
 < Day Day Up > 


early binding, 450, 452-54, 465

Edit Query button

in Excel Query program, 516

on Excel2k3 VBA Query command bar, 505

Edit Watch dialog box, 47

Edit Watch item on Debug menu, 47

Editable parameter of Open method, 131

EditDatabaseQuery routine, 500

EditMode property, 491, 493

Editor Format tab page, 51

Editor tab in Options dialog box, 50

element definition statements, 11


mapping to a worksheet, 551

simple, 548

eLibrary, 8

ellipsis (...), displaying, 414

ElseIf, 74

e-mail messages, sending, 447

embedded charts, 322

activating, 327

creating, 324

creating a programmatic reference to, 339

determining if activated, 331

excluding from a print job, 339

moving or resizing, 340

naming the ChartObject object, 323

previewing all, 339

printing, 339

writing event procedures for, 329

empty cells

detecting, 176-77

referring to, 194

empty string, 60

compared to a Null value, 468

setting a parameter to, 126

Enable Macros, 37

EnableChanges parameter, 148

Enabled property, 403

for buttons, 427

of CommandBar object, 367, 368

of CommandBarControl object, 374

of a user form control, 402, 403

of UserForm object, 398

EnableEvents property, 266

EnableSave subroutine for command buttons, 427

EnableSelection property, 159

encapsulation within objects, 26

encryption algorithm, 144

END key, 127, 163

End method, 163, 164

Enter event of a user form control, 402, 403

ENTER key, 17, 127

EnterDatabaseQuery routine, 507

EntireColumn method, 164

EntireRow method, 164

EOF property, 491, 492

equals (=) comparison operator, 75

equals sign (=), 64, 473

Err object, 486

detecting errors, 314, 487

properties of, 83

error 1004 run-time error message, 135

error conditions, informing users of, 67

error handling, 82-84

Error object, 482, 487

error trapping, 82

disabling, 380

General tab page options for, 52

when turning off screen updates, 118

error values

cell, 124

referring to, 194

returned by InputBox method, 123

ErrorHandler label, branching to, 83

ErrorMessage property, 188

errors, avoiding through declarations, 50

Errors collection, 486

Errors property, 484

ErrorString property, 350

ErrorTitle property, 188

ESC key, 69

Euro Currency Tools add-in, 240

EUROCONVERT function, 240

event handlers, 27

event procedures

displaying, 267, 273

executing, 327

level of occurrence, 266

navigating in a worksheet, 274

writing, 276, 329

Event statement, 310

event triggers, 266

event-driven language, VBA as, 73

events, 27, 265, 300, 304, 329

categories of, 265

in charts, 329

defining, 310, 429

enabling and disabling, 266-67

monitoring, 278

number of days between, 213

primary reason to disable, 267

trapping, 399

of user form controls, 402-4

for the Worksheet object, 273


add-ins, 239, 240, 241-43

automating from a Workbook object, 457

blocking from behaving normally, 125

color display limitation of, 221

controlling from other Office applications, 462-65

extending, 239

improvements in, 3

interface, 18-21, 304

Internet solutions with, 537

mapping data to XML schemas, 10

monitoring events, 278

other Office applications and, 445-66

starting another application from, 445-48

treating dates and times as numbers, 213

window, 18

working with older files, 13

Excel 4.0, macro sheets, 13, 149

Excel 5.0, dialog sheets, 13

Excel Chart Wizard, 322

Excel color palette

56 colors tracked in, 221

assigning a color to a gridline from, 230

assigning colors to worksheet elements, 223

assigning new colors to slots in, 224

changing back to the default, 226

compared to the main program palette, 223

copying from another workbook, 225

displaying the colors in, 223

displaying the default colors of, 230

duplicate colors in the standard, 225

matching colors to the Web, 229

RGB values assigned to entries in, 221-23

standard HTML colors, 229

on the Web, 226-29

Excel lists. See lists, creating

Excel Object Library, 384, 462

Excel object model, 107, 108

Excel objects. See objects

Excel Query program, 497

building a connection string, 509-11

changing database providers, 503

configuring connection information, 516

connecting to a database, 501-5

copying rows, 514-15

editing queries, 505-8

ending, 500

entering a query, 516

getting the query, 512

initializing, 499-500

initializing the DBInfo user form, 502-3

retrieving a list of customers, 515-17

running a query, 512-14, 517

saving database information, 504

selecting Windows authentication, 504

setting up, 498

Excel template, 131

Excel TypeLib, referencing, 259

Excel VBA. See VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Excel worksheets. See worksheets

Excel2k3 VBA Query command bar, 497, 499

exchange rates

in a financial model, 527

retrieving using a Web Query, 529

exclamation icon in a message box, 70

exclamation point (!) as a separator, 181

exclusive mode for a file, 136

EXE components, compared to DLL, 248

Execute As Recordset method, 488

Execute method

of CommandBarControl object, 374, 375

with File Open and Save As dialog, 293

of FileSearch object, 282

Exit Do statement, 80

Exit event

of TextBox control, 405

of a user form control, 402, 403

using to validate data, 429

Exit For statement

in For Each...Next loop, 79

in For...Next loop, 77

expired certificates, signing macros with, 39

Export File dialog box, saving deleted code in a text file, 56

Export method, 554

ExportSelectedRange procedure, 296

ExportXml method, 554

Expression parameter

of FollowHyperlink method, 146

of PrintOut method, 148

of Protect method, 157

expressionlist argument in a Select Case statement, 76

expressions, 47

extended XML capabilities, 8

Extensibility Projects, 257

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

extensions to SQL, 471

external add-ins, 247

external data sources, 141

external files

locating, 281-82

reading from, 296

writing to, 295-96

Extract reserved name, 182

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619859
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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