

caa_balance command, 679

-all option, 702

-s option, 702

use of, 702

caa_dbConvert command, 677

caa_profile command, 679, 681, 687

-a option, 735

-B option, 688

-create option, 688

-delete option, 691

file creation, 729

-h option, 722, 735

-l option, 722

-o ap option, 735

-o as option, 735

-o cfs option, 735

-o mp option, 735

options, 688

-p option, 722, 735

-print option, 691, 735

reference page, 692

-r option, 722

-update option, 689

-validate option, 688

caa.reg database, 693

caa_register command, 679, 692

caa_relocate command, 679, 699

-c option, 700

-f option, 719

-s option, 700

caa_report command, 679

-a option, 707

-b time option, 707

-e time option, 707

-o option, 707

caa_start command, 679

-all option, 695

-c option, 694

-f option, 719

reference page, 698

-t option, 696-97

-v option, 696-97

caa_stat command, 278-79, 675, 679

-a option, 693

-c “hostname” option, 710

-f option, 708

-g option, 693

list output, 708

-l option, 708

-p option, 675, 710

resource name with, 709

-t option, 629, 708

-v option, 629, 677

caa_stop command, 679, 698

-f option, 698, 699

UNKNOWN state and, 698

caa_unregister command, 679, 694

Cache coherency

defined, 341

tokens and, 341-45


dispatch points, 503-4

routines, 504

cat(1) command, 669, 675, 691

cdslinvchk(8) command, 159-60, 313


execution of, 313

defined, 159

Central Processing Unit. See CPU

CFS clients, 351

sequential file access on, 355

tokens, 568

vnodes, 352-53

See also Cluster File System (CFS)

cfs command, 330

downloading, 330

output, 335

-s switch, 350

for viewing CFS layout, 623

cfsmgr(8) command, 278

-a server switch, 330, 348

-a statistics switch, 350

-e switch, 810

-F raw switch, 330

-h switch, 334, 351

output, 590

-r switch, 349

-u switch, 810

for viewing server cluster member, 329-30

CFS server

action script, 733-34

AdvFS file system service, 732

application resource, 732-35

application resource creation, 735

discerning, 590

load-balancing, 348-51, 623-26

location, checking, 734

member in, 329-30

memory, 354

relocation, 731-37

relocation failure, 734-35

relocation script, 350

svrcfstok_max_percent, 353-54

tokens, 569

See also Cluster File System (CFS)

cfsstat(8) command, 345

clitok_log option, 345

ics options, 552

-S option, 553, 569

svrtok_log command, 345

tokens option, 345

tokstats option, 345

changer resources, attributes, 686

Channels (EVM)

