13.6 Heterogeneous Array

13.6 Heterogeneous Array

The following problem applies the concepts of arrays and of polymorphism. A list of objects is required to store geometric figures and to calculate the perimeter and area of each figure when selected from the list. The geometric figures are circles, triangles, and rectangles.

The list is designed as an array of objects of class Gfigures. The solution to this problem is generic by using this abstract class, the base class for all the other classes. The type of the array is Gfigures, this class was defined in Sections 13.2.1 and Section 13.2.2. The capacity of the array is set with constant MAX_GEOM.

Each element of the array is an object reference of a concrete class, Circle, Triangle, or Rectangle. Figure 13.2 illustrates the basic structure of this heterogeneous array.

click to expand
Figure 13.2: A heterogeneous array of objects.

An object is created for every object reference in the array. To process the array, the index value is used to access the needed element and invoke the methods to compute the perimeter and the area of the geometric figure. The execution of these functions is carried out via polymorphism. The implementation of the problem solution in KJP is not too different than the one explained in the first part of this chapter. The following statements declare (and create) an array of geometric figures and declare an object of class Circle.

       object fig_list array [MAX_GEOM] of class Gfigures       object circle_obj of class Circle 

The type of array is the base class Gfigures, an abstract class. The types of the objects referred by the array elements are of the concrete classes that are subtypes of Gfigures. The following statements create an object of class Circle and assign it to an element of array fig_list.

       // read value for radius       display "enter value of radius for circle: "       read r       // create circle object       create circle_obj of class Circle using r       set fig_list [1] = circle_obj 

Class Mgfigures implements the complete program for storing object references for objects of the subclasses Circle, Triangle, and Rectangle. The KJP code for the implementation of the Mgfigures class follows.

       description             This program uses a heterogeneous array to             store different types of geometric figures.             For each element, the corresponding object             computes the area and perimeter of the fi-             gure.  */       class Mgfigures is         public         description             This function gets the area and perimeter of             a triangle object.   */         function main is           constants              integer MAX_GEOM = 15 // array capacity           variables              integer i   // index for array processing              double x    // first side              double y    // second side              double z    // third side              double r    // radius              double area              double perim           objects              object geom_figure of class Gfigures              object triangle_obj of class Triangle              object circle_obj of class Circle              object rect_obj of class Rectangle              object fig_list array [MAX_GEOM] of                                    class Gfigures           begin             // Read data             display "enter value first side of triangle: "             read x             display "enter value second side: "             read y             display "enter value third side: "             read z             // create triangle object             create triangle_obj of class Triangle using x,                                                     y, z             set fig_list[0] = triangle_obj             // read data             display "enter value radius of circle: "             read r             // create circle object             create circle_obj of class Circle using r             set fig_list[l] = circle_obj             // read data             display "Enter value first side of rectangle: "             read x             display "enter value of second side: "             read y             // create rectangle data             create rect_obj of class Rectangle using x, y             set fig_list[2] = rect_obj             // invoke polymorphic functions             for i = 0 to 2 do                set area = call area of fig_list[i]                display "Area of geometric fig is: ", area                set perim = call perimeter of fig_list[i]                display                  "Perimeter of geometric fig is: ", perim             endfor          endfun main       endclass Mgfigures 

Note that only three elements of the array are actually used, although the array has 15 elements. The Java code for class Mgfigures follows.

On the CD

The KJP code with the implementation of class Mgfigures is stored in the file Mgfigures.kpl, and the Java code implementation is stored in the file Mgfigures.java.

       // KJP v 1.1 File: Mgfigures.java, Thu Jan 23                                       19:42:37 2003       /**            This program uses a heterogeneous array            to store different types of geometric fi-            gures. For each element, the corresponding            object computes the area and perimeter of            the figure.   */       public class Mgfigures {       /**             This function gets the area and perimeter of             a triangle object.     */         public static void main(String[] args) {           final int MAX_GEOM = 15; // array capacity           int i;     // index for array processing           double  x; // first side           double  y; // second side           double   z;  // third side           double   r;  // radius           double   area;           double   perim;           Gfigures geom_figure;           Triangle triangle_obj;           Circle circle_obj;           Rectangle rect_obj;           // body of function starts here           Gfigures fig_list[]= new Gfigures [MAX_GEOM];           // read data           System.out.println(                 "enter value first side of triangle: ");           x = Conio.input_Double();           System.out.println(                           "enter value second side: ");           y = Conio.input_Double();           System.out.println("enter value third side: ");           z = Conio.input_Double();           // create triangle object           triangle_obj = new Triangle(x, y, z);           fig_list [0] = triangle_obj;           // read data           System.out.println(                      "enter value radius of circle: ");           r = Conio.input_Double();           // read circle object           circle_obj = new Circle(r);           fig_list [1] = circle_obj;           // read data           System.out.println(                  "Enter value first side of rectangle: ");           x = Conio.input_Double();           System.out.println(                             "enter value second side: ");           y = Conio.input_Double();           // create rectangle object           rect_obj = new Rectangle(x, y);           fig_list [2] = rect_obj;           for (i = 0 ; i <= 2; i++) {              area = fig_list [i].area();              System.out.println(                      "Area of geometric fig is: "+area);              perim = fig_list [i].perimeter();              System.out.println(                "Perimeter of geometric fig is: "+ perim);           } // endfor         } // end main       } // end Mgfigures 

The output for an execution run of this class is shown next. The input values are shown in the text file as shown. Note that the values of the sides of the triangle correspond to a well-defined triangle.

       enter value of first side of triangle:       2       enter value of second side:       4       enter value of third side:       5       enter value radius of circle:       3.5       Enter value of first side of rectangle:       4.5       enter value of second side:       7.25       Area of geometric fig is: 3.799671038392666       Perimeter of geometric fig is: 11.0       Area of geometric fig is: 38.4844775       Perimeter of geometric fig is: 21.99113       Area of geometric fig is: 32.625       Perimeter of geometric fig is: 23.5 

Object-Oriented Programming(c) From Problem Solving to Java
Object-Oriented Programming (From Problem Solving to JAVA) (Charles River Media Programming)
ISBN: 1584502878
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 184

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