

DatabaseAddAction (Cocoon), 265

DatabaseDeleteAction (Cocoon), 265

Database interface (XML:DB), 288

DatabaseManager interface (XML:DB), 288

DatabaseQueryAction (Cocoon), 265

database reader (Cocoon), 237–238


adding to (Xindice), 300–302

collections (Xindice)

creating, 307–310

deleting, 312–314

navigating, 310–311

database access (Cocoon), 258

connecting, 258

errors, 261

ESQL, 258–261

example, 262–263

stored procedures, 261–262

database actions (Cocoon), 235, 263

DatabaseAddAction, 265

DatabaseDeleteAction, 265

DatabaseQueryAction, 265

DatabaseSelectAction, 265

DatabaseUpdateAction, 265

descriptor file, 264–265

example database, 266–268

database application example (Cocoon)

add-book.xsp, 278–279

add-pub.xml, 274–275

cocoon.xconf, 270

database.xml, 270

edit-book.xsp, 276–277, 280–282

form.xslt, 282–283

index.xml, 274

list-books.xsp, 279–280

list-publishers.xsp, 275–276

sample data set, 269–270

sitemap.xmap, 271–274

table definitions, 269

deleting documents from (Xindice), 303–304

exporting collections (Xindice), 306

indexing (Xindice), 304–306

persistent storage, 285

resources, creating (Xindice)

DOM-based I/O, 321–324

SAX-based I/O, 317–321

string-based I/O, 314–317

retrieval (Xindice), 302–303

XML:DB, 285–286

API, 287–293

XUpdate, 293–299

XPath-based querying, 324–327

XUpdate, 327–329

DatabaseSelectAction (Cocoon), 265

DatabaseUpdateAction (Cocoon), 265


Web services (TCPMon tool), 449

Xalan, 85–91

command-line interface, 81

EnvironmentCheck class, 85–87

logging, 88–91

SourceLocator interface, 87

TraceListeners, 85–87, 88

XML-RPC, 373

declarations, 2–3

declarative dynamic SVG, 166–169

DefaultHandler (SAX), 9–10

default namespaces, 3–4

default values, reporting, 22

deferred DOM, 20

<definitions> element (WSDL), 386

delete_collection command (Xindice), 303–304

delete_document command (Xindice), 304

delete_indexer command (Xindice), 306

deploying Web services, 427–428

deployment descriptors

Axis, 403–406

message service (Axis), 440–442

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 425–427

<deployment> element (Axis), 403

<desc> element (SVG), 158

<DigestMethod> element (XML Signature), 463

<DigestValue> element (XML Signature), 464

digital certificates, 458

digital signatures, 457–458

placing in separate files, 490–491

signing documents, 474–485

verification, 485–490

DII (Dynamic Invocation Interface), 396–399

directory generator (Cocoon), 223

document-literal Web service (WSDL), 389–392

document scanner (Xerces), 42

document-style services (Axis), 408–409


passing DOM trees to FOP, 131–133

SVG trees, transcoding, 189–191

TrAX API, 74–77

Xerces API, 13–15

configuration features, 18–19

deferred DOM, 20

serialization, 36–37


Axis, 399–400

Batik, 169

Cocoon, 255

FOP (Formatting Object Processor), 123

Xalan, 69

Xerces, 15

Xindice, 299

XML Encryption, 495

XML-RPC, 356

XML Security, 470–471

DTDs, 5

DTD scanner (Xerces), 42

DTD validator (Xerces), 42

DTM (Document Table Model), 80–81

dynamic proxies (JAX-RPC), 394–396

dynamic SVG, 208

declarative dynamic, 166–169

imperative dynamic, 164–166

Professional XML Development with Apache Tools. Xerces, Xalan, FOP, Cocoon, Axis, Xindice
Professional XML Development with Apache Tools: Xerces, Xalan, FOP, Cocoon, Axis, Xindice (Wrox Professional Guides)
ISBN: 0764543555
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 95 © 2008-2017.
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