Section 8.4. The Matcher Object

8.4. The Matcher Object

Once you've associated a regular expression with a target string by creating a matcher, you can instruct it to apply the regex to the target in various ways, and query the results of that application. For example, given a matcher m , the call m . find() actually applies m 's regex to its string, returning a Boolean indicating whether a match is found. If a match is found, the call m . group () returns a string representing the text actually matched.

Before looking in detail at a matcher's various methods , it's useful to have an overview of what information it maintains. To serve as a better reference, the following lists are sprinkled with page references to details about each item. Items in the first list are those that the programmer can set or modify, while items in the second list are read-only.

Items that the programmer can set or update:

  • The Pattern object provided by the programmer when the matcher is created. It can be changed by the programmer with the usePattern() method (˜ 393). The current pattern can be retrieved with the pattern() method.

  • The target-text string (or other CharSequence ) provided by the programmer when the matcher is created. It can be changed by the programmer with the reset ( text ) method (˜ 392).

  • The region of the target text (˜ 384). The region defaults to the whole of the target text, but can be changed by the programmer to delimit some smaller subset of the target text via the region method. This constrains some (but not all) of the match methods to looking for a match only within the region.

    The current region start and end character offsets are available via the regionStart and regionEnd methods (˜ 386). The reset method (˜ 392) resets the region to the full-text default, as do any of the methods that call reset internally (˜ 392).

  • An anchoring bounds flag. If the region is set to something other than the full text, you can control whether the moved edges of the region are considered "start of text" and "end of text" with respect to the line-boundary metacharacters (\A ^ $ \z \Z) .

    This flag defaults to true, but the value can be changed and inspected with the useAnchoringBounds (˜ 388) and hasAnchoringBounds methods, respectively. The reset method does not change this flag.

  • A transparent bounds flag. When the region is a subset of the full target text, turning on "transparent bounds" allows the characters beyond the edge of the range to be inspected by "looking" constructs ( lookahead , lookbehind, and word boundaries), despite being outside the current range.

    This flag defaults to false, but the value can be changed and inspected with the useTransparentBounds (˜ 387) and hasTransparentBounds methods, respectively. The reset method does not change this flag.

The following are the read-only data maintained by the matcher:

  • The number of sets of capturing parentheses in the current pattern. This value is reported via the groupCount method (˜ 377).

  • A match pointer or current location in the target text, used to support a "find next match" operation (via the find method ˜ 375).

  • An append pointer location in the target text, used to support the copying of unmatched regions of text during a search-and-replace operation (˜ 380).

  • A flag indicating whether the previous match attempt hit the end of the target string on its way to its eventual success or failure. The value of the flag is reported by the hitEnd method (˜ 390).

  • The match result . If the most recent match attempt was successful, various data about the match is collectively called the match result (˜ 376). It includes the span of text matched (via the group() method), the indices within the target text of that span's start and end (via the start() and end() methods), and information regarding what was matched by each set of capturing parentheses (via the group ( num ), start ( num ), and end ( num ) methods).

    The encapsulated match-result data is available via its own MatchResult object, returned via the toMatchResult method. A MatchResult object has its own group , start , and end methods comparable to those of a matcher (˜ 377).

  • A flag indicating whether longer target text could have rendered the match unsuccessful (also available only after a successful match). The flag is true for any match where a boundary metacharacter plays a part in the conclusion of the match. The value of the flag is available via the requireEnd method (˜ 390).

These lists are a lot to absorb , but they are easier to grasp when discussing the methods grouped by functionality. The next few sections do so. Also, the list of methods at the start of the chapter (˜ 366) will help you to find your way around when using this chapter as a reference.

8.4.1. Applying the Regex

Here are the main Matcher methods for actually applying the matcher's regex to its target text:

boolean find()

This method applies the matcher's regex to the current region (˜ 384) of the matcher's target text, returning a Boolean indicating whether a match is found. If called multiple times, the next match is returned each time. This no-argument form of find respects the current region (˜ 384).

Here's a simple example:

 String  regex  = "\w+"; //  \  w+   String  text  = "Mastering Regular Expressions";     Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile(  regex  ).matcher(  text  );     if (  m  .  find()  )        System.out.println("match [" +  m  .group() + "]"); 

It produces:

 match [Mastering] 

If, however, the if control construct is changed to while , as in

 while (  m  .  find()  )        System.out.println("match [" +  m  .group() + "]"); 

it then walks through the string reporting all matches:

 match [Mastering]     match [Regular]     match [Expressions] 

boolean find( int offset )

If find is given an integer argument, the match attempt starts at that offset number of characters from the beginning of the matcher's target text. It throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is negative or larger than the length of the target text.

