Recipe7.9.Finding the Process a Service Is Running From

Recipe 7.9. Finding the Process a Service Is Running From


You want to find the process from which a service is running from.


Using a graphical user interface

You can view the executable that is run for a process by opening the Services snap-in and double-clicking a service. You'll see the full path below Path to executable.

Using a command-line interface:

The following command displays the process ID (PID) that corresponds to a service:

> sc <ServerName> queryex <ServiceName>

Using VBScript
' This code displays the process ID for a service ' ------ SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ------ strSvcName     = "<ServiceName>"   ' e.g., Messenger strComputer    = "<ServerName>"    ' e.g., fs-rtp01 (use . for local server) ' ------ END CONFIGURATION --------- set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") set objService = objWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" & strSvcName & "'") WScript.Echo "Service: " & strSvcName WScript.Echo "PID: " & objService.ProcessID


When it comes down to it, a service is really nothing more than a process that is managed by the SCM, which allows you to send various commands to it (start, stop, pause, etc.). In Recipe 6.6, I described how to find the services that are being run from a single process. In this recipe, I show how to find the process from which a particular service is being run. This can be useful if you attempt to stop a service, but it won't stop. If you can determine the PID or name of the service's process, you can kill the process ( Recipe 6.3).

Windows Server Cookbook
Windows Server Cookbook for Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000
ISBN: 0596006330
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 380
Authors: Robbie Allen © 2008-2017.
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