Chapter 8: Configuring Accessibility Features


Some users may have vision, hearing, or physical handicaps that inhibit their ability to work with a computer. These handicaps may make working with the mouse or keyboard a challenge. They may also make viewing screen content or hearing Windows sounds difficult. Administrators must be prepared to help these users by configuring Windows XP Professional to help accommodate their special needs.

To assist administrators, Windows XP Professional provides a collection of accessibility options. While the accessibility options included with Windows XP Professional are not as comprehensive as some third-party products, they can be used to effectively improve the computing experience for many disabled users.

Most of the accessibility options provided by Windows XP Professional can be configured by users. However, a few settings require administrative privileges and many users with disabilities, who may be unaware that Windows XP includes accessibility options, may require assistance in the initial setup of Windows XP Professional.

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Administrator's Guide
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Administrators Guide
ISBN: 1931841969
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 358 © 2008-2017.
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