This form of the find method does not respect the current region, going so far as to first reset the region to its "whole text" default (when it internally invokes the reset method ˜ 392).

An excellent example of this form of find in action can be found in the sidebar on page 400 (which itself is the answer to a question posed on page 399).

boolean matches()

This method returns a Boolean indicating whether the matcher's regex exactly matches the current region of the target text (˜ 384). That is, a match must start at the beginning of the region and finish at the end of the region (which defaults to cover the entire target). When the region is set at its "all text" default, matches provides little advantage over simply using \A(?:‹)\z around the regex, other than perhaps a measure of simplicity or convenience.

However, when the region is set to something other than the default (˜ 384), matches allows you to check for a full-region match without having to rely on the state of the anchoring-bounds flag (˜ 388).

For example, imagine using a CharBuffer to hold text being edited by the user within your application, with the region set to whatever the user has selected with the mouse. If the user then clicks on the selection, you might use m .usePattern( urlPattern ) . matches() to see whether the selected text is a URL (and if so, then perform some URL- related action appropriate to the application).

String objects also support a matches method:

 "1234".matches("\d+"); //  true  "123!".matches("\d+"); //  false  

boolean lookingAt()

This method returns a Boolean indicating whether the matcher's regex matches within the current region of the target text, starting from the beginning of the region. This is similar to the matches method except that the entire region doesn't need to be matched, just the beginning.

8.4.2. Querying Match Results

The matcher methods in the following list return information about a successful match. They throw IllegalStateException if the matcher's regex hasn't yet been applied to its target text, or if the previous application was not successful. The methods that accept a num argument (referring to a set of capturing parentheses) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException when an invalid num is given.

Note that the start and end methods, which return character offsets, do so without regard to the regiontheir return values are offsets from the start of the text , not necessarily from the start of the region .

Following this list of methods is an example illustrating many of them in action.

String group()

Returns the text matched by the previous regex application.

int groupCount()

Returns the number of sets of capturing parentheses in the regex associated with the matcher. Numbers up to this value can be used as the num argument to the group , start , and end methods, described next. [ ]

[ ] The groupCount method can be called at any time, unlike the others in this section, which can be called only after a successful match attempt.

String group (int num )

Returns the text matched by the num th set of capturing parentheses, or null if that set didn't participate in the match. A num of zero indicates the entire match, so group(0) is the same as group() .

int start (int num )

This method returns the absolute offset, in characters, from the start of the string to the start of where the num th set of capturing parentheses matched. Returns -1 if the set didn't participate in the match.

int start()

This method returns the absolute offset to the start of the overall match. start() is the same as start(0) .

int end (int num )

This method returns the absolute offset, in characters, from the start of the string to the end of where the num th set of capturing parentheses matched. Returns -1 if the set didn't participate in the match.

int end()

This method returns the absolute offset to the end of the overall match. end() is the same as end(0) .

MatchResult toMatchResult()

Added in Java 1.5.0, this method returns a MatchResult object encapsulating data about the most recent match. It has the same group , start , end , and groupCount methods, listed above, as the Matcher class.

A call to toMatchResult throws IllegalStateException if the matcher hasn't attempted a match yet, or if the previous match attempt was not successful. Match-result example

Here's an example that demonstrates many of these match-result methods. Given a URL in a string, the code identifies and reports on the URL's protocol (' http ' or ' https '), hostname, and optional port number:

 String  url  = "";     String  regex  = "(?x) ^(https?):// ([^/:]+) (?:(\d+))?";     Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile(  regex  ).matcher(  url  );     if (  m  .find())     {       System.out.print("Overall  [" +  m  .group()  + "]" +           " (from "    +  m  .start()  + " to " +  m  .end()  + ")\n" +           "Protocol [" +  m  .group(1) + "]" +           " (from "    +  m  .start(1) + " to " +  m  .end(1) + ")\n" +           "Hostname [" +  m  .group(2) + "]" +           " (from "    +  m  .start(2) + " to " +  m  .end(2) + ")\n");       //  Group #3 might not have participated, so we must be careful here  if (  m  .group(3) == null)          System.out.println("No port; default of '80' is assumed");       else  {          System.out.print("Port is [" +  m  .group(3) + "] " +                           "(from " +  m  .start(3) + " to " +  m  .end(3) + ")\n");       }     } 

When executed, it produces:

 Overall  [] (from 0 to 17)     Protocol [http] (from 0 to 4)     Hostname [] (from 7 to 17)     No port; default of '80' is assumed 

8.4.3. Simple Search and Replace

You can implement search-and-replace operations using just the methods mentioned so far, if you don't mind doing a lot of housekeeping work yourself, but a matcher offers convenient methods to do simple search and replace for you:

String replaceAll (String replacement )

Returns a copy of the matcher's string with spans of text matched by its regex replaced by replacement , as per the special processing discussed on page 380.

