Appendix A -: Measurement Scales

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Appendix A -: Measurement Scales

Knowledge Worker Scale

Please state how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

  • I rely extensively on information technology (IT) to perform my work.

  • My job is characterized by non-repetitive tasks.

  • I use IT in multiple ways with the varying job tasks that I face.

  • The output of my work is hard to quantify.

  • I exercise considerable control over my work.

Planning Norms Scale

Every work group develops its own "rules of the game" and then pressures each member to follow them. While these norms, as they are called, are seldom written down or discussed, this questionnaire enables you to identify the ones that are operating in your work group.

The following is a list of 20 pairs of statements regarding informal IT planning. Please circle the number that reflects which statement best corresponds to a norm operating in your primary work group and how strongly it is operating. If the statement to the left of the scale is more relevant, circle a number from 1 to 3. If the statement to the right of the scale is more relevant, circle a number from 4 to 6. Please rate either the left statement or the right statement of a same line, but not both at the same time.

Do not try to discover ways of improving the planning process.

Try to discover ways of improving the planning process.

Do not willingly take on additional tasks even if they might benefit planning.

Take on additional tasks if they might benefit planning.

Do not show enthusiasm for actions that may improve planning performance.

Show enthusiasm for actions that may improve planning performance.

Do not get involved in informal planning issues and problems.

Be actively involved in informal planning issues and problems.

Do not interact with other groups when working on informal planning issues.

Interact with other groups when working on informal planning issues.

Do not go out of your way to give new planning ideas a fair chance.

Give new planning ideas a fair chance.

Do not encourage informal planning behavior that results in changes and improvements.

Encourage informal planning behavior that results in changes and improvements.

Do not get involved in informal planning if that conflicts with your own goals and interests.

Get involved in informal planning even if that conflicts with your own goals and interests.

Do not suggest improvements to plans even if there are better ways of doing things.

Suggest improvements to plans if there are better ways of doing things.

Do not encourage changes to existing plans.

Encourage changes to existing plans.

Do not cooperate with your colleagues in making decisions about informal planning issues.

Cooperate with your colleagues in making decisions about informal planning issues.

Do not share planning information with others.

Share planning information with others.

Discourage creativity in planning.

Encourage creativity in planning.

Do as little as necessary to achieve planning objectives.

Do what is required to achieve planning objectives.

Intrinsic Motivation Scale

The following statements describe how people may feel about IT planning. Please state how often you experience such feelings whenever you are involved in IT planning within your primary work group. Please circle the appropriate number on the scale.

  • Being involved in IT planning activities makes me feel competent.

  • I like contributing to IT planning.

  • The challenge posed by IT planning really increases my interest in my work.

  • I feel a sense of achievement when I am involved in IT planning.

  • I enjoy using my abilities in IT planning.

  • I usually become further absorbed with work whenever I am involved in IT planning.

  • I feel considerable pride in knowing that I am contributing to IT planning.

  • I am motivated by the opportunity for independent thought provided by my involvement in IT planning.

IT Planning Effectiveness Scale

Your involvement in IT planning within your primary work group leads to certain outcomes for your organization, your work group, and yourself. The following items describe those items that are directly relevant to you. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

During the past year, my continuous involvement in IT planning has:

  • Increased my commitment to planning, both formal and informal.

  • Improved my understanding of both formal and informal planning issues.

  • Improved my relations with IS people.

  • Improved my understanding of IT and its uses.

  • Increased my input into formal IT planning.

  • Enhanced my understanding of organizational processes.

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Advanced Topics in End User Computing (Vol. 3)
Advanced Topics in End User Computing, Vol. 3
ISBN: 1591402573
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 191 © 2008-2017.
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