

RADIANS() function, 551

RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks), 469–473

other types, 473

RAID 0 (striping), 469–470, 470

RAID 0+1, 472, 473

RAID 1 (mirroring), 470, 470

RAID 2 and RAID 3, 470–471, 471

RAID 4, 471, 471

RAID 5, 471, 472

RAID 10, 472, 472

RaiseError attribute (Perl DBI), 612–613

RAND() function, 551–552

and replication, 344

READ COMMITTED transaction level, 124

read locks

for tables, 118

by BACKUP, 303–304

priority, 120–121

for sharing, 111–112

for updating, 109–111

READ UNCOMMITTED transaction level, 124

REAL column type, 43

record_buffer variable, 385

record_rnd_buffer variable, 386

records in table, 5

adding from other tables, 96–98

adding new, 11–12

changing, 24

deleting, 23–24, 98

inserting those containing auto increment field, 143–144

query to return distinct, 21

term definition, 212

recursive entity, 244

Red Hat Linux

package manager files, 458

starting MySQL in, 264–265

redirecting output to file, 103–105

redundancy of data, 209

REFERENCES privilege, 436, 489

referential integrity, 215–216

refreshRow() method (Java), 637

REGEXP, RLIKE comparison operator, 70, 71, 507–509

regression testing, 189

regular expressions in SQL, 75–79

rehashing, automatic, 52, 54

relational database management system, 4

relational database model, 211–218

foreign keys, 215–216

keys, 214–215

terminology, 212–214

views, 216–218

relations between tables, 31–32

relative() method (Java), 638

RELEASE_LOCK() function, 568

relevance, in full-text search, 134–135

RELOAD privilege, 436, 489

RENAME statement, 492

RENAME TABLE statement, and transaction completion, 117

REPAIR TABLE statement, 289–290, 492

repairing tables

with myisamchk utility, 291–292

with mysqlcheck utility, 290–291

with REPAIR TABLE, 289–290

REPEAT() function, 538

REPEATABLE READ transaction level, 124

REPLACE() function, 539

REPLACE keyword, for LOAD DATA statement, 323–324

REPLACE statement, 492

replication, 473

with active binary log on master, 350–351

avoiding key errors, 356–359

as backups, 335

basics, 337–338, 338

minimizing number of updates, 355–356

removing old binary logs before starting, 352–354

setup, 338–344

commands, 342–343

complexities, 343–344

master configuration file options, 340

slave configuration file options, 340–342

of single database, 344–350

REPLICATION CLIENT privilege, 436, 489

REPLICATION SLAVE privilege, 436

reset function, for aggregate user-defined functions, 200

RESET MASTER statement, 343

RESET SLAVE statement, 343

RESET statement, 492

RESTORE TABLE statement, 305– 307, 492–493

restoring backups

of MyISAM tables, 305–307

from mysqldump, 311–315


with LOAD DATA, 318–325

with mysqlimport, 325–326

REVERSE() function, 539

REVOKE statement, 424, 493

to manipulate permission tables, 428, 431–438

RIGHT() function, 36, 539

right (right outer) joins, 89

ROLLBACK command, 105

rollback() method (Java), 628

rollback method (Perl DBI), 602

rollback() method (Python), 622

rollouts, 249, 256

root user, 7, 416, 426

rotating logs, 277–279

ROUND() function, 552

row locking, for InnoDB tables, 65, 118

RowCacheSize attribute (Perl DBI), 614

ROWCOUNT attribute (Python), 620

rowDeleted() method (Java), 638

rowInserted() method (Java), 638

rows attribute (Perl DBI), 617

rows in database table, 5

PHP function to return array based on, 581

PHP function to return number affected, 572

rows method (Perl DBI), 610

RowsInCache attribute (Perl DBI), 616

rowUpdated() method (Java), 638

RPAD() function, 539–540

Rpl_status variable, 390

rpm utility, for installing MySQL, 458

RTRIM() function, 540

run-all-tests benchmark suite, 394– 408

Mastering MySQL 4
Mastering MySQL 4
ISBN: 0782141625
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 230
Authors: Ian Gilfillan © 2008-2017.
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