This method does not respect the region (it invokes reset internally), although page 382 describes a homemade version that does.

This functionality is available via the String class replaceAll method, so

  string  .replaceAll(  regex  ,  replacement  ) 

is equivalent to:

 Pattern.compile(  regex  ).matcher(  string  ).replaceAll(  replacement  ) 

String replaceFirst (String replacement )

This method is similar to replaceAll , but only the first match (if any) is replaced.

This functionality is available via the String class replaceFirst method.

static String quoteReplacement( String text )

This static method, available since Java 1.5, returns a string for use as a replacement argument such that the literal value of text is used as the replacement. It does this by adding escapes to a copy of text that defeat the special processing discussed in the section on the next page. (That section also includes an example of Matcher.quoteReplacement , as well.) Simple search and replace examples

This simple example replaces every occurrence of "Java 1.5" with "Java 5.0," to convert the nomenclature from engineering to marketing:

 String  text  = "Before Java 1.5 was Java 1.4.2. After Java 1.5 is Java 1.6";     String  regex  = "\bJava\s*1\.5\b";     Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile(  regex  ).matcher(  text  );     String  result  =  m  .  replaceAll  ("Java 5.0");     System.out.println(  result  ); 

It produces:

 Before Java 5.0 was Java 1.4.2. After Java 5.0 is Java 1.6 

If you won't need the pattern and matcher further, you can chain everything together, setting result to:

 Pattern.compile("\bJava\s*1\.5\b").matcher(  text  ).replaceAll("Java 5.0") 

(If the regex is used many times within the same thread, it's most efficient to precompile the Pattern object ˜ 372.)

You can convert "Java 1.6" to "Java 6.0" as well, by making a small adjustment to the regex (and a corresponding adjustment to the replacement string, as per the discussion on the next page).

 Pattern.compile("\bJava\s*1\.  ([56])  \b").matcher(  text  ).replaceAll ("Java   .0") 

which, when given the same text as earlier, produces:

 Before Java 5.0 was Java 1.4.2. After Java 5.0 is Java 6.0 

You can use replaceFirst instead of replaceAll with any of these examples to replace only the first match. You should use replaceFirst when you want to forcibly limit the matcher to only one replacement, of course, but it also makes sense from an efficiency standpoint to use it when you know that only one match is possible. (You might know this because of your knowledge of the regex or the data, for example.) The replacement argument

The replacement argument to the replaceAll and replaceFirst methods (and to the next section's appendReplacement method, for that matter) receives special treatment prior to being inserted in place of a match, on a per-match basis:

  • Instances of ' $1 ', ' $2 ', etc., within the replacement string are replaced by the text matched by the associated set of capturing parentheses. ( $0 is replaced by the entire text matched.)

    IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the character following the ' $ ' is not an ASCII digit.

    Only as many digits after the ' $ ' as "make sense" are used. For example, if there are three capturing parentheses, ' $25 ' in the replacement string is interpreted as $2 followed by the character ' 5 '. However, in the same situation, ' $6 ' in the replacement string throws IndexOutOfBoundsException .

  • A backslash escapes the character that follows , so use ' \$ ' in the replacement string to include a dollar sign in it. By the same token, use ' \\ ' to get a backslash into the replacement value. (And if you're providing the replacement string as a Java string literal, that means you need " \\\\ " to get a backslash into the replacement value.) Also, if there are, say, 12 sets of capturing parentheses and you'd like to include the text matched by the first set, followed by ' 2 ', you can use a replacement value of ' $1\2 '.

If you have a string of unknown content that you intend to use as the replacement text, it's best to use Matcher.quoteReplacement to ensure that any replacement metacharacters it might contain are rendered inert. Given a user's regex in uRegex and replacement text in uRepl , this snippet ensures that the replaced text is exactly that given:

 Pattern.compile(  uRegex  ).matcher(  text  ).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(  uRepl  )) 

8.4.4. Advanced Search and Replace

Two methods provide raw access to a matcher's search-and-replace mechanics. Together, they build a result in a StringBuffer that you provide. The first, called after each match, fills the result with the replacement string and the text between the matches. The second, called after all matches have been found, tacks on whatever text remains after the final match.

Matcher appendReplacement( StringBuffer result , String replacement )

Called immediately after a regex has been successfully applied (usually with find ), this method appends two strings to the given result : first, it copies in the text of the original target string prior to the match. Then, it appends the replacement string, as per the special processing described in the previous section.

