Thank You

Thank You!

We'd like to give special thanks to a few of the many people who helped evolve a shadow of an idea into what you hold in your hands. Rebecca Gulick, our editor of this seventh edition, was helpful, patient, and unflappable as usual; production heroine extraordinaire Lisa Brazieal and our other friends at Peachpit took our work and made it fly.

A huge vote of thanks must go to Thomas Knoll, without whom there would be no Photoshop. For answering all our ridiculous questions while performing extraordinary feats of engineering, we thank Chris Cox, Marc Pawliger, Russell Williams, John Nack, Jeff Chien, Todor Georgiev, David Howe, Scott Byer, and the rest of the Photoshop team.

Several vendors were generous in providing equipment, support, and encouragement. Special thanks go to Dano Steinhardt and Eddie Murphy at Epson America, Brian Levey at Colorvisions, Thomas Kunz and Liz Quinlisk at GretagMacbeth, Marc Levine at Monaco Systems, Mark Duhaime at Imacon USA, Kaz Kajikawa at EIZO, Will Hollingworth at NEC/Mitsubishi, John Panozzo at Colorbyte Software, and Jamie L. Martin for Xerox. We owe thanks to Karl Lang for developing the Sony Artisan display, and hope for even better things to come.

Special thanks go to Stephen Johnson and Michael Kieran for their generosity of spirit, their constant encouragement, and the many hours they spent with us in deep discussions that ranged from the technical to the philosophical; and to Greg Gorman for proving, gracefully but indubitably, that it's possible to immerse oneself in digital imaging yet still have a life. If we see further than others, it's because we stand on the shoulders of Photoshop giants, including Julianne Kost, Katrin Eismann, Jeff Schewe, Martin Evening, Andrew Rodney, and Deke McClelland, pixel-meisters all.

Bruce. "To photographers everywhere; various musicians who helped keep me semisane while I worked on this book, to my friends, colleagues and peers in the Photoshop community, to the Pixel Mafiayou know who you areand to my lovely wife Angela, for more than I can say here."

David. "My deepest appreciation to Debbie Carlson, my friend and partner, and to my family and friends who have had to put up with 'the book is almost done' for way too long. My sincere appreciation to my two sons, Gabriel and Daniel, who helped immeasurably by sleeping at all the right times."

Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2(c) Industrial-Strength Production Techniques
Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2: Industrial-strength Production Techniques
ISBN: B000N7B9T6
Year: 2006
Pages: 220
Authors: Bruce Fraser © 2008-2017.
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