Section 15.3. Random and Pseudorandom Numbers

15.3. Random and Pseudorandom Numbers

The random module of the standard Python library generates pseudorandom numbers with various distributions. The underlying uniform pseudorandom generator uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, with a period of length 2**19937-1. (Older versions of Python used the Whichmann-Hill algorithm, with a period of length 6,953,607,871,644.)

15.3.1. Physically random and cryptographically strong random numbers

Pseudorandom numbers provided by module random, while very good, are not of cryptographic quality. If you want higher-quality random numbers (ideally, physically generated random numbers rather than algorithmically generated pseudorandom numbers), in Python 2.4, you can call os.urandom (from module os, not random).



Returns n random bytes, read from physical sources of random bits such as /dev/urandom on recent Linux releases or from cryptographical-strength sources such as the CryptGenRandom API on Windows. If no suitable source exists on the current system, urandom raises NotImplementedError.

For an alternative source of physically random numbers, see The random module

All functions of module random are methods of one hidden global instance of class random.Random. You can instantiate Random explicitly to get multiple generators that do not share state. Explicit instantiation is advisable if you require random numbers in multiple threads (threads are covered in Chapter 14). This section documents the most frequently used functions exposed by module random.



Returns a random item from nonempty sequence seq.



Returns a nonnegative long integer with k random bits, like choice(xrange(2**k)) (but much faster and with no problems for large k).


getstate( )

Returns a hashable, pickleable, and marshalable object S representing current state of the generator. You can later pass S to function setstate to restore the generator's state.



Advances the generator state as if n random numbers had been generated. Computing the new state is faster than generating n random numbers would be.


random( )

Returns a random float r from a uniform distribution such that 0<=r<1.



Like choice(xrange(start,stop,step)), but much faster.



Returns a new list whose k items are unique items randomly drawn from seq. The list is in random order so that any slice is an equally valid random sample. seq may contain duplicate items. In this case, each occurrence of an item is a candidate for selection in the sample, and the sample may also contain duplicates.



Initializes the generator state. x can be any hashable object. When x is None, and automatically when module random is first loaded, seed uses the current system time (or some platform-specific source of randomness, if any) to get a seed. x is normally a long integer up to 27814431486575L. Larger x values are accepted, but may produce the same generator states as smaller ones.



Restores the generator state. S must be the result of a previous call to getstate (such a call may have occurred in another program, or in a previous run of this program, as long as object S has correctly been transmitted, or saved and restored).



Shuffles, in place, mutable sequence alist.



Returns a random floating-point number r from a uniform distribution such that a<=r<b.

Module random also supplies functions that generate pseudorandom floating-point numbers from other probability distributions (Beta, Gamma, exponential, Gauss, Pareto, etc.) by internally calling random.random as their source of randomness.

Python in a Nutshell
Python in a Nutshell, Second Edition (In a Nutshell)
ISBN: 0596100469
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 192
Authors: Alex Martelli © 2008-2017.
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