Writing Your First Test


This lab introduces the most basic features of Test::Simple , the simplest testing module. You'll see how to write your own test for a simple "Hello, world!"-style program.

How do I do that?

Open your favorite text editor and create a file called hello.t . Enter the following code:

 #!perl     use strict;     use warnings;     use Test::Simple tests => 1;     sub hello_world     {         return "Hello, world!";     }     ok( hello_world(  ) eq "Hello, world!" ); 

Save it. Now you have a simple Perl test file. Run it from the command line with prove :

 $  prove hello.t  

You'll see the following output:

 hello....ok     All tests successful.     Files=1, Tests=1,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.09 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.09 CPU) 

What just happened ?

hello.t looks like a normal Perl program; it uses a couple of pragmas to catch misbehavior as well as the Test::Simple module. It defines a simple subroutine. There's no special syntax a decent Perl programmer doesn't already know.

The first potential twist is the use of Test::Simple . By convention, all test files need a plan to declare how many tests you expect to run. If you run the test file with perl and not prove , you'll notice that the plan output comes before the test output:

 $  perl hello.t  1..1     ok 1 

The other interesting piece is the ok( ) subroutine. It comes from Test::Simple and is the module's only export. ok( ) is very, very simple. It reports a passed or a failed test, depending on the truth of its first argument. In the example, if whatever hello_world( ) returns is equal to the string Hello, world! , ok( ) will report that the test has passed.

Note: Anything that can go in an if statement is fair game for ok( ) .

As the output shows, there's one test in the file, and it passed. Congratulations!

What about...

Note: In some cases, the number of tests you run is important, so providing a real plan is a good habit to cultivate .

How do I avoid changing the plan number every time I add a test?


Writing 'no_plan' on the use line lets Test::Simple know that you're playing it by ear. In this case, it'll keep its own count of tests and report that you ran as many as you ran.

 #!perl     use strict;     use warnings;     use Test::Simple 'no_plan';     sub hello_world     {         return "Hello, world!";     }     ok( hello_world(  ) eq "Hello, world!" ); 

When you declare no_plan , the test plan comes after the test output.

 $  perl hello.t  ok 1     1..1 

This is very handy for developing, when you don't know how many tests you'll add. Having a plan is a nice sanity check against unexpected occurrences, though, so consider switching back to using a plan when you finish adding a batch of tests.


How do I make it easier to track down which tests are failing?


When there are multiple tests in a file and some of them fail, descriptions help to explain what should have happened. Hopefully that will help you track down why the tests failed. It's easy to add a description; just change the ok line.

 ok( hello_world(  ) eq "Hello, world!",         'hello_world(  ) output should be sane' ); 

Note: Having tests is good. Having tests that make sense is even better .

You should see the same results as before when running it through prove . Running it with the verbose flag will show the test description:

 $  prove -v hello.t  1..1     ok 1 - hello_world(  ) output should be sane 


How do I make more detailed comparisons?


Don't worry; though you can define an entire test suite in terms of ok( ) , dozens of powerful and freely available testing modules work together nicely to provide much more powerful testing functions. That list starts with the aptly named Test::More .

Perl Testing. A Developer's Notebook
Perl Testing: A Developers Notebook
ISBN: 0596100922
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 107

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