

package keyword, 736

packages, 132

packet loss, 28

Paint Brush tool (Paint Shop Pro), 294-296

Paint Material function, 537

Paint Shop Pro

Add Noise dialog box, 286

Airbrush tool, 296-297, 517

alpha channels, 288

Auto Proofbutton, 280

bitmap versus vector images, 288-289

Clone Brush tool, 297-298

Color dialog box, 280

Crop tool, 356

Eraser tool, 298

file types, 285-288

Fill tool, 516-517

Freehand Selection tool, 300

installing, 279

Layer palette, 291-294

Materials palette, 290-291

New Image dialog box, 279

Paint Brush tool, 294-296

Selection tool, 299

sidewalk texture example, 281-283

texture files, saving, 284-285

wooden texture example, 279-281

PanoramaScreenShot() function, 706


buddycount, 229

buddylist, 229

filterflags, 229

flags, 228

functions, 71

functions without, 70

gtype, 228

maxbots, 228

maxplayers, 228

mincpu, 228

minplayers, 228

mtype, 228

nothing, 229

passing, 71

ping, 228

port, 228

region, 228

parent controls, 346

ParseArgs function, 138, 230

ParticleData property, 601

ParticleEmitterData properties, 600

ParticleNodeData property, 599


emitters, 604

examples of, 594

freestanding, 595

ParticleData property, 601

ParticleEmitterData properties, 600

ParticleEmitterNode properties, 599

particles property, 600

passing parameters, 71

Paste command

Edit menu, 588

File menu, 547

Paste Keyframes command (MilkShape Animate menu), 394

pathOnMissionLoadDone() function, 707

patterned textures, 362

patterns, search capabilities, 36

PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), 8

pebbled textures, 361

percent sign (%), 54

percentage property, 532

periodVarianceMS property, 600

PermDisableMouse() function, 707

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), 8

perspective, skyboxes, 518

Phaser command (Audacity File menu), 549

phiReferenceVel property, 600

phiVariance property, 600

phong maps, 100


color matching, 354-355

lighting, 355

postprocessing, 353-354

PhysicalZone class, 732

pictoral skyboxes, 514

ping parameter, 228

pipe operator (|), 61

pixel shaders, 101

Planar unwrapping method, 409, 411

PlanetTribes Web site, 742

plastic textures, 362-363

platforms, 8-11

cross-platform software, disadvantages, 11

platform layer, Torque Game Engine, 23

Play button (Audacity tool), 541

play testing, 661

Play tool (Audacity toolbar), 543

playback controls (Keyframer tool), 404

PlayDemo() function, 707

Player class, 732

player event control triggers, 210-211

player skin example

clothing, 329-332

hair texture, 327-328

hands, 329

head and neck, 322-326

PlayerKeymap, 174

PlayerSpawns property, 610

PlayJournal() function, 707

PlayStation, 8

Plot Spectrum command (Audacity View menu), 547

plug-ins, MilkShape 3D, 395-396

Plug-Ins command (MilkShape Tools menu), 395

plus sign (+), 56

PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 285-288

Point Size option (Preferences dialog box), 405

PolyCount Web site, 747


discussed, 94

incremental polygon construction, 415-416

port parameter, 228

Portable Network Graphics (PNG), 285-288

Portal brush (Torque Map Editor, QuArK), 510

portals, 509

PortInit function, 240

position property, 519

postdecrement operators, 62

postincrement operators, 62

postprocessing, photography, 353-354

precedence, evaluation, 56

Precipitation class, 732

predication strategies, 28

Prefabland Web site, 747

Preferences command (MilkShape File menu), 392

Preferences dialog box (MilkShape 3D), 404-406

presets, 159

PrevResolution() function, 707

primitive shapes, 92, 385, 415

problem decomposition, 66

problem solving techniques, 83-87

Profile class, 25

profile property, 340

ProfilerDump() function, 708

ProfilerDumpToFile() function, 708

ProfilerEnable() function, 708

ProfilerMarkerEnable() function, 708


creating and programming sound, 550-555

defined, 163

sizing properties, 164

program setup, UltraEdit-32, 32

Programmers Haven Web site, 747

programming editing tools, 751

programming editors, 31

programming languages

defined, 45

high-level languages, 47

programs. See also scripts

animation example, 115-117

arrays, 56-58

audio example, 119-121

campfire effects, 595-598

ChatBox interface, 637-639, 650-652

client modules

Canvas module, 259-260

messages module, 266-267

mission module, 261-262

missiondownload module, 263-265

