Administrator Recipe: New Job

The administrator's role in this application is limited to two interconnected tasks: creating records for new job openings and new employees. Although both are, at their core, insert record routines, the implementations have some notable features. The new job page, for example, includes server-side (with a little JavaScript assist) dynamic lists in which a choice in one list alters the options in another.

Step 1: Implement New Job Design

Let's create our static page first.

  1. Create a basic dynamic page, either by hand or derived from a template.

    graphics/book.gif In the EmployeeLookup folder, locate the folder for your server model and open the new_job page found there.

  2. Add a table to the content region of your page to contain the interface elements for the application.

    graphics/book.gif From the Snippets panel, drag the Recipes > EmployeeLookup > Wireframes > New Job - Wireframe snippet into the Content editable region.

  3. Within the table, insert the form and necessary form elements for the new job. If you follow our example for this page, you'll need two list elements: one for the departments and one for the manager, in addition to a text field for the job and a Submit button.

    graphics/book.gif Place your cursor in the row below the words NEW JOB and insert the Recipes > EmployeeLookup > Forms > Enter Job Information - Form snippet [r2-15].

    Figure r2-15.


Step 2: Add Database Components

To populate two lists, two recordsets are required, but these two are interconnected. Because each department has its own managers (each of whom could be responsible for a new job), the list of managers depends on which department is chosen. Although the Department recordset is a simple collection of all the available departments, the Manager recordset is filtered by the Department recordset selection. To accomplish this, the SQL keyword TOP is used; TOP limits the number of records in a recordset to a specified value. For example, the SQL statement


would return the first 10 records from a recordset of all the employees who have a last name that starts with the letter L. As you'll see, our SQL statement will be limited to the TOP 1 returned for a specific department the selection.

Because MySQL does not include view support, we'll again use the method of creating the needed data on-the-fly with later hand-coded functions for the more complex Manager recordset.

Let's start by adding the straightforward Department recordset.

  1. From the Bindings panel, choose Add (+) and select Recordset.

  2. Make sure the Simple Recordset dialog is displayed and give the new recordset a meaningful name.

    graphics/book.gif Enter Departments in the Recordset field.

  3. Select the connection to your data source.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Recipes from the Connections or Data Source list.

  4. Select the table containing the department details.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Departments (departments in PHP) from the Table list.

  5. Keep the Columns option set to All.

  6. Leave both the Filter and Sort option set to None and click OK to close the dialog.

With the Department recordset ready to go, we can develop the one for the managers. In addition to employing a SELECT TOP clause, the Manager recordset also uses an Access view, which combines data from the Managers and Departments tables. The SQL for the view is as follows:


[View full width]

SELECT [EmployeeID], [EmployeeFirst] & ' ' & [EmployeeLast] AS ManagerName, [Jobs].[JobDept] FROM Employees INNER JOIN (Jobs INNER JOIN Departments ON [Jobs].[JobDept]=[Departments] graphics/ccc.gif.[DepartmentID]) ON [Employees].[EmployeeJob]=[Jobs].[JobID];

Establishing the recordsets is just the first step in linking the two list elements, but it is a critical one.

  1. From the Bindings panel, choose Add (+) and select Recordset.

  2. In the advanced Recordset dialog, enter an appropriate name for the recordset.

    graphics/book.gif Enter Managers in the Name field.

  3. Choose your connection from the drop-down list.

    graphics/book.gif Select Recipes from the Connections list.

  4. In the SQL area, enter the following code:

     SELECT * FROM ManagersByDepartment WHERE JobDept = IDParam 
  5. In the Variable area, choose Add (+) and enter IDParam in the Name column.

  6. In the Default Value column, enter this:

     (SELECT TOP 1 DepartmentID FROM Departments) 
  7. In the Run-Time Value column, enter Request("DeptID") and click OK to close the dialog and insert the recordset.

For ColdFusion
  1. From the Bindings panel, choose Add (+) and select Recordset.

  2. In the advanced Recordset dialog, enter an appropriate name for the recordset.

    graphics/book.gif Enter Managers in the Name field.

  3. Choose your data source from the drop-down list.

    graphics/book.gif Select Recipes from the Data Source list.

  4. If necessary, enter the username and password for the data source in the corresponding fields.

  5. In the SQL area, enter the following code:

     SELECT * FROM ManagersByDepartment WHERE JobDept = #URL.DeptID# 
  6. In the Page Parameters section, select Add (+) to display the Add Parameter dialog.

  7. In the Add Parameter dialog, enter URL.DeptID in the Name field.

  8. In the Default Value fields, enter

     (SELECT TOP 1 DepartmentID FROM Departments) 
  9. Click OK once to close the Add Parameter dialog and again to insert the recordset.



Before you begin this step, you'll need to copy the SQL code from the appropriate snippet by right-clicking on Recipes > EmployeeLookup > SQL > Managers RS - PHP SQL Statement snippet and then, from the context menu, choose Copy Snippet.

