Appendix B: Run-Time Deployer Command Reference


J2EE deployable modules and Geronimo deployment plans can be installed on a Geronimo server instance using the run-time deployer. The run-time deployer can also be used to search a plug-in repository for available plug-ins and install any plug-in to provide new features to a Geronimo instance. The deployer usually executes when a target Geronimo instance is running. Some commands will also work offline locally, without a running instance of Geronimo. Online deployments can be performed locally (to a server running on the same machine) or remotely (to a Geronimo server running on another machine over the network).

The deployer can be used to do the following:

  • Deploy (install) a module or deployment plan

  • Redeploy a module or plan

  • Undeploy (uninstall) a configuration

  • Start a configuration

  • Stop a configuration

  • Save the required user login and password information during deployment

  • List all the running configurations

  • List available targets for deployment

  • Distribute a module to a target

  • Search for all plug-ins available from a plug-in repository or a running Geronimo instance

  • Install a plug-in bundle (CAR file)

All of these commands work against a running Geronimo server instance. If you must work with a local offline instance of Geronimo server, you can use the --offline option of the deployer.

The deployer is actually a JSR-88 client application, making use of Geronimo’s JSR-88 deployment plugins to do its work. Chapter 6 has a detailed discussion of the JSR-88 specification and its impact on J2EE server deployment and tool integration.

There are at least three ways to deploy a module and/or a plan in Geronimo:

  • Using the deployer

  • Use the Web console’s GUI interface

  • Use the hot deploy capabilities of Geronimo

This appendix provides a reference to the syntax of the deployer. It also provides instructions for the use of the GUI deployment interface and the hot deployer.

Professional Apache Geronimo
Professional Apache Geronimo (Wrox Professional Guides)
ISBN: 0471785431
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 148 © 2008-2017.
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