Section 11.3. Targeted Example Policy

11.3. Targeted Example Policy

The target example policy is derived from the strict example policy, and its structure and organization are nearly identical. Whereas the strict policy attempts to make maximum use of all the SELinux power to provide strong security for most programs, the targeted policy has a goal to isolate high-risk programs and otherwise make SELinux neutral. The benefit of the targeted policy is that significant security can be added to a Linux system while reducing the risk of causing problems with existing user programs. The targeted policy primarily focuses on network-facing system services (that is, those components most likely to be attacked by outsiders) and generally enforces no additional restrictions on local programs and ordinary users. The targeted policy is the standard policy for RHEL and FC systems because it strikes a good balance between enhanced security while reducing the risk of excessive application breakage.

If installed (see Appendix A), we should be able to see the targeted example policy sources in /etc/selinux/targeted/src/policy/. In most respects, the targeted example policy source looks exactly like the strict example policy sources so we do not provide a detailed overview of the targeted file structure. We instead highlight the differences.

The primary difference between strict and targeted example policies is the use of the unconfined domain type (unconfined_t) and removal of any other user domain type (for example, sysadm_t, user_t). This also means the basic role structure of the strict example policy is removed (all users run as system_r) and that nearly all user-run programs execute with the unconfined_t domain type.

We can find the unconfined domain defined in ./domain/unconfined.te. Notice that in the targeted example policy, the strict policy files admin.te and user.te are no longer present in ./domains/. These files define the various user domains for the strict example policy, each of which has limited privilege. In targeted example policy, all programs run with unconfined_t domain type unless they are specifically "targeted" (hence the name). The unconfined domain essentially has access to all SELinux types, making it largely exempt from the SELinux security controls (hence "unconfined").

This leads to the next major difference between strict and targeted policies (that is, the targets themselves). In the strict example policy, ./domains/program/ contains many policy modules, each of which represents one or more domain types and associated types and rules for specific programs. In the targeted example policy, this directory contains a smaller set of files; these are the targets.

The target example policy modules are similar to the policy modules in strict policy. For example, we should find the strict ping module and the targeted ping module to be identical. However some of the targeted modules simply define types but then make the domain unconfined (rather than targeted). For example, if we look at the targeted policy for crond (crond.te), we will find the line unconfined_domain(crond_t). This macro, which is defined in ./policy/macros/global_macros.te for the targeted example policy, effectively gives the crond domain type all SELinux access, making it unconfined. If we compare this with the strict version of the crond module (/etc/selinux/strict/src/policy/domains/program/crond.te), we will see a significant difference. In targeted policy, crond is considered an unconfined domain, whereas ping remains a strict domain in both policies.

The remaining differences between strict and targeted example polices are subtle and outside the scope of this book. You will find that the make targets and build options are all similar to strict.

SELinux by Example(c) Using Security Enhanced Linux
SELinux by Example: Using Security Enhanced Linux
ISBN: 0131963694
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 154 © 2008-2017.
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