Package javax.xml.xpath

Package javax.xml.xpath

Java 5.0

This package defines types for the evaluation of XPath expressions in the context of an XML document. XPath is a language for describing a " path " to a node or set of nodes within an XML document. Details of the XPath grammar are beyond the scope of this reference.

A typical use of this package begins with the XPathFactory , an instance of which is used to create an XPath object. After configuring the XPath object as desired, you can use it to evaluate XPath expressions directly or to compile XPath expressions into XPathExpression objects for later use.


 public interface  XPath  ; public interface  XPathExpression  ; public interface  XPathFunction  ; public interface  XPathFunctionResolver  ; public interface  XPathVariableResolver  ; 


 public class  XPathConstants  ; public abstract class  XPathFactory  ; 


 public class  XPathException  extends Exception;    public class  XPathExpressionException  extends XPathException;       public class  XPathFunctionException  extends XPathExpressionException;    public class  XPathFactoryConfigurationException  extends XPathException; 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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