Project84.A Bash and Tcsh Reference

Project 84. A Bash and Tcsh Reference

"What's the correct syntax for . . . ?"

This project looks at the syntax of common shell commands such as variable assignment, redirection, and shell scripting statements. It shows the syntax for Bash and Tcshthe two shells that are used most often in Mac OS X Unix.

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Project 5 compares the various shell flavors.

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Project 4 covers shell variables and environment variables, and how they differ.

Set Variables

Table 9.2 shows you how to set shell variables and environment variables.

Table 9.2. Setting Variables




Shell variable


set variable = value

Environment variable

ENVVAR=value; export ENVVAR

setenv ENVVAR value

Environment variable (Bash only)

declare -x ENVVAR=value


Redirection and Pipelining

Table 9.3 shows the syntax employed by both shells to express redirection and pipelining.

Table 9.3. Syntax for Redirection and Pipelining

Redirect or Pipe




cmd > file

cmd > file


cmd 2> file

(cmd >/dev/tty) >& file

stdout appending

cmd >> file

cmd >> file

stderr appending

cmd 2>> file

(cmd > /dev/tty) >>& file

stdout with clobber

cmd >| file

cmd >! file

stderr with clobber

cmd 2>| file

(cmd > /dev/tty) >&! file

Both to same file

cmd &> file

cmd >& file

Both to different files

cmd > out 2> err

(cmd > out) >& err

Merge stdout into stderr

cmd 1>&2


Merge stderr onto stdout

cmd 2>&1



cmd < file

cmd < file

Pipe stdout

cmd1 | cmd 2

cmd1 | cmd2

Pipe both

cmd1 2>&1 | cmd2

cmd1 |& cmd2

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Project 6 covers the concepts of redirection and pipelining.

Tee Time

To see the output of a command onscreen and redirect it to a file, use the tee command.

$ ls Sites | tee list.txt images index.html $ cat list.txt images index.html

To redirect to multiple files, just type the names of the files as arguments. Apply option -a to append to the output files rather than overwrite them.

Startup Files

The following script files are executed by the Bash shell when it starts up. For login shells (or shells started with the command bash --login), they are

  • /etc/profile

  • ~/.bash_profile


Noninteractive Bash shells do not execute any startup files.

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Project 47 covers the shell startup sequence.

For non-login shells, they are

  • /etc/bashrc (though the Bash manual claims otherwise)

  • ~/.bashrc

The following script files are executed by the Tcsh shell when it starts up. For login shells (or shells started with the command tcsh -l), they are

  • /etc/csh.cshrc

  • /etc/csh.login

  • ~/.tcshrc

  • ~/.login

For non-login shells, they are

  • /etc/csh.cshrc

  • ~/.tcshrc

Control Constructs

Syntax for each Bash and Tcsh control construct is illustrated in the following examples. All the scripts actually work, so you can play around with them.

The if Construct

#!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = "positive" ]; then   echo "Yes" elif [ "$1" = "negative" ]; then   echo "No" else   echo "Not sure" fi #!/bin/tcsh if ("$1" == "positive") then   echo "Yes" else if ("$1" == "negative") then   echo "No" else   echo "Not sure" endif

The case/switch Construct

#!/bin/bash case "$1" in   "positive")     echo "Yes"   ;;   "negative")     echo "No"   ;;   *)     echo "Not sure"   ;; esac #!/bin/tcsh switch ("$1")   case "positive":     echo "Yes"   breaksw   case "negative":     echo "No"   breaksw   default:     echo "Not sure"   breaksw endsw

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Project 10 gives examples of control constructs in a shell script.

The for Loop

#!/bin/bash for word in hello goodbye au-revoir; do   echo $word done #!/bin/tcsh foreach word (hello goodbye au-revoir)     echo $word end

The while Loop

#!/bin/bash n=0 while [ ! $n = 10 ]; do   echo $n   n=$(expr $n + 1) done #!/bin/tcsh set n = 0 while ($n != 10)   echo $n   set n = `expr $n + 1` end

Mac OS X UNIX 101 Byte-Sized Projects
Mac OS X Unix 101 Byte-Sized Projects
ISBN: 0321374118
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 153
Authors: Adrian Mayo © 2008-2017.
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