IBatchEntry interface 696, 700-702, 713-720, 745
IBindingList interface 57, 81, 83, 182
ICloneable interface 142, 209
Id property (Message class) 736
IDataReader interface 347, 349
identity element 660
identity objects 106, 108, 158, 288
creating 334-341
implementing 322
Identity property (IPrincipal) 159, 341
IDisposable interface 422
Finalize method and 423
IEditableObject interface 57, 82
implementing 208, 215-219
IIdentity interface 106, 159, 339
IIS (Internet Information Services) 96
binary formatter and 133
for remoting host 124, 312-314, 219
hosting assemblies in 118, 121-128
IList interface 751
getting field names and 752
populating DataTable objects and 760-762
IListSource interface 751, 761
immediate deletion 205, 436
switchable objects and 442
impersonation 287, 296, 319
PTracker and 400
implementation (of business objects) 28
InputBox form (Windows Forms) 565
INSERT operation 206
insert operation, BusinessCollectionBase class and 235
INSERT statement (SQL) 172
installer classes, Windows service and 741
installutil.exe tool 743
instance variables 462, 464
int type 152
interface (of business objects) 28
internal applications, security and 7
Internet Information Services. See IIS
Invoke method (MethodInfo class) 155, 302
IPrincipal interface 106, 159, 322
implementing 341
IPropertyChanged interface 81
.NET 2.0 and 537
IsAuthenticated property (IIdentity) 339
IsChild property
BusinessBase class 212
BusinessCollectionBase class 234
IsDBNull method (SqlDataReader class, ADO.NET) 170
IsDeleted property (BusinessBase class) 205
data volume and 692
IsDirty property
BusinessBase class 204
BusinessCollectionBase class 231, 247
data volume and 692
overriding 466
IsDirtyChanged event (BindableBase class) 81, 181, 204
IsEmpty property (SmartDate class) 254, 260
ISerializable interface 137
special constructor and 352, 355
IsInRole method (IPrincipal) 159, 341
ProjectEdit Windows form and 539
ResourceEdit Windows form and 559
IsNew property (BusinessBase class) 206, isolation levels 484
IsTransactionalMethod (DataPortal class) 282, 289
IsValid property
BrokenRules class 227, 463
BusinessBase class 229
BusinessCollectionBase class 231, 247
overriding 466
Item method (BusinessCollectionBase class) 74
Item property (NameValueList class) 354
ItemCommand event (.NET, DataGrid controls) 613

Expert C# Business Objects
Expert C# 2008 Business Objects
ISBN: 1430210192
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 111

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