  1. From the Bindings panel, choose Add (+) and select Recordset.

  2. In the advanced Recordset dialog, enter an appropriate name for the recordset.

    graphics/book.gif Enter Managers in the Name field.

  3. Choose your connection from the drop-down list.

    graphics/book.gif Select Recipes from the Connections list.

  4. In the SQL area, enter the following code:

    graphics/book.gif Paste the copied snippet into the SQL field by pressing Ctrl-V (Command-V).


    [View full width]

     SELECT managersbydepartment.* FROM managersbydepartment, graphics/ccc.gif departments, jobs WHERE (((managersbydepartment.JobID = jobs graphics/ccc.gif.JobID) AND (jobs.JobDepartment = departments graphics/ccc.gif.DepartmentID))AND (departments.DepartmentID = IDParam)) 

  5. In the Variable area, choose Add (+) and enter IDParam in the Name field of the Add Parameter dialog.

  6. In the Default Value field, enter 1.

  7. In the Run-Time Value field, enter $_GET['DeptID'] and click OK once to close the Add Parameter dialog and again to close the Recordset dialog and to insert the recordset.

    Now we'll wrap the just-entered recordset with our routines for creating and removing the temporary queries.

  8. From the Server Behavior panel, select the Managers recordset.

  9. Switch to Code view, and locate the highlighted code.

  10. Wrap the following code around the recordset:

    graphics/book.gif From the Snippets panel, insert the Recipes > EmployeeLookup > CustomCode_PHP > Temporary Query ManagersByDepartment snippet.



    [View full width]

     <?php mysql_select_db($database_Recipes, $Recipes); $query_ManagersByDepartment = "INSERT INTO graphics/ccc.gif managersbydepartment SELECT CONCAT(employees.EmployeeFirst,' graphics/ccc.gif ', employees.EmployeeLast) AS ManagerName, jobs.JobID, jobs graphics/ccc.gif.JobDepartment AS JobDept FROM employees, jobs, departments graphics/ccc.gif WHERE ((employees.EmployeeJob = jobs.JobID) AND (jobs graphics/ccc.gif.JobDepartment = departments.DepartmentID))"; mysql_query($query_ManagersByDepartment,$Recipes); ?> 



    [View full width]

     <?php $query_ManagersByDepartment = "DELETE FROM graphics/ccc.gif managersbydepartment "; mysql_query($query_ManagersByDepartment,$Recipes); ?> 

  11. Save the page.

Step 3: Data Binding Process

In addition to the standard procedure of binding the recordset fields to the form elements, we'll also need to add some JavaScript to cement the connection between the two lists. While the server-side coding is completely capable of filling one list based on the selection of another, you have to rely on client-side scripting to detect a new selection and resubmit the page to the server. But before we insert our JavaScript code, let's bind the data to the form elements.

  1. Select the Departments list element.

  2. From the Property inspector, select Dynamic.

  3. In the Dynamic List/Menu dialog, select the Departments recordset from the Options From Recordset list.

  4. In the Values field, choose DepartmentID.

  5. In the Labels field, select DepartmentName.

  6. In the Select Value Equal To field, choose the lightning symbol and, from the Dynamic Data dialog, choose JobDept (JobID in PHP) from the Managers recordset.

  7. Click OK once to close the Dynamic Data dialog and then again to close the Dynamic List/Menu dialog.

Now that the Department list is completed, let's move on to the Managers list element.

  1. Select the Managers list element.

  2. From the Property inspector, select Dynamic.

  3. In the Dynamic List/Menu dialog, select the Managers recordset from the Options From Recordset list.

  4. In the Values field, choose JobID.

  5. In the Labels field, select ManagerName.

  6. To avoid presetting the list to any specific value, leave the Select Value Equal To field blank.

  7. Click OK to close the Dynamic List/Menu dialog.

  8. Save your page.

Now it's time to add that JavaScript we've been talking about. We'll tie execution of the JavaScript code to the onChange event of the Department list. This will ensure that whenever a selection is made, the page will be resubmitted to the server with an argument conveying the selection which in turn triggers the SQL statement in the Managers recordset and repopulates the list.


Before you begin this step, you'll need to copy the SQL code from the appropriate snippet by right-clicking on Recipes > EmployeeLookup > ClientJavaScript > Department Behavior snippet and then, from the context menu, choose Copy Snippet.

  1. Select the Department list.

  2. From the Behaviors panel, choose Add (+) and select Call JavaScript.

  3. Enter the following code in the Call JavaScript dialog:


    [View full width]

     document.location.href = 'new_job.asp?DeptID='+document graphics/ccc.gif.forms[0].Departments.options[document.forms[0].Departments graphics/ccc.gif.selectedIndex].value 


    [View full width]

     document.location.href = 'new_job.cfm?DeptID='+document graphics/ccc.gif.forms[0].Departments.options[document.forms[0].Departments graphics/ccc.gif.selectedIndex].value 


    [View full width]

     document.location.href = 'new_job.php?DeptID='+document graphics/ccc.gif.forms[0].Departments.options[document.forms[0].Departments graphics/ccc.gif.selectedIndex].value 

  4. Click OK to close the dialog and insert the JavaScript.

  5. Make sure that the event in the Behaviors panel is onChange; if necessary, select the down triangle next to the event and choose onChange.

