
A cell or a rectangular group of adjacent cells in Excel.


A means for addressing something in a specified context. For example, in Excel, "A1" is a reference to the cell at column A, row 1.

relative cell reference

A reference to the contents of a cell that Excel adjusts when you copy the formula to another cell or range of cells.


A command on the Edit menu that you can use to automatically replace text with different text. This feature can also be used with special characters such as tabs and paragraph marks.

revision marks

The tracked changes you see onscreen.


A horizontal set of cells in Excel.


A tool for measuring distances of where objects are in relation to the page. Appearing horizontally across the top of a page and vertically along the side of a page in Word, rulers also display page margins and tab settings.

Easy Microsoft Office 2003
Easy Microsoft Office 2003
ISBN: 0789729628
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 281
Authors: Nancy Lewis

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