For example, let's say we have a matcher m that associates the regex \w+ with the string '--> one+test <--'. The first time through this while loop,

 while (  m  .find())  m  .appendReplacement(  sb  , "XXX") 

the find matches the underlined portion of ' '.

The first call, then, to appendReplacement fills the result string buffer sb with the text before the match, '-->', then bypasses whatever matched, instead appending the replacement string, 'XXX', to sb .

The second time through the loop, find matches ' '. The call to appendReplacement appends the text before the match, '+', then again appends the replacement string, 'XXX'.

This leaves sb with '-->XXX+XXX', and the original target string within the m object marked at '--> one+test <--'.

We're now in a position to use the appendTail method, presented next.

StringBuffer appendTail( StringBuffer result )

Called after all matches have been found (or, at least, after the desired matches have been found you can stop early if you like), this method appends the remaining text from the matcher's target text to the provided stringbuffer.

Continuing the previous example,

  m  .appendTail(  sb  ) 

appends '<--' to sb . This leaves it with '--> XXX+XXX <--', completing the search and replace. Search-and-replace examples

Here's an example showing how you might implement your own version of replaceAll . (Not that you'd want to, but it's illustrative .)

 public static String  replaceAll  (Matcher  m  , String  replacement  )     {  m  .reset(); //  Be sure to start with a fresh Matcher object  StringBuffer  result  = new StringBuffer(); //  We'll build the updated copy  here  while (  m  .find())  m  .appendReplacement(  result  ,  replacement  );  m  .appendTail(  result  );        return  result  .toString(); //  Convert result to a string and return  } 

As with the real replaceAll method, this code does not respect the region (˜ 384), but rather resets it prior to the search-and-replace operation.

To remedy that deficiency, here is a version of replaceAll that does respect the region. Changed or added sections of code are highlighted:

 public static String  replaceAllRegion  (Matcher  m  , String  replacement  )     {        Integer  start  =  m  .regionStart();        Integer  end  =  m  .regionEnd();  m  .reset().region(  start  ,  end  ); //  Reset the matcher, but then restore  the region  StringBuffer  result  = new StringBuffer(); //  We'll build  the updated copy here  while (  m  .find())  m  .appendReplacement(  result  ,  replacement  );  m  .appendTail(  result  );        return  result  .toString(); //  Convert to a String and return  } 

The combination of the reset and region methods in one expression is an example of method chaining , which is discussed starting on page 389.

This next example is sightly more involved; it prints a version of the string in the variable metric , with Celsius temperatures converted to Fahrenheit:

 //  Build a matcher to find numbers followed by "C" within the variable "Metric"  //  The following regex is:   (\d+(?:\.\d*)?)C\b  Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile("(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)C\b").matcher(  metric  );     StringBuffer  result  = new StringBuffer(); //  We'll build the updated copy here  while (  m  .find())     {       float  celsius  = Float.parseFloat(  m  .group(1));  //  Get the number, as a  number  int  fahrenheit  = (int) (  celsius  * 9/5 + 32);   //  Convert to a Fahrenheit  value   m  .appendReplacement(  result  ,  fahrenheit  + "F"); //  Insert it  }  m  .appendTail(  result  );     System.out.println(  result  .toString()); //  Display the result  

For example, if the variable meTRic contains ' from 36.3C to 40.1C .', it displays ' from 97F to 104F .'.

8.4.5. In-Place Search and Replace

So far, we've applied java.util.regex to only String objects, but since a matcher can be created with any object that implements the CharSequence interface, we can actually work with text that we can modify directly, in place, and on the fly.

StringBuffer and StringBuilder are commonly used classes that implement CharSequence , the former being multithread safe but less efficient. Both can be used like a String object, but, unlike a String , they can also can be modified. Examples in this book use StringBuilder , but feel free to use StringBuffer if coding for a multithreaded environment.

Here's a simple example illustrating a search through a StringBuilder object, with all-uppercase words being replaced by their lowercase counterparts: [ ]

[ ] The regex in the code is \b [ \p{Lu}\p{Lt} ] +\b Youll recall from Chapter 3 (˜ 123) that \p{Lu} matches the full range of Unicode uppercase letters , while \p{Lt} matches titlecase characters. The ASCII version of this regex is \b[A-Z]+\b .

 StringBuilder  text  = new StringBuilder("It's  SO  very  RUDE  to shout!");     Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile("\b[\p{Lu}\p{Lt}]+\b").matcher(  text  );     while (  m  .find())  text  .replace(  m  .start(),  m  .end(),  m  .group().toLowerCase());     System.out.println(  text  ); 

This produces:

It's so very rude to shout!