ClientConnection module, 251-255

control/client/client.cs modules, 160-164

control/client/interfaces/playerinterface.gui module, 165-168

control/client/interfaces/splashscreen.gui module, 169

control/client/misc/presetkeys.cs module, 171-174

control/client/misc/screens.cs module, 169-171

control/client.cs module, 144-148

control/main.cs module, 159

control/player.cs module, 152-153

control/server/misc/item.cs, 197-201

control/server/players/player.cs, 180-183

control/server/server.cs, 175-178

control/server/weapons/crossbow.cs, 190-197

control/server/weapons/weapon.cs, 186-188

control/server.cs module, 149-151

debugging and problem solving techniques, 83-86

FindServer interface, 648-650

function examples, 67-69

Hello Word example, 49-51

if-else statements, 77-78

initialization, 235-240

initialization functions, 141-143

koob utility, 555-558

main.cs module, 139-140

MessageBox interface, 640-641, 653-654

missiondownload module, 247-249

missload module, 242-245

movement, 107-108

nested if statements, 79-80

rain effects, 531-532

root main modules, 134-137

rotation example, 111-113

scaling example, 113-114

servers, finding

code module, 225-229

interface module, 219-224


environmental, 578-579

footstep sounds, 561-563

interface, 578-579

musical, 581-582

utterances, 563-564, 566

vehicle sounds, 573-578

weapon sounds, 566-568

storm effects, 524-528

switch statements, 81-82

water block effects, 533-534

waterfall effects, 602-604

project files, Find in Files feature, 38

Project menu (Audacity tool), 545, 548

Project Setup dialog box, 35

projects, setting up, UltraEdit-32, 32


altCommand, 642

animateTexture, 601

animTexName, 601

AudioDescription, 561

AudioProfile, 561

bitmap, 164

bottom, 164

buttonType, 164

center, 164

childMargin, 343

clipColumnText, 344

colors, 601

columns, 344

command, 164, 340, 634

constantAcceleration, 601

constantThumbHeight, 225, 343

datablock, 530, 599

defaultLineHeight, 343

DepthGradient, 535

description, 552

DistortGridScale, 535

DistortMag/DistortTime, 535

dragCoefficient, 601

ejectionPeriodMS, 600

ejectionVelocity, 600

Emaga4, 154

Emaga5, 184

emitter, 599

enumerate, 344

envMapIntensity, 535

envMapOverTexture, 535

envMapUnderTexture, 535

escapeCommand, 642, 655

extent, 164, 338, 652

fadeColor, 530

fitParentWidth, 344

FlowAngle/FlowRate, 535

gravityCoefficient, 601

GuiContentProfile, 163

hardImpactSound, 576

height, 164

horizSizing, 164

hScrollBar, 225, 343

inheritedValFactor, 601

isLooping, 551

left, 164

lifetimeMS, 600-601

lifetimeVarianceMS, 600-601

MaterialList, 519

maxLength, 340

maxVelocity, 532

MinAlpha/MaxAlpha, 535

minExtent, 338

minVelocity, 532

noRenderBans, 520

OffsetSpeed, 532

orientOnVelocity, 600

orientParticles, 600

overrideAdvances, 600

ParticleData, 601

ParticleEmitterData, 600

ParticleEmitterNode, 599

ParticleNodeData, 599

particles, 600

percentage, 532

periodVarianceMS, 600

phiReferenceVel, 600

phiVariance, 600

PlayerSpawns, 610

position, 519

profile, 340

relative, 164

resizeCell, 344

right, 164

rotation, 520

scale, 519

ShoreDepth, 535

ShoreTexture, 535

sinkAllKeyEvents, 345

sizes, 601

sizeX, 531

sizeY, 531

sizing, 164

softImpactSound, 576

soundButtonDown, 580

soundButtonOver, 580

spinRandomMax, 601

spinRandomMin, 601

spinSpeed, 601

surfaceOpacity, 535

SurfaceParallex, 535

surfaceTexture, 535

TessSurface/TessShore, 535

textureName, 601

thetaMax, 600

thetaMin, 600

timeMultiple, 599

times, 601

top, 164

type, 551

UseDeptMask, 535

useEmitterColors, 600

useEmitterSizes, 600

useInvAlpha, 601

variable, 341, 344

velocity, 599

vertSizing, 164

visible, 339

visibleDistance, 520

volume, 551

vScrollBar, 225, 343

WheeledVehicleData, 618-619

width, 164

willFirstRespond, 225

windCoefficient, 601

windEffectPrecipitation, 521

windVelocity, 521

Property Selector option (Preferences dialog box), 405

pseudo-handler, 268

Psionic 3D Design Web site, 747

PurgeResources() function, 708

push buttons, GUI, 335

Push method, 171

puzzle games, 5-6

3D Game Programming All in One
3D Game Programming All in One (Course Technology PTR Game Development Series)
ISBN: 159200136X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 197 © 2008-2017.
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