
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

I/O-bound operations
IAsyncResult interface
     AsyncState property
     AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne( )
     IsCompleted property
IbackgroundTaskThreadMarshaller interface
ICalculator interface (example)
     implementing on web service classes
     proxy implementation classes
IChannel interface
IContextAttribute interface
IContextProperty interface
     IsNewContextOK( )
IContributeClientContextSink interface
IContributeEnvoySink interface
IContributeObjectSink interface
IContributeServerContextSink interface 2nd
identifiers, globally unique (GUIDs) 2nd
identities (WindowsIdentity)
identity permissions
IDeserializationCallback interface 2nd
     deserializing event vs.
         custom serialization and
IDisposable interface
     calling Dispose( ) on single-call objects
     Cleanup( ), calling
     remote objects with expired leases
     using statements and
IDL (Interface Definition Language) files
IDL interfaces
IFormatter interface 2nd
IGenericFormatter interface
IIdentity interface
     IsAuthenticated property
IIS, hosting with
IL (intermediate language)
     .NET binary compatibility and
     generics, native support of
     language independence of .NET components
     partial types and
ILDASM utility, viewing assembly metadata with
ILease interface
     CurrentState property
     Register( )
     Renew( )
     Unregister( )
IMessage interface 2nd
IMessageSink interface
     LogSink class implementation
IMethodMessage interface
IMethodReturnMessage interface
implementation, binary inheritance of
implicit casts
     generic type parameters
     IDisposable interface
implicit interface implementation
     generic interfaces
indexers, interface
     web services and
indirect scope nesting
Infinite static constant (Timeout class)
information files
     SolutionInfo.cs file
     access modifiers and
     C# directives
     in .NET 2nd
     interfaces vs.
     link-time demand and
     serialization events and
InheritanceDemand (SecurityAction)
Inherited property
initial and maximum thresholds (garbage collection)
InitializeLifetimeService( )
     Logbook component
initiallyOwned flag (mutex)
initialState flag (EventWaitHandle)
input/output (I/O)
     asynchronous read on FileStream object
     IO-bound operations
InstallUtil.exe utility
instance fields, .NET serialization
instance of a component (object)
instantiation, asynchronous
     reflection, use of
     security-aware, Visual Studio 2005
     support for delegates
interception, context and
     .NET context
         assigning objects to contexts
     call interception architecture
     component services
     custom component services
         custom context attribute
         installing custom message sink
         logbook service (example)
         transaction management service
     same-context calls
Interface Definition Language (IDL) files
interface shim
interface-based web services
     .NET support
     client-side steps
     problem statement
     service-side steps
     .NET, binary compatibility and
     access to server objects via
     base, in COM
     client access to objects
     COM, binary compatibility and
     constructors and
     designing and factoring
         factoring metrics
     encapsulation of data
     generics and
         deriving from generic interface
         explicit implementation
         generic derivation constraints
         generic interface methods
         generic interfaces as operators
         interface-level constraints
     inheritance vs.
     packaging in assemblies
     public and internal access modifiers
     separating from implementation 2nd
         explicit implementation
     sink, writing
     using statements
     Visual Studio 2005
         interface refactoring
     working with
         class hierarchies
         implementing multiple
         methods, properties, and events
         partial types
         type safety
         using as base type for structs
Interlocked class
internal access modifier, interfaces
internal components
     StrongNameIdentityPermission attribute, using for
internal delegate list, accessing with GetInvocationList( )
InternalsVisibleTo attribute 2nd
Internet Explorer
     trusted and untrusted sites
     Trusted Sites list
     Untrusted Sites zone list
Internet Information Server (IIS), hosting with
Internet permission set 2nd
Internet zone
Internet_Same_Site_Access code group
Internet_Zone code group
interoperation (interop layer)
     call conflicting with Thread.Abort( )
     declarative security applied directly to method
     strong names for assemblies
     unmanaged code access permissions
interoperation (interop) layer
     use of Clipboard
Interrupt( ) (Thread) 2nd
Intersect( ) (IPermission)
Intranet_Same_Directory_Access code group
Intranet_Same_Site_Access code group
InvalidOperationException class
Invoke( ) 2nd
     ISynchronizeInvoke interface
     MethodInfo class
InvokeDelegate( )
InvokeRequired property (ISynchronizeInvoke)
IObjectHandle interface
IPC (Inter-Process Communication) protocol
     client-side type registration, URLs
     registering channel
IpcChannel class
     binary formatter
IPermission interface
     Demand( ) 2nd
     permission interactions, methods for
IPrincipal interface
     CustomPrincipal implementation (example)
     implementation for custom principal
     IsInRole( )
is operator, using on generic type parameters
IsAuthenticated property (IIdentity)
IsBackground property (Thread)
IsCompleted property (IAsyncResult interface)
IsContextOK( )
ISecurityEncodable interface
ISerializable interface 2nd
     custom serialization and base classes
IServerChannelSinkProvider interface
IsFirstInstance( )
IsInRole( )
     GenericPrincipal class
     IPrincipal interface 2nd
     WindowsPrincipal class
IsNewContextOK( ) (IContextProperty)
IsNotSerialized property (FieldInfo)
ISponsor interface 2nd
IsSerializable property
IsSubsetOf( ) (IPermission)
IStackWalk interface
     Assert( )
     PermitOnly( )
IsThreadPoolThread property (Thread class)
IsUserInRole( )
     RoleProvider class
     Roles class
ISynchronizeInvoke interface
     events and
     InvokeRequired property
     timers and
     Windows Forms and
         encapsulating ISynchronizeInvoke
         thread-safe access to label
IUserManager interface
     implementation as web service

Programming. NET Components
Programming .NET Components, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0596102070
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 145
Authors: Juval Lowy

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