active, 202

configuration, viewing, 220

defined, 202

definition of, 202

directory, 202-3

getting events from, 220

passive, 202

Channels (ICS), 548-49

services, 548

services per, 549

Character I/O, 405, 415-18

checklist clipboard, 133, 134

cleanPR command, 654-57

clean option, 657, 807-8

for clearing persistent reservations, 657

show option, 654

Clean Stage, 779

clu_add_member command, 97, 283-93, 370, 514

boot disk, 285-86

cluster interconnect type, 287-89

cluster IP address, 287

cluster IP name, 286

defined, 283

executing, 283

hostname, 284

inputs summary, 290-91

member ID and expected vote, 284–85

quorum disks and, 304

TruCluster Server License PAK, 289-90

clu_alias.config(4) reference page, 448

cluamgr(8) command, 276, 447

alias resource using, 738-39

-a option, 445, 738

changes made with, 447

-f option, 473, 478

-r resvok option, 460

-r start option, 446, 449, 457

-r stop option, 448

-r vmac option, 440

-s all option, 629

-s option, 444-45

for temporary alias management, 450

for troubleshooting situations, 450

clua_services file, 472-83

changing entries in, 473

defined, 472

in_multi attribute, 477-78

in_noalias attribute, 478-80

in_nolocal attribute, 480

in_single attribute, 474-76

out_alias attribute, 480-83

sample, 473

static attribute, 483

clubase subsystem, 494, 515-17

attributes, 495

cluster_adjust_expected_votes attribute, 538, 539

defined, 494

clu_bdmgr(8) command, 530

-c option, 530

-d option, 530, 531

reference page, 531

clu_bdmgr.conf file, 531

clu_check_config(8) command, 272–74, 299-301, 629

cdslinkvchk execution, 313

defined, 272, 629

output, 272-74, 300-301

clu_create(8) command, 97, 249, 257–69, 645

cluster alias IP address, 258

cluster alias name, 258

cluster configuration, 266-69

cluster interconnect IP address, 262

cluster interconnect IP name, 261–62

cluster interconnect type, 262-64

configuration summary (LAN-based

interconnect), 265-66

configuration summary (Memory

Channel), 265

creation completion, 269

functions, 256

input summary, 265-66

logs, checking, 271

member boot disk, 261

member ID, 260

overview, 257

quorum disk, 259-60

SRM console variables, 269

clu_delete_member command, 302-6, 514

with command line argument, 303

completed, 306

defined, 302

execution of, 305-6

-f switch, 302

functions, 302-3

interactive, 303, 305

messaging, 306

quorum disks and, 304

running, 303-4

warning, 302

clu_get_info command, 274-75, 368–69

-full option, 303, 492, 629

for getting incarn, 492

-m 1 option, 519

-raw option, 492

clu_migrate_configure command, 794

clu_migrate_save command, 792-94

clu_netsetup(8) command, 296

clu_ps command, 577, 579

-h option, 579

-p option, 579

script, 578-79

clu_quorum(8) command, 275, 303, 368

-d add option, 525

-d adjust option, 528

defined, 514

-d remove option, 528

-e option, 520-22

-f option, 519-20, 522, 529

-m option, 518

output, 514-15

"Running Value" information, 515

sysconfigtab.cluster file

management, 585

-v option, 518

for vote adjustment, 517

when member is unavailable, 529–30

without command options, 514

clu_quorum.log file, 517

Cluster administration tasks

cluster-wide cron, 627-28

command summary, 632-34

configuration variables, 626-27

Essential Services Monitor daemon

(esmd), 628-29

GUIs, 617-20

important files/information, 629-31

load-balancing CFS servers, 623-26

swap move, 621-22

/tmp file system move, 620-21

Cluster Alias (CLUA), 23, 32, 433-84

CAA vs., 483

checking, 276

common subnet alias, 50

complexity, 434

components, 484

decision-making process, 471

defined, 32

IP ports and, 460-83

NIFF and, 324

relationships, 32

virtual subnet alias, 51

Cluster aliases

additional, 447

attributes, 452-53

connection decision tree, 469

creating, with virtual subnet, 459-60

dynamic routing of, 449

eliminating, 448-49

IP address, 433-34

IP interface alias vs., 435

IP to MAC, 435

making, 446-47

making, permanent, 447-48

NFS and, 483-84

proxy ARP master for, 439, 443

routing, 441-52, 598

status and statistics, 444-46

subsystem attributes, 454

temporary, managing, 450

volunteering to service, 443

Cluster alias resources, 737-40

with cluamgr, 738-39

with ifconfig, 739-40

survival, 739

See also Resource(s)

Cluster Application Availability (CAA)

