


browsing, 229–33, 236, 237–39

change detection, 225

creating information in, 229–32, 233–34, 240–41

deleting information in, 229–32, 234–35

hive type identification, 228

key monitoring, 227

key value, 234

searching/replacing information in, 229–32, 236, 237–39

search/replace operations, 228

tree, 234

updating information in, 240–41

value parsing, 239–40

value reading, 239

values display, 235, 240

Registry class, 183

Registry key ACE AccessMask property, 684–87

deciphering, 685

flag values, 685

values, 684

RegistryKeyChangeEvent class, 226

Registry keys security descriptor, 581–83

ADSI connection, 581–83

retrieving, 600–602

retrieving with ADSI, 600–602

retrieving with WMI, 600

updating, 729–30

user interface, 687

WMI connection, 581

See also Security descriptors

Registry providers, 4, 6, 234–41

capabilities, 225

classes, 225

event provider, 225

registration, 7

registration in CIM repository, 7

RegistryKeyChangeEvent class, 226

RegistryTreeChangeEvent class, 226

RegistryValueChangeEvent class, 226

StdRegProv class, 225

types of, 224

RegistryTreeChangeEvent class, 226

RegistryValueChangeEvent class, 226

ReOrderAce() function, 564, 571, 713

Reordering ACEs, 710–15

in ADSI object model, 711–13

group sorting, 711

in WMI object model, 713–15

See also Access Control Entries (ACEs)

ReplaceString() function, 228, 239–40

Replication state

inbound, viewing, 401–2

managing, 397–99

viewing, 397–99

Restore points

creating, 309, 315–16

defined, 309

event type for, 316

identifying, 316

restoring, 317

type definition, 316

viewing, 313–14

See also System Restore

Restore status, 317

Resultant Set of Policies (RSOP)

analyzing, 284

associated instances information, 304

calculation, 282

classes/methods, 285

defined, 281

information, retrieving, 295–96, 297, 299–303, 307–8

information display, 301

information examination, 300

instance information, 303–4

instances, 301

namespaces, 285–86

representation, 308

sessions, 299

subnamespaces, 286, 287

Resultant Set of Policies (RSOP) providers, 211, 281–309

classes, 287–88

list of, 282

location, 282

Logging mode, 285, 294

modes, 284–85

Planning mode, 284–85

RSOP_GPLink class, 307

RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting class, 289, 290

RSOP_PolicySetting class, 289

RSOP_SecuritySettings class, 293

RSOP_SOM class, 307

RSOP_SystemService class, 292, 294, 309

WITHIN statement and, 308

RID Master FSMO, 391

RootDSE class, 377

Root namespace, 12, 530

default security settings on, 535

defined, 12

See also Namespaces

ROUTE.Exe, 418

RSOP_GPLink class, 307

RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting class, 289, 290

RsopLoggingModeProvider class, 286, 296–97

CreateSession method, 286

RsopDeleteSession method, 301

RSOP_PolicySetting class, 289

RSOP_SecuritySettings class, 293

RSOP_SOM class, 307

RSOP_SystemService class, 292, 294, 309

Leveraging WMI Scripting
Leveraging WMI Scripting: Using Windows Management Instrumentation to Solve Windows Management Problems (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582990
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 82
Authors: Alain Lissoir © 2008-2017.
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