2.2. Using the Details View to Create the Detail Form

In the same way that you want to allow the user to search for a customer, you'd like to be able to search for a supplier. In addition, when looking at the supplier, you'd like to see which products that supplier offers.

2.2.1. Adding New Tables

The first step is to add new tables to the NorthWindDataSet. To do so, choose the menu selections Data ShowDataSources. Right-click on the NorthWindDataSet and choose Edit Data Source With Designer.

This opens the NorthwindDataSet.xsd designer. Right-click anywhere in the designer (except on the Customers table) and choose Add DataTable, as shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11. Adding a new data table adapter

This opens the DataComponents Configuration Wizard. The first step is to choose the connection you want to use (in this case, you can continue to use the NorthWind Connection).

The next step is to choose whether you are using SQL Statements, new stored procedures, or existing stored procedures. In this case, you'll use SQL Statements.

In the next step, click on the Query Builder window . The Add Table dialog will open, as shown in Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12. Adding a table

Select the Suppliers table. Click Add and then click Close. When you return to the Query Builder window, select the checkbox beside All Columns, to select all the columns in the Suppliers table, as shown in Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13. Query Builder window

Click OK and then Next, to open the Choose Methods to Generate dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-14.

The Fill method will fill the DataTable, as you saw previously. The GeTData method will return the DataTable filled by the Fill method. The third checkbox instructs the wizard to create the Insert, Update, and Delete methods you'll need to update

Figure 2-14. Choose Methods to Generate

the database with changes to these tables. Accept all these defaults and click Next and then Finish.

Once the Suppliers table is added, repeat these steps to add the Products table. Notice that the one-to-many relationship between the Suppliers and Products is recognized in the XSD designer, as shown in Figure 2-15.

Figure 2-15. Relationship between Products and Suppliers

Also notice that the NorthWindDataSet now has three tables listed under it: Customers, Suppliers, and Products.

2.2.2. Create a Details View Declaratively

Create a new form to display the Suppliers and their Products, name it frmSuppliers. Set the size of the new form to 886,450 and add the details of the Suppliers to the form. Previously, you created labels and text boxes by hand, and then linked them up to the columns in the table. This time, open the Data Sources window, and click on the Suppliers table. Notice that one of the choices is Details, as shown in Figure 2-16.

Figure 2-16. Suppliers details

Choose Details and then let the drop-down box close. Now drag the Suppliers table onto your form. Hey! Presto! Four controls are added to the tray, and a set of labels and bound text boxes are added to the form, as shown in Figure 2-17.

Delete the SuppliersBindingNavigator (you won't be navigating through suppliers from here) and rearrange the labels and text boxes on the upper portion of the form, as shown in Figure 2-18.

We want to reserve the lower portion of the form to display a supplier's product information. We do not want the user to edit the supplier ID so change the enabled property of SupplierID to False.

2.2.3. Declare Master/Detail Relationship

The Suppliers and their Products are in a master/detail relationship. You can reflect this on your Suppliers form by clicking on the Products table and choosing DataGridView. Drag the products table onto your form, and then click on its smart tag. Change the data source, as shown in Figure 2-19.

Figure 2-17. Controls created by dragging suppliers onto form

Figure 2-18. Rearrange Suppliers form control

Figure 2-19. Creating master detail

Figure 2-20. Edit data grid columns

Figure 2-21. Suppliers form with grid

Click on the smart tag again and choose EditColumns to pick the columns you want to display. This opens the Edit Columns dialog, as shown in Figure 2-20. Delete the SupplierID, UnitsOnOrder, and ReorderLevel columns.

Resize both the grid and the form to make it look as you'd like it to, as shown in Figure 2-21.

2.2.4. Feeding the Suppliers to the Suppliers Page

Your next task is to reproduce the logic used in the previous example to find the Suppliers, and to feed the supplier to this page.

As you did last time, return to the Welcome page, and drag the Suppliers table onto the Welcome page. Immediately delete all the controls it places on the form. You are left with a SuppliersBindingSource and SuppliersTableAdapter in the tray, which is just what you want.

Click on the SuppliersBindingSource and create the parameterized query, as shown in Figure 2-22.

Open frmSuppliers.vb and copy the member variable and property from frmCustomerDetails.

Open the handler for the SuppliersFind button click event. The logic is very similar to the Customers Find dialog so copy and paste and then edit, as shown in Example 2-4.

Figure 2-22. Suppliers parameterized query

Example 2-4. Suppliers form Find button Click event handler
 Dim filteredView As Data.DataView = _     New Data.DataView(NorthwindDataSet.Suppliers) filteredView.RowFilter = "CompanyName Like '%" + txtSupplierName.Text + "%'" Dim rowsFound As Int32 = filteredView.Count Select Case rowsFound     Case 0  ' no records found         MessageBox.Show( _         "No matching records found", _         "No records found", _         MessageBoxButtons.OK, _         MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)     Case 1         frmSuppliers.CompanyNameParameter = filteredView.Item(0)("CompanyName")         frmSuppliers.Show(  )     Case Else         dlgPickMatchingCompany.FilteredView = filteredView         Dim result As DialogResult         result = dlgPickMatchingCompany.ShowDialog(  )         If result = DialogResult.OK Then             Dim rowView As Data.DataRowView             rowView = dlgPickMatchingCompany.lbMatching.SelectedItem             Dim companyName As String = rowView.Row.Item("CompanyName")             frmSuppliers.CompanyNameParameter = companyName             frmSuppliers.Show(  )         End If End Select 

Modify the Load event handler to use the FillByCompanyName method you created for the Suppliers table, as shown in Example 2-5.

Example 2-5. Suppliers form Load event handler
 Private Sub frmSuppliers_Load( _   ByVal sender As System.Object, _   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _   Handles MyBase.Load      Me.SuppliersTableAdapter.FillByCompanyName( _       Me.NorthwindDataSet.Suppliers, Me.m_CompanyNameParameter)     Me.ProductsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.NorthwindDataSet.Products) End Sub 

When you enter a supplier company name, it is resolved just as the customer name was, and then the detail page is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-23.

Figure 2-23. Suppliers detail form

2.2.5. Factor Out Common Code

The idea of having nearly duplicate code in two methods should send a shudder down your spine. Let's combine the btnSuppliersFind_Click method and the btnCustomersFind_Click methods into a single method named btnFind_Click, as shown in Example 2-6.

Example 2-6. Common Find button Click event handler
 ''' <summary> ''' Common find button event handler ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">the find button itself</param> ''' <param name="e">place holder for event args</param> Private Sub btnFind_Click( _     ByVal sender As System.Object, _     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _     Handles btnSuppliersFind.Click, btnCustomersFind.Click    ' cast the sender to be of type button and get its name    Dim btn As Button = CType(sender, Button)    Dim btnName As String = btn.Name    ' common code    ' determine which text field to draw from    ' based on the button name    Dim text As String = String.Empty    Dim table As System.Data.DataTable = Nothing    ' which text box to get the name from    ' which data table to filter    Select Case btnName       Case "btnSuppliersFind"          text = txtSupplierName.Text          table = NorthwindDataSet.Suppliers       Case "btnCustomersFind"          text = txtCustomerName.Text          table = NorthwindDataSet.Customers    End Select    Dim filteredView As Data.DataView = _            New Data.DataView(table)    ' this row filter can now be generalized    filteredView.RowFilter = "CompanyName Like '%" + text + "%'"    Dim rowsFound As Int32 = filteredView.Count    Select Case rowsFound       Case 0  ' no records found          MessageBox.Show( _          "No matching records found", _          "No records found", _          MessageBoxButtons.OK, _          MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)       Case 1          'which form you show depends on the button name          Select Case btnName             Case "btnSuppliersFind"                frmSuppliers.CompanyNameParameter = _                   filteredView.Item(0)("CompanyName")                frmSuppliers.Show(  )             Case "btnCustomersFind"                frmCustomerDetails.CompanyNameParameter = _                   filteredView.Item(0)("CompanyName")                frmCustomerDetails.Show(  )          End Select       Case Else          dlgPickMatchingCompany.FilteredView = filteredView          Dim result As DialogResult          result = dlgPickMatchingCompany.ShowDialog(  )          If result = DialogResult.OK Then             Dim rowView As Data.DataRowView             rowView = dlgPickMatchingCompany.lbMatching.SelectedItem             Dim companyName As String = rowView.Row.Item("CompanyName")             ' which form you show depends on the button name             Select Case btnName                Case "btnSuppliersFind"                   frmSuppliers.CompanyNameParameter = _                      filteredView.Item(0)("CompanyName")                   frmSuppliers.Show(  )                Case "btnCustomersFind"                   frmCustomerDetails.CompanyNameParameter = _                      filteredView.Item(0)("CompanyName")                   frmCustomerDetails.Show(  )             End Select          End If    End Select End Sub 

VB6 NOTE: The use of the Handles keyword to define an event handler gives you much greater flexibility than you had when defining event handlers in VB6 and earlier versions. In VB6, the names of event handlers are invariable. And you can only define a single event handler for the events raised by multiple controls by using a control array (which is no longer supported in .NET). In contrast, the Handles keyword allows you to name the event handler whatever you'd like, and to handle events from multiple controls.

This common event handler can now replace the two previous event handlers. While this may be slightly more complex than either was individually, it is easier to maintain, because changes have to be made only in one place (cutting down the likelihood of error).

The triple comment marks at the top of the new method are XML comments used to generate XML documentation (and help file documentation) for the new method. This technique is covered later in the book.

2.2.6. Updating Data

The data on your customer form is bound to the underlying data through the CustomerTableAdapter and the CustomerBindingSource. To allow the user to update the data, drag a button onto the tab and change its Text property to Update. Name it btnUpdate, as shown in Figure 2-24.

Double-click on the button to go to the defaultClick event handler. We'll want some feedback when the update is done. Add a label to the top of the tab named lblTitle. Set its font to blue, size 24, and set its text to Company Name Here.

Update the load method to set the label's text to the name of the company, as shown in Example 2-7.

Figure 2-24. Adding the Update button

Example 2-7. Customer details form Load event handler
 Private Sub frmCustomerDetails_Load( _ ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles MyBase.Load    CustomersTableAdapter.FillByCompanyName( _    NorthwindDataSet.Customers, m_CompanyNameParameter)    lblTitle.Text = m_CompanyNameParameter End Sub 

You need to tell the DataConnector that you are done editing the data (so that the updates will be written back to the table in the Dataset). You also need to tell the CustomersTableAdapter to Update, passing in the changes in the Customers table. Example 2-8 shows how to code the Click event handler for the Update button on the Customer Details page.

Example 2-8. Customer Details Update button Click event handler
 Private Sub btnUpdate_Click( _ ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click    Me.CustomersBindingSource.EndEdit(  )    If NorthwindDataSet.Customers.GetChanges(  ) IsNot Nothing Then       Me.CustomersTableAdapter.Update(NorthwindDataSet.Customers.GetChanges(  ))       Label1.Text = "Updated!"    End If End Sub 

EndEdit applies the changes in the bound fields to the underlying data source (the table in the Dataset).

How Does TableAdapter.Update TableAdapter.Update

The Update method for the CustomersTableAdapter was generated for you by the Data Source Configuration Wizard. You asked it to generate Update, Insert, and Delete statements based on the Select statement (see, for example, Figure 2-14). If you open NorthwindDataSet.Designer.vb, you'll see that there is a comment at the top warning you that this is generated code:

 '--------------------------------------------------------- ' <autogenerated> '     This code was generated by a tool. ' '     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior '     and will be lost if '     the code is regenerated. ' </autogenerated> '--------------------------------------------------------- 

Scroll down to (or search for) the Update method and you'll find that it tells its Adapter to update, given a data table:

 Public Overloads Overridable Function Update( ByVal dataTable As NorthwindDataSet.CustomersDataTable) _ As Integer Implements ICustomersTableAdapter.Update       Return Me.Adapter.Update(dataTable)   End Function 

Adapter is a public property providing access to the internal member m_Adapter, which is a SqlDataAdapter with all the appropriate table and column mappings created for you:

 Private WithEvents m_adapter As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter 

Calling Update on the SqlDataAdapter updates the table that is mapped to the underlying database.

That's it. Make your changes, click update, and hey! Presto! The database is updated, as shown in Figure 2-25.

Programming Visual Basic 2005
Programming Visual Basic 2005
ISBN: 0596009496
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 162
Authors: Jesse Liberty

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