Test the dynamic list functionality in the browser. Choosing a new department should generate a new list of managers [r2-16].

Figure r2-16.


Step 4: Insert Record New Job

Now we're ready to add the Insert Record server behavior. It's important to keep in mind that both of the list elements in our example will submit their values to the data source as numbers. Why not the text displayed in the lists? Although the lists labels are textual, the underlying values are numeric. It's not unusual for data source schemas to include this dual functionality, which allows greater flexibility and integration with other tables.

  1. From the Server Behaviors panel, choose Add (+) and select Insert Record.

  2. In the Insert Record dialog, select your connection from the list.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Recipes from the Connections list.

  3. Select the table in the data source to modify from the list.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Jobs from the Insert into Table list.

  4. Enter the path to the file you want the user to visit after the record has been updated in the After Inserting, Go To field.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Browse and locate the employee_results.asp file.

  5. Choose the form to use.

    graphics/book.gif Select InsertJob from the Get Values From list.

  6. With the current form selected in the Get Values From list, set the form elements to their corresponding data source fields.

    graphics/book.gif Set the Department form element to the JobDept data column and submit as Numeric.

    graphics/book.gif Set the Managers form element to the JobManager data column and submit as Text.

    graphics/book.gif Set the JobTitle form element to the JobTitle data column and submit as Text.

  7. Verify your choices and click OK to close the dialog.

For ColdFusion and PHP
  1. From the Server Behaviors panel, choose Add (+) and select Insert Record.

  2. In the Insert Record dialog, choose the current form.

    graphics/book.gif Select InsertJob from the Submit Values From list.

  3. Select your data source from the list.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Recipes from the Data Source list.

  4. Enter your username and password, if needed.

  5. Select the table in the data source to insert into from the list.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Jobs (jobs for PHP) from the Insert Into Table list.

  6. Set the data source fields to their corresponding form elements.

    graphics/book.gif Make sure the JobID data column is set to be an unused Primary Key.

    Set JobDept to the FORM.Departments form element and submit as Numeric (Integer for PHP).

    Set JobTitle to the FORM.JobTitle form element and submit as Text.

    graphics/cf.gif Set JobManager to the FORM.Managers form element and submit as Numeric.

    graphics/php.gif Set ManagerID to the FORM.Managers form element and submit as Integer.

  7. Enter the path to the file you want the user to visit after the record has been inserted in the After Inserting, Go To field.

    graphics/book.gif Choose Browse and locate the employee_results file for your server model.

  8. Verify your choices and click OK to close the dialog.

  9. Don't forget to save the page.

Step 5: Error Text: No Job Openings

In the workflow of the overall application, the ability to create a new job opening in the data source is critical. If there are no job openings, you cannot, logically, hire a new employee; an informative error message should alert the user to the problem. In some other recipes such as user authentication error messages appeared to point out a problem on the same page. However, in this application, we'll insert an error message that occurs only when an error occurs in another page. This is accomplished by an If statement, which is triggered if the query string contains a variable named empty.

  1. Place the cursor on the page where you would like the error message to appear.

    graphics/book.gif Put the cursor in the row above the text Enter Job Information.

  2. Insert the following code:

    graphics/book.gif From the Snippets panel, open the Recipes > EmployeeLookup > Custom Code folder for your server model and insert the No Job Openings - Display Text snippet.


    [View full width]

     <%if (cStr(Request("empty"))<>"") then Response.Write("There graphics/ccc.gif are no  job openings for a new employee. You must add a job before graphics/ccc.gif adding  an employee.")%> 


    [View full width]

     <%=(String(Request("empty"))!="undefined")?"There are no job  openings for a new employee. You must add a job before graphics/ccc.gif adding an  employee.":""%> 


    [View full width]

     <cfif IsDefined("URL.empty")><cfoutput>There are no job graphics/ccc.gif openings  for a new employee. You must add a job before adding an  employee.</cfoutput></cfif> 


    [View full width]

     <?php echo (isset($_GET['empty']))?"There are no job graphics/ccc.gif openings for a  new employee. You must add a job before adding an employee." graphics/ccc.gif:""; ?> 

  3. Save your page.

To see the error message in action, first enter into Live Data view. The error message should disappear. Now, in the query string field of the Live Data toolbar, enter empty=true and, if AutoRefresh is enabled, press Enter (Return); otherwise, select Refresh from the Live Data toolbar. The error message should appear.

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Web Application Recipes
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Web Application Recipes
ISBN: 0735713200
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 131 © 2008-2017.
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