Chapter 13: Stages of Development

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Understanding your role in a team and having the interpersonal skills to work within a team structure are as important as any of the design skills we've discussed to this point. Game development is a collaborative art, and game teams are getting larger and more complex every day. We urge you to take the time to practice your team-building skills before you are thrown into the maelstrom of production.

Take the time to understand the roles of the other team members and to learn to communicate with them. Make sure they know who you are and what your role is on the production. Participate at the highest level possible in team discussions-always come prepared, and focus your input toward achieving the goals of the meeting. Whether you're starting at the bottom, or you're leading the team, be the best team member you possibly can, and your contribution will act as an inspiration to others.

Just as there is no one way to design a game,there's no one way to go about structuring and building the best team. The concepts we've introduced here are just a starting point. You'll need to find the right way to set up your specific project and the individuals who work on it. Feel free to experiment; take the rules we've given you as a starting point and expand from there. But remember, your objective is to create an environment where every individual is able to contribute to the very best of their abilities. Succeed at this, and your game will reflect excellence in every aspect of its development.

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Game Design Workshop. Designing, Prototyping, and Playtesting Games
Game Design Workshop: Designing, Prototyping, & Playtesting Games (Gama Network Series)
ISBN: 1578202221
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 162 © 2008-2017.
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