

XA interoperability, 41

XCOPY installations, 410–411, 514

XDR (XML Data Reduced), 269, 569

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 104–105, 554

XML class, 290

XML configuration files, 569

XML data, 266

for application integration, 339–340

basics, 267–269, 267

with DataSets, 272

column mappings, 275–276

DiffGram output, 285–289

reading, 273–274, 281–285, 281–285

writing, 273–274, 276–281, 278–280

exam essentials, 341–342

key terms, 342–343

in .NET framework, 290

DOM, 301–318, 311–312, 314, 316–317

node selections, 318–324, 323–324

validating, 325–330, 327–330

XmlDataDocument and DataSet synchronization, 333–334

XmlReader class, 290–294

XmlTextReader class, 298–299, 298–299

XmlTextWriter class, 300–301

XmlWriter class, 294–298

XSLT transformations, 330–333, 332–333

review questions, 344–349

schema definitions in, 269–272

with SQL Server 2000, 334–335

ExecuteXmlReader method, 337–339, 337, 339

retrieving, 335–336

updating tables, 336–337

summary, 340–341

validating, 325

XML Data Reduced (XDR), 269, 569

XML Document Object Model (DOM), 290, 301–318, 311–312, 314, 316–317, 569

XML namespaces, 270, 570

XML parsers, 267, 570

XML Schema Definition (XSD) language, 269–270, 570

purpose of, 105

for typed DataSets, 241, 248–249

for validating data, 325–330, 327–330

XML Web services, 104–105, 570

from ASP.NET web applications, 122–124, 123

asynchronous web methods for, 124–126

consuming, 115

discovery in, 115–117

WSDL in, 117–118, 117–118

creating, 106–113, 107–109, 112

deploying, 514–517, 515–517

exam essentials, 133, 539

introduction to, 104–105

key terms, 133–134, 540

publishing, 517–518

dynamic discovery in, 519

static discovery in, 518

to UDDI, 519–523

review questions, 135–138, 541–546

securing, 523

authentication techniques, 524–529, 527–529

authorization techniques, 529–536, 532, 534–536

SOAP message encryption, 536–539, 537

SOAP headers and extensions, 127–132

summary, 132, 539

testing and debugging, 108–110, 109, 366

from Windows applications, 119–122, 119–121

wire format, 113–115

XmlAttribute class, 309, 570

XmlAttributeCollection class, 570

XmlCharacterData class, 309–310

XmlDataDocument class, 333–334, 570

XmlDocument class, 304–306, 570

XmlElement class, 308–309, 570

XmlLang property

in XmlReader, 292

in XmlWriter, 295

in XPathNavigator, 320

XmlNamedNodeMap class, 302, 570

XmlNode class, 302–304, 570

XmlNodeReader class, 290, 570

XmlReader class, 290–294, 570

XmlReadMode parameter, 273, 571

XmlResolver property

in XmlDocument, 305

in XmlReader, 292

in XslTransform, 331

XmlSchemaCollection class, 325, 571

XmlSpace property

in XmlReader, 292

in XmlWriter, 295

XmlText class, 309–310, 571

XmlTextReader class, 151, 290, 298–299, 298–299, 325, 571

XmlTextWriter class, 294–298, 300–301

XmlValidatingReader class, 290, 325–330, 571

XmlWriteMode parameter, 274, 571

XmlWriter class, 274, 294–298, 571

XPath expressions, 318, 322–324, 323–324, 571

XPath language, 318–324, 323–324

XPathDocument class, 571

XPathExpression class, 571

XPathNavigator class, 319–324, 571

XPathNodeIterator class, 571

xs:choice element, 271

xs:complexType element, 271

xs:element tag, 271

xs:joblist element, 271

xs:sequence tag, 271

XSD (XML Schema Definition) language, 269–270, 570

purpose of, 105

for typed DataSets, 241, 248–249

for validating data, 325–330, 327–330

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), 330–331, 554

XSLT transformations, 330–333, 332–333, 554

XslTransform class, 331, 571

MCAD/MCSD(c) Visual Basic. NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
MCAD/MCSD: Visual Basic .NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
ISBN: 0782141935
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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