The do...while Loop

The do while Loop

do while loops arrange execution of a loop consisting of any number of statements when the number of iterations is not known beforehand. The body of the loop will be executed at least once. The loop exits when a certain logical condition becomes false.

In C++, the do while loop has the following form:

 do  {    <statements>  }  while <condition> 

Write some code for computing the sum of the first four elements of an integer array. Let the number of its elements be seven. To implement this task, use the following variables :

  • x1 ”an integer array of seven elements

  • Ix1 ”the index of the current element of the array

  • Sumx1 ”the current total value

A fragment of the C++ code shown in Listing 4.7 is quite simple.

Listing 4.7: A fragment of the C++ code that finds the sum of the first four elements of an array
image from book
 ... int X1[7] = {2,   4, 5, 1,   1, 9, 3};  int IX1 = 0;  int sumX1 = 0;  do  {    sumX1 = sumX1 + X1[1X1];    IX1++;  }  while (IX1 <= 3);   ... 
image from book

An assembly variant of the do while loop is shown in Listing 4.8.

Listing 4.8: The do while loop implemented in the assembler
image from book
 .686  .model flat  .data    X1    DD  2,   2 3, 5, 9,   1, 9, 3    SX1   DD  $X1    IX1   DD  1    CNT   EQU 3    SUMX1 DD  0  .code    start:    push    EBX    mov     EBX, offset X1    mov     EAX, 0    mov     EDX, DWORD PTR SX1    shr     EDX, 2    cmp     EDX, CNT    jl      EXIT  NEXT:    add     EAX, [EBX]    cmp     DWORD PTR 1X1, CNT    jg      EXIT    inc     DWORD PTR 1X1    add     EBX, 4    jmp     NEXT  EXIT:    mov     DWORD PTR SUMX1, EAX    pop     EBX    . . .  end start 
image from book

First, all necessary variables are initialized . To access the elements of the array, its address is put to the EBX register:

 mov    EBX, offset X1 

The initial total value equal to zero is put to the EAX register:

 mov   EAX, 0 

The condition of the do while loop is checked in the assembly code with the following command:

 cmp    DWORD PTR IX1, CNT 

where IX1 is the current array index.

Since an integer value of an array element takes a double word in the memory, to access the next element, you should increase the address value by four, just like in the previous example:

 add    EBX, 4 

The result is put to the SUMX1 variable for later use.

Visual C++ Optimization with Assembly Code
Visual C++ Optimization with Assembly Code
ISBN: 193176932X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 50
Authors: Yury Magda © 2008-2017.
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