, 408
wlan_jack tool, 456
WLANs (wireless LANs). See also wireless networks
countermeasures, 437-442, 450
Linux systems, 427-428
overview, 408-410
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 644-645
world-writable files, 275-276
Worm.Explore.Zip worm, 590
worms, 634-639. See also viruses
address book, 589-591
Apache, 543
back doors, 636-639
Blaster, 162-163, 503
BubbleBoy, 590
buffer overflows and, 514
Code Red, 536, 543
described, 634
LifeChanges, 587
MyDoom, 488, 497, 589
MyDoom.B, 503
Nimda, 536, 589
overview, 634-639
Robert Morris, 219
rootkits, 636-639
Sasser, 164-165
Slammer, 501, 635
Worm.Explore.Zip, 590
Wpoison tool, 563
Wright, Joshua, 445
write net MIB, 390
WS_Ping ProPack tool, 31, 45
wted program, 282
WU (Windows Update), 604
wu- ftpd vulnerability, 235-237, 269
WUPS (Windows UDP Port Scanner), 63-64, 66
wwwcount.cgi program, 544
wzap program, 282-284

Hacking Exposed
Hacking Exposed 5th Edition
Year: 2003
Pages: 127

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