Exchange Manager

The Exchange System Manager, shown in Figure 4.1, is still the primary configuration and management application for Exchange. It is located in the Exchange program group under the Start menu.

Figure 4.1. The Exchange System Manager for Exchange Server 2003 is the primary tool used to configure and administer Exchange.


Exchange Manager is actually a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, and this console has been preconfigured for you. In Exchange 2000, several other MMC snap-ins were available including snap-ins for Advanced Security, Conferencing Services, and so on but these snap-ins are not included in Exchange Server 2003. Most of the functionality that these snap-ins offered has been rolled into the Exchange Manager or, in the case of Conferencing Services, Exchange no longer includes the functionality that the snap-in covers.


A separate plug-in for Exchange Message tracking is still installed, but this functionality is also available in the Exchange Manager under the Tools node.

With Exchange Manager, there are a number of new configuration areas. For example, under Global Settings, you'll find a new node for Wireless Services, which configures wireless access to Exchange. This functionality was previously delivered with Microsoft's Mobile Information Server (a separate Server product); however, it is now rolled into Exchange Server 2003.


For more information on wireless access for Exchange, see Chapter 10 "Other Exchange Clients," page 127.

As you go through the rest of the book and look at different topics on administration, maintenance, and so on, you will be looking at these new areas within Exchange Manager.

The majority of the user interface and functionality within the System Manager is unchanged; therefore, administrators who have worked with Exchange 2000 should be able to find everything they need.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Delta Guide
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Delta Guide
ISBN: 0672325853
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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