Two matches result in two calls to text .replace . The first two arguments indicate the span of characters to be replaced (we pass the span that the regex matched), followed by the text to use as the replacement (the lowercase version of what was matched).

As long as the replacement text is the same length as the text being replaced, as is the case here, an in-place search and replace is this simple. Also, the approach remains this simple if only one search and replace is done, rather than the iterative application shown in this example. Using a different- sized replacement

Processing gets more complicated if the replacement text is a different length than what it replaces. The changes we make to the target are done "behind the back" of the matcher, so its idea of the match pointer (where in the target to begin the next find ) can become incorrect.

We can get around this by maintaining the match pointer ourselves , passing it to the find method to have it explicitly begin the search where we know it should. That's what we do in the following modification of the previous example, where we add < b >‹< /b > tags around the newly lowercased text:

 StringBuilder  text  = new StringBuilder("It's SO very RUDE to shout!");     Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile("\b[\p{Lu}\p{Lt}]+\b").matcher(  text  );     int matchPointer = 0;//  First search begins at the start of the string  while (  m  .find(matchPointer)) {        matchPointer =  m  .end(); //  Next search starts from where this one ended   text  .replace(  m  .start(),  m  .end(), "<b>"+  m  .group().toLowerCase()  +"</b>);        matchPointer += 7; //  Account for having added '<b>' and '</b>'  }     System.out.println(  text  ); 

This produces:

It's <b>so</b> very <b>rude</b> to shout!

8.4.6. The Matcher's Region

Since Java 1.5, a matcher supports the concept of a changeable region with which you can restrict match attempts to some subset of the target string. Normally, a matcher's region encompasses the entire target text, but it can be changed on the fly with the region method.

The next example inspects a string of HTML, reporting image tags without an ALT attribute. It uses two matchers that work on the same text (the HTML), but with different regular expressions: one finds image tags, while the other finds ALT attributes.

Although the two matchers are applied to the same string, they're independent objects that are related only because we use the result of each image-tag match to explicitly isolate the ALT search to the image tag's body. We do this by using the start - and end -method data from the just-completed image-tag match to set the ALT-matcher's region, prior to invoking the ALT-matcher's find .

By isolating the image tag's body in this way, the ALT search tells us whether the image tag we just found, and not the whole HTML string in general, contains an ALT attribute.

 //  Matcher to find an image tag. The 'html' variable contains the HTML in question  Matcher  mImg  = Pattern.compile("(?id)<IMG\s+(.*?)/?>").matcher(  html  );     //  Matcher to find an ALT attribute (to be applied to an IMG tag's body within  the same 'html' variable)  Matcher  mAlt  = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\b ALT \s* =").matcher(  html  );     //  For each image tag within the html  ...     while (  mImg  .find()) {        //  Restrict the next ALT search to the body of the just-found image tag   mAlt  .region(  mImg  .start(1),  mImg  .end(1));        //  Report an error if no ALT found, showing the whole image tag found above  if (!  mAlt  .find())            System.out.println("Missing ALT attribute in: " +  mImg  .group());      } 

It may feel odd to indicate the target text in one location (when the mAlt matcher is created) and its range in another (the mAlt .region call). If so, another option is to create mAlt with a dummy target (an empty string, rather than html ) and change the region call to mAlt . reset( html ). region( ) . The extra call to reset is slightly less efficient, but keeping the setting of the target text in the same spot as the setting of the region may be clearer.

In any case, let me reiterate that if we hadn't restricted the ALT matcher by setting its region, its find would end up searching the entire string, reporting the useless fact of whether the HTML contained ' ALT =' anywhere at all.

Let's extend this example so that it reports the line number within the HTML where the offending image tag starts. We'll do so by isolating our view of the HTML to the text before the image tag, then count how many newlines we can find.

New code is highlighted:

 //  Matcher to find an image tag. The 'html' variable contains the HTML in question  Matcher  mImg  = Pattern.compile("(?id)<IMG\s+(.*?)/?>").matcher(  html  );     //  Matcher to find an ALT attribute (to be applied to an IMG tag's body within  the same 'html' variable)  Matcher  mAlt  = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\b ALT \s* =").matcher(  html  );     //  Matcher to find a newline  Matcher mLine = Pattern.compile("\n").matcher(  html  );     //  For each image tag within the html  ...     while (  mImg  .find())     {        //  Restrict the next ALT search to the body of the just-found image tag   mAlt  .region(  mImg  .start(1),  mImg  .end(1));        //  Report an error if no ALT found, showing the whole image tag found above  if (!  mAlt  .find()) {           //  Restrict counting of newlines to the text before the start of the  image tag  mLine.region(0,  mImg  .start());           int lineNum = 1; //  The first line is numbered 1  while (mLine.find())                  lineNum++; //  Each newline bumps up the line number  System.out.println("Missing ALT attribute on line " + lineNum);        }     } 

As before, when setting the region for the ALT matcher, we use the start(1) method of the image matcher to identify where in the HTML string the body of the image tag starts. Conversely, when setting the end of the newline-matching region, we use start() because it identifies where the whole image tag begins (which is where we want the newline counting to end). Points to keep in mind

It's important to remember that not only do some search-related methods ignore the region, they actually invoke the reset method internally and so revert the region to its "entire text" default.

  • Searching methods that respect the region:

     matches     lookingAt     find() (the no-argument version) 

  • Methods that reset the matcher and its region:

     find(  text  ) (the one-argument version)     replaceAll     replaceFirst     reset (of course) 

Also important to remember is that character offsets in the match-result data (that is, the values reported by start and end methods) are not region-relative values, but always with respect to the start of the entire target. Setting and inspecting region bounds

Three matcher methods relate to setting and inspecting the region bounds:

Matcher region( int start , int end )

This method sets the matcher's region to the range of target-text characters between start and end , which are offsets from the beginning of the target text. It also resets the matcher, setting its match pointer to the start of the region, so the next find invocation begins there.

The region remains in effect until set again, or until one of the reset methods is called (either explicitly, or by one of the methods that invoke it ˜ 392).

This method returns the matcher object itself, so it can be used with method chaining (˜ 389).

This method throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if start or end refer to a point outside the target text, or if start is greater than end .

int regionStart()

Returns the character offset to the start of the matcher's current region. The default is zero.

int regionEnd()

Returns the character offset to the end of the matcher's current region. The default is the length of the matcher's target text.

Because the region method requires both start and end to be explicitly provided, it can be a bit inconvenient when you want to set only one. Table 8-4 offers ways to do so.

Table 8-4. Setting Only One Edge of the Region

Region Start

Region End

Java Code

set explicitly

leave unchanged

m . region ( start , m . regionEnd() );

leave unchanged

set explicitly

m . region ( m . regionStart() , end );

set explicitly

reset to default

m . reset() . region ( start , m . regionEnd() );

reset to default

set explicitly

m . region (0, end ); Looking outside the current region

Setting a region to something other than the all-text default normally hides, in every respect, the excluded text from the regex engine. This means, for example, that the start of the region is matched by ^ even though it may not be the start of the target text.

However, it's possible to open up the areas outside the region to limited inspection. Turning on transparent bounds opens up the excluded text to "looking" constructs (lookahead, lookbehind, and word boundaries), and by turning off anchoring bounds , you can configure the edges of the region to not be considered the start and/or edge of the input (unless they truly are).

The reason one might want to change either of these flags is strongly related to why the region was adjusted from the default in the first place. We had no need to do this in the earlier region examples because of their naturethe region-related searches used neither anchoring nor looking constructs, for example.

But imagine again using a CharBuffer to hold text being edited by the user within your application. If the user does a search or search-and-replace operation, it's natural to limit the operation to the text after the cursor, so you'd set the region to start at the current cursor position. Imagine further that the user's cursor is at the marked point in this text:

Madagas car is much too large to see on foot , so youll need a car .

and requests that matches of \b car \b be changed to "automobile." After setting the region appropriately (to isolate the text to the right of the cursor), youll launch the search and perhaps be surprised to find that it matches right there at the start of the region, in ' '. It matches there because the transparent-bounds flag defaults to false, and as such, the \b believes that the start of the region is the start of the text. It cant "see" what comes before the start of the region. Were the transparent-bounds flag set to true, \b would see the ' s ' before the region-starting 'c and know that \b cant match there. Transparent bounds

These methods relate to the transparent-bounds flag:

Matcher useTransparentBounds( boolean b )

Sets the matcher's transparent-bounds flag to true or false , as per the argument. The default is false .

This method returns the matcher object itself, so it can be used with method chaining (˜ 389).

boolean hasTransparentBounds()

Returns true if transparent bounds are in effect, false otherwise .

The default state of a matcher's transparent-bounds flag is false , meaning that the region bounds are not transparent to "looking" constructs such as lookahead, lookbehind, and word boundaries. As such, characters that might exist beyond the edges of the region are not seen by the regex engine. [ ] This means that even though the region start might be placed within a word, \b can match at the start of the region it does not see that a letter exists just before the region-starting letter.

[ ] Theres an exception as of Java 1.5 Update 7 due to an obscure bug I've reported to Sun. A Pattern.MULTILINE version of ^ , (which can be considered a looking construct in the context of a nondefault region) can match at the start of the region if theres a line terminator just before the start of the region, even though anchoring bounds have been turned off and opaque bounds are on.

This example illustrates a false (default) transparent-bounds flag:

 String  regex  = "\bcar\b"; //  \  b car  \b  String  text  = "Madagascar is best seen by car or bike.";     Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile(  regex  ).matcher(  text  );  m  .region(7,  text  .length());  m  .find();     System.out.println("Matches starting at character " +  m  .start()); 

It produces:

Matches starting at character 7

indicating that a word boundary indeed matched at the start of the region, in the middle of Madagas car , despite not being a word boundary at all. The non-transparent edge of the region "spoofed a word boundary.

However, adding:

m . useTransparentBounds(true) ;

before the find call causes the example to produce:

Matches starting at character 27

Because the bounds are now transparent, the engine can see that the character just before the start of the region, ' s ', is a letter, thereby forbidding \b to match there. Thats why a match isn't found until later, at '‹by or bike.'

Again, the transparent-bounds flag is relevant only when the region has been changed from its "all text" default. Note also that the reset method does not reset this flag. Anchoring bounds

These methods relate to the anchoring-bounds flag:

Matcher useAnchoringBounds( boolean b )

Sets the matcher's anchoring-bounds flag to true or false , as per the argument. The default is true .

This method returns the matcher object itself, so it can be used with method chaining (˜ 389).

boolean hasAnchoringBounds()

Returns true if anchoring bounds are in effect, false otherwise.

The default state of a matcher's anchoring-bounds flag is true , meaning that the line anchors (^ \A $ \z \Z) match at the region boundaries, even if those boundaries have been moved from the start and end of the target string. Setting the flag to false means that the line anchors match only at the true ends of the target string, should the region include them.

One might turn off anchoring bounds for the same kind of reasons that transparent bounds might be turned on, such as to keep the semantics of the region in line with a user's "the cursor is not at the start of the text" expectations.

As with the transparent-bounds flag, the anchoring-bounds flag is relevant only when the region has been changed from its "all text" default. Note also that the reset method does not reset this flag.

8.4.7. Method Chaining

Consider this sequence, which prepares a matcher and sets some of its options:

 Pattern  p  = Pattern.compile(  regex  );  //  Compile regex  .     Matcher  m  =  p  .matcher(  text  );         //  Associate regex with text,  creating a Matcher  .  m  .region(5,  text  .length());          //  Bump start of region five  characters forward  .  m  .useAnchoringBounds(false);         //  Don't let  ^  et al. match at the  region start  .  m  .useTransparentBounds(true);        //  Let looking constructs see across  region edges  . 

We've seen in earlier examples that if we don't need the pattern beyond the creation of the matcher (which is often the case), we can combine the first two lines:

 Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile(  regex  ).matcher(  text  );  m  .region(5,  text  .length());   //  Bump start of region five characters  forward  .  m  .useAnchoringBounds(false);  //  Don't let  ^  et al. match at the region  start  .  m  .useTransparentBounds(true); //  Let looking constructs see across region  edges  . 

However, because the two matcher methods invoked after that are from among those that return the matcher itself, we can combine everything into one line (although presented here on two lines to fit the page):

 Matcher  m  = Pattern.compile(  regex  ).matcher(  text  ).region(5,  text  .length())                   .useAnchoringBounds(false).useTransparentBounds(true); 

This doesn't buy any extra functionality, but it can be quite convenient. This kind of "method chaining" can make action-by-action documentation more difficult to fit in and format neatly, but then, good documentation tends to focus on the why rather than the what , so perhaps this is not such a concern. Method chaining is used to great effect in keeping the code on page 399 clear and concise .

8.4.8. Methods for Building a Scanner

New in Java 1.5 are hitEnd and requireEnd , two matcher methods used primarily in building scanners . A scanner parses a stream of characters into a stream of tokens. For example, a scanner that's part of a compiler might accept ' var < 34 ' and produce the three tokens IDENTIFIER · LESSR_THAN · INTEGER.

These methods help a scanner decide whether the results from the just-completed match attempt should be used to decide the proper interpretation of the current input. Generally speaking, a return value of true from either method means that more input is required before a definite decision can be made. For example, if the current input (say, characters being typed by the user in an interactive debugger) is the single character ' < ', it's best to wait to see whether the next character is ' = ' so you can properly decide whether the next token should be LESS_THAN or LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL.

