Tips About Wizard-Generated Code

Ultimately all the GUI tools produce code and that is what you must understand. The following discussion highlights those aspects of the code that you need to know.

The Container class declaration (see Listing 6.2) exists solely to support the IDE. As shown in Listing 6.1, a Windows Forms application will run fine without it.

Listing 6.2 Container Declaration (Wizard.cs)
 private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null; 

The constructor (see Listing 6.3) starts off with a simple, but important, call to InitializeComponent. This is the method where all the changes to the form's visual appearance are placed. Any code you add to the constructor needs to go after the call to InitializeComponent, where the form will be initialized and safe to work with. Any GUI changes before InitializeComponent would be rendered useless if something inside InitializeComponent modified the same GUI objects.

Listing 6.3 A Windows Forms Constructor (Wizard.cs)
 public WinForm() {    //    // Required for Windows Form Designer support    //    InitializeComponent();    //    // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call    // } 

The InitializeComponent method (see Listing 6.4) is enclosed in region/endregion preprocessing directives. They are called preprocessor directives, in the tradition of C and C++, although C# does not have a preprocessor. They can be used in any code to help organize it in the designer. The code folding tree on the left will collapse entire regions, leaving only the additional code on the #region line displayed.

Listing 6.4 The InitializeComponent Method (Wizard.cs)
 #region Windows Form Designer generated code /// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() {    this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();    this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(300,300);    this.Text = "WinForm"; } #endregion 

If you recall from Listing 6.1, the Text property was in the constructor. With the IDE, these changes are added to the InitializeComponent method. Generally, you shouldn't modify the code in this method because it is generated by the designer. Doing so has the potential to break the interactivity between code and designer components. It is important to look in this method to find out and understand what the designer is doing for you. We would all like to believe that our tools will take care of everything for us. However, the reality is that all software has bugs, so having to go in and fix a problem in InitializeComponent is a rare but necessary evil.

Another important method, generated by the wizard, is Dispose (see Listing 6.5). The purpose of this method is to implement the Dispose pattern, which is the proper way to release unmanaged resources. In Windows programming, numerous unmanaged resources must be released when no longer needed. Failure to dispose of these resources can bring an application to a screeching halt. Therefore, knowing and learning the Dispose pattern is important, especially for Windows Forms.

Listing 6.5 The Dispose Method (Wizard.cs)
 protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) {    if (disposing)    {       if (components != null)       {          components.Dispose();       }    }    base.Dispose(disposing); } 

Another important piece of code, which I conveniently left out of Listing 6.1, is the STAThread attribute (see Listing 6.6) on the Main method. The STAThread attribute enables an application to run in Single Threaded Apartment (STA) when communicating with COM objects. Because all VBA and ActiveX components are STA, the STAThread attribute is a good default. The alternative of leaving it out causes the application to run as Multi-Threaded Apartment (MTA), which could cause problems unless you understand COM and know what you are doing.

Listing 6.6 The STAThread Attribute (Wizard.cs)
 [STAThread] static void Main() {    Application.Run(new WinForm()); } 

HANDS OFF InitializeComponent, OR REALLY?

I've worked with several systems that automatically generate code and declare that no one should ever touch that code. Some are really good and appear to stay true to the promise that the code is free of error. However, more often than not, there are occasionally errors in auto-generated code. After all, it is software, and it is this author's opinion that all software has bugs.

I've seen errors generated by auto-generated software on plenty of occasions, and people react to them differently. People new to the technology tend to believe that the error couldn't have been in the auto-generated code and waste much time looking elsewhere for the problem. My premise is that developers should understand what is being generated so that they can fix bugs when they occur. With some systems, auto-generated code can be so difficult to understand that very few people would have the skill to do this. However, the code generated by C#Builder in the InitializeComponent method is something every .NET developer can and should understand.

C# Builder KickStart
C# Builder KickStart
ISBN: 672325896
Year: 2003
Pages: 165 © 2008-2017.
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