subsystem, 23, 27, 669-726

action scripts, 710-18

architecture, 672-73

candidates, 669

checking, 278-79

for checking application status, 671

CLUA vs., 483

CNX and, 488

commands, 679-80

daemon won't start, 809-10

defined, 27, 669, 672

directory/file layout illustration, 678

directory layout, 677-79

events, 725-26

by example, 727-50

informational popup, 749

main window, 745

managing, 680

multi-instance applications and, 670-72

NIFF and, 324-25

Options window, 748

predefined event filters, 726

profile preliminary options, 688

profile validation, 690

reason codes, 715

relationship, 27

for relocating applications, 51

Resource Manager (caad), 673

resource monitors, 673-74

resource registration popup, 749

resource registry database, 674-77

resources, 680-710

resources, testing, 792

setup resources, 747

setup window, 746

single-instance applications and, 670

start resources informational popup, 749

with sysman, 745-50

uses, 672

Cluster-aware applications, 27-28

Cluster-common disk(s), 387

adding, to LSM, 388

adding, to root disk group, 388

Cluster-common files, 145, 310

differentiating, 146-48

location, 145

rc.config.common, 146, 151, 606, 607

Cluster-common file system

migrating, 386-91

rules and restrictions, 367

Cluster configuration planning, 57-110

checklist, 107-9

CI hardware, 88-101

console level preparation, 102-6

disk devices, 57-85

failure, 57

firmware, 85-88

future expansion, 76

hardware RAID, 72-81

hardware storage, 65-72

licensing requirements, 106

network, 106-7

swap areas, 63-64

Tru64 UNIX system disk, 58-63

Cluster design, 35-55

applications and, 37-43

availability and, 43-44

CLUA common-subnet alias and, 50

computing resources, 41

default options, 35-36

example, 36-37

Fibre Channel based storage, 36

hardware RAID/LSM decision, 53–54

homogeneity of members, 36

independent paths and, 55

introduction to, 35-37

network interfaces and, 49

parallel applications and, 39-40

quorum disk and, 45-46

redundant Memory Channel, 36

redundant NICs, 36

scalability and, 44-45

size, 36

storage configuration, 52-53

tradeoffs, 35

Cluster File System (CFS), 23, 29, 327-57

block I/O and, 418

boot error (mounting boot partition), 810

boot error (mounting cluster_root), 810

capacity issues, 351

checking, 278

common code and, 581

defined, 29, 327

events, 357

file system support, 331-32

I/O requests to DRD, 431

load balancing, 348-51

memory usage, 352-54

performance optimizations, 348-57

POSIX compliance, 555

read-ahead thread, 355-57

relationships, 29

write-behind thread, 355-57

See also CFS clients; CFS server

Cluster formation, 507-10

details, 507-10

process, 507

transaction, 510

without enough votes, 540-41

See also Connection Manager


Cluster interconnect (CI), 25, 46-49

as cluster design decision, 46-48

cluster IP name/address

determination, 100

comparison, 48, 101

dual-redundant, 48-49

functions, 89

hardware, configuring/verifying, 88-101

IP address, 262

IP name, 261-62

LAN-based, 46, 47, 98-100

Memory Channel, 46, 47, 90-97

as migration issue, 786

role of, 46-47

types, 46

types, entering, 262-64, 287-89

virtual address, 600

Cluster Logical Storage Manager (CLSM), 359-402

defined, 359

disk group connectivity, 367

events, 402

location, 359

notes, rules, and restrictions, 365-67

See also Logical Storage Manager


Cluster members

adding, 44-45, 283-93151

adding, one at a time, 282

add preparation, 282

boot device, identifying, 294

boot disk, 81, 261

booting, 293-96

boot_partition, 282, 285-86

in CFS server, 329-30

communication between, 24

configuring, 296-98

deleting, 282, 302-6

file system use determination, 350–51

homogeneity of, 36

IDs, 146, 260

interconnect address, changing, 668

IP address, changing, 668

lead, determining, 756-57

lead, reboot, 770

locking, 89

memberid, 284

multiple network interfaces, 32

name, changing, 668

new, boot disk, 282

old, adding to cluster, 794-95

planning, 282

potential, in cluster formation, 508

qdisk thread, 525

rebooting, 400

resource run determination on, 710

retrieving events from, 321

rolling, 773-78

rolling, after dupatch program, 777

rolling, after installupdate program, 774-77

scalability, 45

shared storage view,

troubleshooting, 806-8

single, multiple applications on, 42–43

specific files, 145

systems, homogeneity, 43

UNIX kernel building for, 296

verifying, 299-301

as VLM systems, 64

votes, adjusting, 518-20

See also Clusters

Cluster Mount Services (CMS), 567

defined, 567

output, 567

Cluster partition, 498-500

defined, 498

illustrated, 500

panic strings, 499

sizes, 248


backup, 637

checking, 590

copying updated cluster database

files to, 644

device name determination, 638

disk partitioning, 638

domain creation, 641

expanding, 589

major/minor numbers, 640, 645

mounting, 639, 641

mounting, CFS boot error, 810

repairing, 592

restoring, 637-45

restoring, to existing disk, 637-40

restoring, to new disk, 640-45

verify utility and, 592


alias IP address, 258

alias name, 258

backing up, 757

BIND in, 602

checking, with hwmgr(8)

