

saturation, 23

Save As Command, 160-161

scanners, using, 40-41

screen modes, 15

searching, with keywords, 172


color, 48-49; 51-52

ellipses, 48, 49

fixed-aspect ratio, 49

fixed sizes, 49

Magic Wand Tool, 47-49

Lasso Tools, 50-51, 53-54

rectangles, 48, 49

selection borders, 53-54, 55


adding, 53

border, converting to a, 53

cropping, 54

deleting, 55

duplicating, 56

expanding/contracting, 54; 55

modifying, 52

moving, 56

multiple, 54

painting with Quick Masks, 62-63

saving/loading, 56

subtracting, 53

transforming, 52-53

sepia tone, 85, 134, 136

shadows, 115-120, 124, 125, 129

shape drawing tools, 50-51, 94-95

Shape Layer, pasting from Adobe Illustrator, 39

Sharpen Tool, 131


drop down button, 14

keyboard, 14

layers, 69

marquee tools, switching, 48

Page Setup, 162

start, 3

tools, 14

Shutterfly, 157

sliders, 9, 43

Smudge Tool, 131

snapshot, 21

special effects, 146-150

spell checking, 142-143

start, from keyboard, 3

Start menu, 2

status bar, 6, 9

statistical information, viewing, 116-117

straight line drawing, 50

Styles Palette, 146

swatches, 11, 115

Photoshop CS QuickSteps
Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps
ISBN: 0071625372
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 59 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: