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IBM DB2, 421-27

address spaces, 421-23

concurrency control, 426-27

cost/performance comparison, 443-44

Database Global Memory segment, 425-26

Database Manager Shared Memory, 424-25

DBAS, 421-22

DBAS functionality, 423-24

DDF, 422

defined, 421

IRLM, 422

join methods, 427

locking, 426-27

memory management, 424-26

query optimization, 426

results, 437

SPAS, 423

SSAS, 422

See also Database systems performance analysis

Immediate addressing, 47

Independence, 117-18

of events, 147

probability and, 141

Index addressing, 48

Indirect addressing, 48

Information sharing, 11-12

Informix Dynamic Server, 417-21

advantages, 418

cost-based query optimizer, 420

cost/performance comparison, 443-44

data consistency, 419

defined, 417

dynamic scalable architecture (DSA), 417-18

isolation, 419

join methods, 419-20

locking, 418-19

memory handling, 420-21

optimizer directives, 420

Oracle vs., 441-42

recovery, 419

results, 437

SQL Server vs., 438, 440

thread stack, 421

See also Database systems performance analysis

Input/output processor (IOP), 307

design, 307

functional architecture, 308

transport control implementation, 311

Instruction architectures, 6-7, 47

Instruction execution

cycle, 6, 43

sequence, 44

Instruction register, 44


0-address, 45

1-address, 45-46

1-and-1/2-address, 46

2-address, 46

2-and-1/2-address, 46

3-address, 46-47

types of, 44-47

Instrumentation, 305

Integrity manager, 93-94

defined, 93

referential integrity check, 93-94

See also Database systems

Interface units

events, 477-78

LAN simulation modeling, 467-68

network (NIUs), 54

token bus distribution system, 459


management, 65-66

types of, 50

Intervals, 115-16

I/O architectures, 7, 49-50

I/O Manager, Windows NT, 368

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Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction
Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction
ISBN: 1555582605
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 136 © 2008-2017.
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