command, 272

chronology, 6

as closely coupled, 21-22

configuration, checking, 270-72

configuring, 266-69, 291-93

coupling, 22

creating, 790-91

defined, 1-2, 23

DHCP in, 602-3

Disaster Tolerant (DT), 8

disks for, 246-49

distributed computing vs., 2

failover cluster, 2

firmware for, 85-88

heterogeneous, 43

homogeneous, 43

hung, 799-800

installation, before, 245-50

interconnect, 24

IP address, 287

IP address, changing, 667-68

IP name, 286

joining, 510-13

LSM, 31

maintenance and recovery, 635-68

name, changing, 666-67

network planning, 106

NFS in, 603-9

NIS in, 609

preparation checklist, 107-9

single-node, creating, 245-79

SSI application, 2, 3

SSI systems, 2, 3-4

stretch, 8

subsystem components, 34

system administration in, 571-73

two-member, 22


upgrade determination, 759

V1.[56], 796-97

VAXCluster, 4

verification, 272-79

See also Cluster members

Cluster's Expected Votes (CEV), 496-97, 513

adjusting, 520-22

defined, 496-97

recalculation, 498

Cluster system block (CSB), 490-92

defined, 490

events stored in, 491

list of, 491

cluster_usr, 639, 642

domain creation, 641

restoring, 639, 642


domain creation, 641

restoring, 639, 642

Cluster-wide device naming, 403-4

Cluster-wide files, 580-87

directories, 581

fstab, 580

group, 580

inittab, 582-83

passwd, 580

rc.config scripts, 583-84

sysconfigtab, 584-87

system startup, 582-87

vmunix, 581-82

Cluster-wide I/O, 405-8

clu_upgrade command

clean option, 779

roll option, 773-74

setup option, 761

switch option, 778

-v check setup option, 760

-v status option, 779-80

cnx partition, 493, 530-37

AdvFS cluster_root devices

segment, 535-36

CLSM cluster_root devices

segment, 536-37

configuration, 531

configuration information storage, 531

contents, 532-37

information, retrieving, 530

information display, 493

managing, 530-37

PIT segment, 535

quorum segment, 533-35

restoring, 531

sections, 532

cnx subsystem, 516

CNX transactions, 488

cluster formation, 510

coordinator, 508

member join, 512

three-phase, 513

See also Connection Manager


collect(8) command, 800-801

Command directories, 581

Computing resources, 41

Concurrent Direct I/O, 328

defined, 346

illustrated, 346

See also Direct I/O

conf.c file, 502


clusters, checking, 270-72

cnx partition, 531

disk, minimum, 52

EVM, viewing, 220

hardware RAID, 72-81

hardware storage, 65-72

LAG group, 241-43

NetRAIN, 236, 238-39

NIP, 612

planning, 57-110

Quick Setup, 133-43

quorum disk, 45

runtime execution flow, 150

software subsets, 128, 254

standard hub mode, 93

storage, 52-53

Tru64 UNIX, 130-43

variables, 626-27

virtual hub mode, 91, 92

Connection Manager (CNX), 26, 485-541

architecture, 486-94

boot sequence, 500-504

CAA daemon and, 488

callout events, 488

cluster formation, 507-10

cluster subsystem communication, 487

communication, 487-89

communication methods, 487

components, 486

configuring, 504-13

CSB and, 490-92

data integrity responsibility, 249

defined, 486

events, 488

function of, 26

ICS communication, 486

node announcement, 506-7

pinger thread, 506, 510

problems, troubleshooting, 806

quorum and voting strategies, 513

quorum disk configuration, 45-46

quorum management, 514-37

rebuild and callouts, 489

relationships, 26

subsystem check, 274-75

tasks, 486

threads, 490, 491

transaction oriented, 488

See also CNX transactions

Connectivity matrix, 509-10

defined, 509

illustrated, 509

preparing, 511


preparation, 102-6

SRM variables, initializing, 282

SRM variables, updating, 269

storage devices Seen at, 81-85

Console variable, 105-6

Console variables, 104-6

auto_action, 105

bootdef_dev, 105

boot_osflags, 104-5

boot_reset, 105

console, 105-6

os_type, 105

processor-specific, 104

Context-Dependent Symbolic Links

(CDSLs), 145, 146, 158-63, 310–13, 582

additional, since cluster creation, 311

broken, repairing, 313

cdslinvchk(8) command and, 159-60

creation, 267

defined, 147

exporting file systems containing, 605-6

maintaining, 159-62

mkcdsl(8) command and, 158-59

mv(1) command and, 162, 312-13

public service announcement, 158

removing, 160, 313

resolved, 147

root (/) directory, 156

shells and, 162-63

/usr directory, 157

/var directory, 157

cp(1) command, 162, 312, 652


defined, 17

multiple, systems, 19-20

single, computer, 17-19

crashdc(8) command, 581

Crash files, 800

cron(8) daemon, 627-28

Crontab file, 627, 706

C shell, 162

csh shell, 162, 163

csid, 492

Customer Specific Patches (CSPs)

defined, 651

installing, 651-52

cut(1) command, 171

TruCluster Server Handbook
TruCluster Server Handbook (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582591
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 273 © 2008-2017.
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