Chapter 11. Music and Movies

Some people are truly busy people. Most of the rest of the busy people fall into two categories. There are the people who like to say they are busy because it makes them feel important. These busy people are the ones who often tell you how little sleep they get, how much driving around they have to do, how many projects they have going on. They boast so that you will then think that these busy people are special people who are so needed that they can't even sit down for one minute. Then there are the busy people who say they are busy so that they can get out of doing what they are supposed to do. These busy people are the ones who don't speak up until they are asked to do some unpleasant task or to attend an unwanted social function. Suddenly, they are so busy.

"Honey, are you ready to help me clean the car?" my husband called out one afternoon.

I looked around the room for some saving grace, some out. All I was doing was watching a movie on my computer and organizing my MP3 collection.

"Susan?" he repeated.

I needed an answer. "I'm sorry, I can't. I'm really busy right now."

Guess which kind of busy person I am.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm, I'm . . . ." What excuse could I turn my current activities into? "I'm doing research!"

Yeah, that sounded busy.

"I'm researching whether Elvis is still alive." I smacked myself in the head. That ruined it. There went my good, busy excuse. As if checking to see if Elvis is still around is an important enough excuse to get out of doing anything.

Still, it was an interesting question. I dragged my feet outside to go help clean the car, but I wondered about Elvis the whole time. There were so many strange facts to consider. There was the conflicting weight on the death certificate, the sightings, and the jumpsuits that were so sparkly and magical. Crackpots had been gathering evidence and conspiracy theories for years, but I could take a new path in researching Elvis's current whereabouts. I could find him by playing his own music over and over. I could watch his movies for signs of his impending plot to fool the world.

Linux Desktop(c) Garage
Linux(R) Desktop Garage
ISBN: 0131494198
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 141 © 2008-2017.
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