

background threads, 835


serialization using, 367–369

SoapFormatter vs., 366–367

BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes, 361–364

BinaryRW.exe file, 363–364

BinFormSerial.exe file, 369

BitArray collection, 312–315

defined, 300

sample listings, 314–315

BitArray.exe file, 315

bitwise operators, 79–80

Blank.aspx file, 776

Blank2.aspx file, 776

Blank2.aspx.h file, 777–778

blocking, 844

Boolean built-in value type, 46–47

Boolean.exe file, 49

Boolean literals, 71

BooleanLiteral.exe file, 71

boxed value types, 23

boxing, 60, 62–63

break statements, 87

breaking out of loops, 94

"breakpoint cannot be set" error, 803

Brushes, 576–580

hatch, 576–577

overview, 576

solid, 576

textured, 577–580

building Visual Studio .NET database

adding and loading tables and views, 613–620

creating relationship, 616–617

creating tables, 614–615

creating view, 618–620

building stored procedures, 621–622

creating database, 611–613

removing test databases, 611

built-in value types, 40–50

Boolean, 46–47

character, 49–50

decimal, 45–48

defined, 23, 40

floating-point, 43–45

groups of, 40

integer, 41–43

language keywords with, 24

button controls, 394–404

about, 394

CheckBox control, 397–401

placing Button control on Win Form, 395–397

properties provided by ButtonBase, 394–395

RadioButton, 402–404

using Splitter with Button control, 473

Web application, 750–757

ButtonBase control, 394–395

buttons.aspx file, 752–753

Managed C++ and. NET Development
Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition
ISBN: 1590590333
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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