

All PF features are configured in /etc/pf.conf. You're going to be very good friends with this file before we're through, but we'll start with an overview. The /etc/pf.conf file contains statements and rules, whose format varies with the feature they configure. As the PF features manipulate packets in very specific ways, not only is the order of rules extremely important but also the order in which the features are configured matters greatly. If you try to do stateful inspection before you reassemble packet fragments, for example, things will not work properly.

The default /etc/pf.conf has the sample rules in order by feature, but if you're in the slightest danger of becoming confused, I suggest that you put large comment markers between them, in capital letters if necessary. (Use standard pound signs to comment /etc/pf.conf.) The features must [2] be entered in /etc/pf.conf in this exact order:

  • Macros

  • Tables

  • Options

  • Traffic normalization

  • Bandwidth management

  • Translation

  • Redirection

  • Packet filtering

No matter what section a particular rule may be in, it will have this general format:

 1 pass 2 in 3 on fxp0 proto tcp from any to port 22 keep state 

The first word is a 1 keyword labeling what sort of rule this is. Each sort of rule has its own keywords. This particular rule is a packet-filtering rule. 2 "in" is the direction the packet is traveling. 3 "on fxp0" labels which interface this packet is crossing. The remainder of the rule line varies with the sort of rule it is. This particular example happens to be a packet-filtering rule.

In and Out

Two keywords that appear in many sorts of PF rules are "in" and "out." When you're building a firewall, the word "in" usually means "traffic coming into the protected network," and "out" means "traffic leaving the protected network."

Your OpenBSD system does not magically know which side of your network is protected and which is not. As far as your packet filter is concerned, it is just controlling traffic from one interface to another. The keyword "in" means traffic flowing into the machine from the network," while "out" means "traffic leaving the machine for the network."

When you see the word "in" or "out" in a PF rule, do not think about your network as a whole. Imagine that you're very small and sitting on your CPU, toasting marshmallows over the heat sink and watching packets enter and leave the computer. You cannot see what lies beyond the computer case, just the packets as they come and go. Packets marked with an "in" are coming toward you, while packets marked with "out" are leaving.

"My Network Can Do No Wrong"

While we're on the subject of which way is in and which is out, let's spend a moment and ponder in and out of the network as a whole. Many network administrators who build a firewall carefully filter and restrict incoming traffic, but only apply minimal restrictions on outgoing traffic.

While control of incoming traffic is among the most in-your-face issues of network management, control of outgoing traffic is also quite important. Even if you trust your users, viruses or Trojans can convert a salesperson's workstation into a garbage-spewing pest. Do not assume that your network can do no wrong — it can be malicious, and one day it will, but careful traffic control can minimize the damage you will inflict upon your neighbors, clients, and customers. And believe me; even if the system that wreaks havoc is the Windows 98 workstation that a senior company officer refuses to give up, the mayhem it causes will be considered the fault and responsibility of the network administrator.

Logical Operators

Many application protocols use a range of network ports, or you may want rules that apply to a particular group of hosts with one or two exceptions. FTP, for example, is notorious for connecting over random high-numbered ports. PF makes it easy to specify ranges and groups by including a variety of logical operators.

In the examples here we're going to look at some sorts of rules you haven't yet seen, but don't let that worry you. Just keep the logical operator examples in mind as we go on.


Equals exactly this (default)


Does not equal this


Is less than


Is less than or equal to


Is greater than


Is greater than or equal to this


Anything between two numbers, exclusive


Anything outside two numbers, exclusive

The equal symbol is the implicit default in PF rules. Our previous example could have been written like this:

 pass in proto udp from port 1 = 53 to port 1 = 53 

Note the 1 equal signs in the middle of the port declaration. This makes absolutely no functional difference, but some people find such rules more readable.

The not-equal symbol can be used to exclude a port, host, or interface from a rule. For example, here we allow traffic to enter the system from any interface except fxp3:

 pass in on !fxp3 from any to any 

We could also block traffic from going to particular ports. Here, we allow the world at large to connect to any service on this machine except SSH. (In most cases you would write a block rule instead, but this is certainly a legitimate way of doing it.)

 pass in from any to port != 22 

The other logical operators all apply only to port numbers. The > (greater than) and >= (greater than or equal to) operators can be used to specify a port above a certain range. Either can be used in most situations. For example, both of the following rules allow any packets to a port numbered 1024 or greater to pass:

 pass in proto tcp from any to any port > 1023 pass in proto tcp from any to any port >= 1024 

Similarly, you could prevent anyone with a UID 1100 or greater to make outbound connections. This can be helpful if you give your system administrators and trusted users a UID less that 1100, and untrusted users and customers higher UIDs.

 block out proto tcp from any to any user >= 1100 

You can also specify a range of ports with the "><" operator. This takes two arguments, the low port number and the high port number. This following rule allows TCP traffic on any port above 5000 but below 6000. Port 0 through 5000 will not be allowed, and ports 6000 or greater will also be rejected.

 pass in proto tcp from any to any port 5000><6000 

The "<>" operator matches ports that are not within a specific range. The following example allows access to TCP ports 0 through 5000, and ports 6000 and greater:

 pass in proto tcp from any to any port 5000<>6000 

Combining Entries with Braces

You may have a regular pattern of rules for certain hosts or ports. Perhaps you want a particular group of TCP ports open to a particular group of hosts, and your rule entries would just be repetitions with one minor change on each rule. Opening port 80 and 443 to a server requires two rules. For example, a set of 30 web servers means you have 60 rules that are almost identical. Curly braces allow you to write these rules briefly and efficiently, thereby greatly reducing the risk of misconfigurations. (Again, while some of these examples make reference to rules that we haven't discussed yet, keep these examples in mind as we go on.)

Each entry within the braces creates a separate rule. This is easier to understand by example. For example, DNS queries run over UDP port 53, while zone transfers run over TCP port 53. You could write a UDP port 53 rule and a TCP port 53 rule like this:

 pass out proto 1 udp from any to any port 53 pass out proto 2 tcp from any to any port 53 

These rules are almost identical, with the exception of the 1 UDP and 2 TCP keywords, so you can combine them with braces:

 pass in proto {tcp, udp} from any to any port 53 

When the PF rule parser examines this entry, it will automatically expand it into a set of rules. You only have to write one rule, which is easier to maintain than two.

 pass in proto tcp from any to any port = domain pass in proto udp from any to any port = domain 

While this example is trivial, it quickly becomes quite useful when you have a large number of hosts with similar rules.

You can use multiple braces within a line. Suppose that you have two web servers, and, that need clients to access them on ports 80 and 443. Two servers, two ports, for a total of four rules. You could write rules for both protocols and both servers, much like this:

 pass in from any to port 80 pass in from any to port 443 pass in from any to port 80 pass in from any to port 443 

There's nothing wrong with this, but you can write the rule a little more easily using braces. The previous rules compress down to this:

 pass in proto tcp from any to {,} port {80,443} 

Again, when you load your PF rules into the kernel, the line above will be expanded to the full number of rules.

[2]Technically, macros and tables can appear anywhere in the rules, as long as they are defined before they are used — but scattering macros and tables throughout your ruleset is a good way to confuse yourself!

Absolute Openbsd(c) Unix for the Practical Paranoid
Absolute OpenBSD: Unix for the Practical Paranoid
ISBN: 1886411999
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 298 © 2008-2017.
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