

machine.config file, 319, 329

<connectionStrings> section, 335–336

enabling PasswordRecovery control to send e-mail, 152

<webSiteAdministrationTool> section, 330

MailDefinition class, 152

Master/Detail data records, 76–81

@Master directive, 112

master pages

accessing at runtime, 120–121

creating, 111–113

details explained, 117–118

dynamic use, 118–120

limitation on content placement, 115

multiple content regions and default content, 116–117

nested, 121–123

as new ASP.NET feature, 4

new content page from, 113–115

TreeView control for site navigation on, 128–129

and user controls, 123–125

WebPartManager control on, 205

Master property, of Content page, 120

Membership class, 160

GetNumberOfUsersOnline method, 170

ValidateUser method, 164

Membership Management API, 358–359

active user count, 170–171

features, 137–138

new user creation, 161–164

password changes, 169–170

updating user data, 166–169

validating and accessing user, 164–166

MembershipUser class, 160

ChangePassword method, 169

for data updates, 166–169

MembershipUser object, 164

menus. See site navigation

meta tags, dynamic definition of, 121


anonymous, 22–24

generic, 18

Microsoft Access database

for personalization profiles, 180

for user management data, 142

Microsoft Management Console (MMC), 331–332

Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit, 10, 315

Microsoft Visual Studio Whidbey, on Start menu, 35

migrating existing 2002/2003 applications, 38–39

Mobile controls, 10

mobile devices

ASP.NET 2.0 development for, 315–320

adaptive rendering, 315–318

browser configuration, 319–320

Device Filters, 319

user interface, 318–319

as new ASP.NET feature, 10

Pager control for, 284

web site creation, 320–326

making phone call, 326–327

MultiView/View controls, 321–323

Pager control for, 323–325

Mobile Internet Toolkit, 10, 315

MoveNext() method, 20

MSDN Online, client-side population for, 97

multithreading, 23

MultiView control, 278–279

for mobile web site, 321–323

ASP. NET 2.0 Revealed
ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed
ISBN: 1590593375
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 133 © 2008-2017.
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