Recipe5.15.Getting the List of Delegates for a Mailbox

Recipe 5.15. Getting the List of Delegates for a Mailbox


You need to know which users have delegate access to a particular mailbox.


Using a graphical user interface

In Outlook 2003, do the following:

  1. Log on to a computer that has a profile for the target mailbox. Alternatively, create a profile for the target mailbox.

  2. Open Outlook using the mailbox profile.

  3. Select the Tools Options command.

  4. Click the Delegates tab; the existing delegates will be listed.

Using a command-line interface

You can use the ldifde utility to dump the publicDelegates attribute for a selected set of users. For example, this command dumps the delegate list for the domain to the file delegates.txt:

 > ldifde -f delegates.txt -d "cn=users,dc=robichaux,dc=net"  -l name,publicDelegates,publicDelegatesBL -r "(|(publicDelegates=*) (publicDelegatesBL=*))"

Using VBScript
' This code lists the delegates for the selected mailbox ' ------ SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ------  strDCName = "<serverName>"    ' e.g., "Batman"  strUserName = "/cn=<userName>, CN=Users, <ForestRootDN>" ' ------ END CONFIGURATION --------- ' find the target user  strQuery = "LDAP://" & strDCName & strUserName  Set theUser = GetObject(strQuery)   WScript.echo "Delegates for " & strUserName  On Error Resume Next  delegateList = theUser.Get("publicDelegates")       If Err.Number <> -2147463155 Then    For Each Desc In delegateList     WScript.Echo desc    Next  Else    WScript.Echo "No delegates" End If


The list of delegates is stored as a single AD attribute on the user account: publicDelegates. When you ask Outlook to display the delegate list, it does so by reading that attribute and expanding it, then reading the security descriptors on folders in the mailbox. It also allows you to explicitly assign permissions. However, reading publicDelegates directly from the user object doesn't tell you anything about what specific rights the defined delegates have, merely that they exist as delegates. At a minimum, they'll have the ability to send on behalf of the original user.

See Also

Recipe 5.14 to grant full access to a mailbox

Exchange Server Cookbook
Exchange Server Cookbook: For Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server
ISBN: 0596007175
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 235 © 2008-2017.
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