
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

R1C1-style references, in addressing
Range object, Excel
     copying/clearing/deleting ranges
     creating new ranges
     editing range values
     finding text in ranges
     formatting range of cells
     getting Range object for cell or range of cells
     object model and
     Range.Locked property for worksheet protection
     selecting and activating range of cells
Range object, Word
     changing ranges
     collapsing ranges
     collections associated with
     find and replace
     getting a range
     identifying ranges
     inserting nonprinting characters/breaks
     moving ranges
     navigating ranges
     stories and
     text from
     text in
Range parameter
     Change events
     Double-Click/Right-Click events
Range properties
     parameters of
     Smart Tag Action events
     Word Tables collection
RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper)
     COM add-ins and
     role in button failure issue
Read only properties, using Extended MAPI to change
Reading pane, Smart Tags in HTMLformatted Outlook e-mail displayed in
RecentFiles property, Excel file/printer properties
Recipient object, NameSpace object
Recognize method
     creating recognizer classes
     custom Smart Tag class
     adding to PIAs
     creating recognizer Class
     in Excel
     registering Recognizer class
     in Word
Redo method, in Word Document object
     Range object
     service for mapping cookies onto host objects
RefersTo properties, Name object
Reflection, work around for locale issue
Regions, Range Object
RegisterSolution method, InfoPath forms
Registration method, Word research services
     Automation add-ins in
     COM add-ins
     finding Outlook add-ins in
     installing COM add-ins
     location of COM add-ins
     Smart Tag classes
     VSTO add-ins 2nd
     Word research services
Regular expression, using to add Smart Tags
Relative address, compared with absolute address
Removal method
     controls at runtime
     New and Getting Started document task panes in Word
Remove event, Outlook item
RemoveCustomization helper method, in ServerDocument object model
Removed method, in Folders collection
RemoveHandler statement, in dynamic event handling
Replace method, Range Object in Word
Reply method, Outlook mail item
ReportError method, in DataDOMEvent object
Research services
     creating simple
     customizing in Excel
     customizing in Word
     getting started with
     registering with Word
     resources for
     working with
Research task pane, registering Smart Tags to recognize text in
ResetSideBySideWith method, Word windows
Resize events, Excel
Resize method, controlling Windows in Word
Response parameter, Outlook 2nd
Restrict method, finding Outlook item
Restricted security level, in InfoPath forms
Return values
     of methods
     of parameterized properties
     of parameterless properties
ReturnStatus property, of DataDOMEvent object
Right-Click events
     cancelable events and event bubbling
     raising in Excel
Role-based security
     overview of
     vs. code-access security
Root folders, NameSpace object
RouteDocument, closing all open Word documents
RowIndex parameter
Rows property
     Range objects 2nd
     Word Tables
Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW)
     COM add-ins and
     role in button failure issue
Runtime Security Policy

Visual Studio Tools for Office(c) Using Visual Basic 2005 with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath
Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using Visual Basic 2005 with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath
ISBN: 0321411757
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 221

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