The Changes

You will recall that there are two key branches in the folder tree: common and control. As before, we won't worry about the common branch.


The control branch contained all of our code in the Chapter 4 version. For this chapter we'll use a more sophisticated structure. When you run the EmagaCh5KitInstall program, it will automatically create the new folder tree for you. It's important for you to become familiar with it, so study Figure 5.1 for a few minutes.

click to expand
Figure 5.1: The Emaga5 folder tree.

After examining Figure 5.1, take a few moments to run the EmagaCh5KitInstall program. You will find it in the 3DGPAi1\RESOURCES folder. After it does its business, it will have installed everything except the key modules that we're going to explore in detail. There is still some manual assembly involved.

The new folder tree is the one we will be sticking with for the rest of the book. We will be adding a couple more folder nodes for specialized features in later chapters, but otherwise, this is the final form.


You will not need to type in the root main module again, because it won't be any different this time around.

In the control branch, the first major difference is that the initialize.cs module has been split in two, with a client version and a server version. Each of the new modules is now located in its respective branches—control/server/ and control/client/. They still perform the same tasks as before, but splitting the initialize functions and putting them in their permanent homes prepares us for all our later organizational needs.

There were also the two modules: control/server.cs and control/client.cs. We will now expand these and relocate them as control/server/server.cs and control/client/client.cs, respectively.

The final module from Chapter 4 is player.cs. We will be expanding it greatly and relocating it to control/server/players/player.cs.

Furthermore, we will add several new modules to handle various functional features of the game. We'll address each file as we encounter it in the chapter.

Make sure you have run the EmagaCh5KitInstall program before proceeding, because it creates our folder tree for us.

3D Game Programming All in One
3D Game Programming All in One (Course Technology PTR Game Development Series)
ISBN: 159200136X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 197 © 2008-2017.
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