These methods will likely be of little use to the vast majority of regex-related projects, but when they're at all useful, they're invaluable. This occasional invaluableness makes it all the more lamentable that hitEnd has a bug that renders it unreliable in Java 1.5. Luckily, it appears to have been fixed in Java 1.6, and for Java 1.5, there's an easy workaround described at the end of this section.

The subject of building a scanner is quite beyond the scope of this book, so I'll limit the coverage of these specialized methods to their definitions and some illustrative examples. (By the way, if you're in need of a scanner, you might be interested in java.util.Scanner as well.)

boolean hitEnd()

(This method is unreliable in Java 1.5; a workaround is presented on page 392.)

This method indicates whether the regex engine tried to inspect beyond the trailing end of the input during the previous match attempt (regardless of whether that attempt was ultimately successful). This includes the inspection done by boundaries such as \b and $ .

If hitEnd returns true, more input could have changed the result (changed failure to success, changed success to failure, or changed the span of text matched). On the other hand, false means that the results from the previous attempt were derived solely from the input the regex engine had to work with, and, as such, appending additional text could not have changed the result.

The common application is that if you have a successful match after which hitEnd is true, you need to wait for more input before committing to a decision. If you have a failed match attempt and hitEnd is true, you'll want to allow more input to come in, rather than aborting with a syntax error.

boolean requireEnd()

This method, which is meaningful only after a successful match, indicates whether the regex engine relied on the location of the end of the input to achieve that success. Put another way, if requireEnd returns true, additional input could have caused the attempt to fail. If it returns false, additional input could have changed the details of success, but could not have turned success into failure.

Its common application is that if requireEnd is true, you should accept more input before committing to a decision about the input.

Both hitEnd and requireEnd respect the region. Examples illustrating hitEnd and requireEnd

Table 8-5 shows examples of hitEnd and requireEnd after a lookingAt search. Two expressions are used that, although unrealistically simple on their own, are useful in illustrating these methods.

Table 8-5. hitEnd and requireEnd after a lookingAt search








\d+\b [><]=?

' 1234 '

' '




\d+\b [><]=?

' 1234 > 567 '

' > 567 '




\d+\b [ >< ]=?

' > '

' '




\d+\b [ >< ]=?

' > 567 '

' 567 '




\d+\b [ >< ]=?

' >= '

' '




\d+\b [><]=?

' >= 567 '

' 567 '




\d+\b [ >< ]=?

' oops '

no match




(set setup)\b

' se '

no match




(set setup)\b

' set '

' '




(set setup)\b

' setu '

no match




(set setup)\b

' setup '

' '




(set setup)\b

' set x=3 '

' x=3 '




(set setup)\b

' setup x '

' x '




(set setup)\b

' self '

no match




(set setup)\b

' oops '

no match



The regex in the top half of Table 8-5 looks for a non-negative integer and four comparison operators: greater than, less than, greater-than-or-equal, and less-than -or-equal. The bottom-half regex is even simpler, looking for the words set and setup . Again, these are simple examples, but illustrative.

For example, notice in test 5 that even though the entire target was matched, hitEnd remains false. The reason is that, although the last character in the target was matched, the engine never had to inspect beyond that character (to check for another character or for a boundary). The hitEnd bug and its workaround

The " hitEnd bug" in Java 1.5 (fixed in Java 1.6) [ ] causes unreliable results from the hitEnd method in one very specific situation: when an optional, single-character regex component is attempted in case-insensitive mode ( specifically , when such an attempt fails).

[ ] As this book goes to press, Sun tells me that this bug should be fixed in "5.0u9," which means Java 1.5 Update 9. (Youll recall from the footnote on page 365 that the version of Java 1.5 covered by this book is Update 7.) And again, it's already fixed in the Java 1.6 beta.

For example, the expression >=? in case-insensitive mode (by itself, or as part of a larger expression) tickles the bug because ' = ' is an optional, single-character component. Another example, aanthe in case-insensitive mode (again, alone or as part of a larger expression) tickles the bug because the a alternative is a single character, and being one of several alternatives, is optional.

Other examples include values? and \r?\n\r?\n

The workaround The workaround is to remove the offending condition, either by turning off case-insensitive mode (at least for the offending subexpression), or to replace the single character with something else, such as a character class.

Using the first approach, >=? might become (?-i:>=?) , which uses a mode-modified span (˜ 110) to ensure that insensitivity does not apply to the subexpr ession (which doesn't benefit from a case insensitivity to begin with, so the workaround is "free" in this case).

Using the second approach, a anthe becomes [aA] anthe , which preserves any case insensitivity applied via the Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE flag.

Mastering Regular Expressions
Mastering Regular Expressions
ISBN: 0596528124
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 113 © 2008-2017.
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