
I'm not sure what it is about Bart Farkas and forewords, but the last time I penned one of these things, it was in the guise of Michel Nostradamus, the 16th century's all-seeing, dyspeptic monk, in the first pages of Bart's and my book, The Macintosh Bible Guide to Games. Rib-tickling as that foreword was, we sold something like a baker's dozen worth of the book. Given TMBGtG's less-than-stellar sales, I'm shocked that Bart would risk opening this book with yet another inane foreword penned by yours truly.

Ah, well, such is the ill-considered good nature of your typical Canadian.

The difference between that book and this one, of course, is that unbeknownst to us at the time computer gaming was on the wane, whereas the subject of this book has barely begun its assured meteoric rise. With Bart's Secrets of Podcasting, you're getting in on the ground floor of the electrifying new technology known as podcasting.

The author will go into greater detail on the subject, but allow me to dip my oar in as well and say that podcasting is A Big Deal. It's going to profoundly change the way you consume news and entertainment, as well as give a voice to those who normally work well outside the bounds of traditional media. Follow the techniques in this book, and one of those voices may even be yours.

One of the benefits of writing forewords is that you have the opportunity to read the book while it's still in utero long before some befuddled crank on Amazon issues a one-star rating because he's disappointed that the book fails to address the intimate workings of Orvis's Vortex VO2 Fly Reel. I've taken the time to read the book, and I assure you, you're getting the goods. Not only does Bart clearly show you how to bring podcasts into your life (and onto your computer and portable music player), but he also tells you all you need to know to create a quality (and, one hopes, compelling) podcast of your own. Along the way, he speaks with individuals who are creating today's best podcasts and passing along their insights on how to do it right.

You're in good hands. Enjoy the book. Discover podcasts that stir you. And if the spirit moves you, make some of your own.

I'll be listening.

Christopher Breen
Editor in chief,
Author of Secrets of the iPod and iTunes

Secrets of Podcasting. Audio Blogging for the Masses
Secrets of Podcasting. Audio Blogging for the Masses
ISBN: 321369297
Year: 2004
Pages: 80 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: