

Access levels of attributes and operations, 311

ACID properties of transactions, 4, 104, 106

Active property (transaction), 110, 200

Ad hoc access to the database, 72–73

add command (Library app), constructor for, 284

addQuote method (QuoteServer interface), 202–223

afterCompletion method (Synchronization interface), 120–121

afterCompletion method status values, 120

AJP13 listener, 362

AND operator (&&), 57–58

Ant build scripts for the Learning Tools, 270–271

ant clean-out, 365

ant library, 285

ant megacups, 281

ant-projecthelp, 275

ant rental-gui, 302

ant rental-servlet-ejb, 365

ant statetracker, 290–291

ant testfactory, 278–279

ant testjdohelper, 277

Ant version 1.4.1 or later, downloading, 272


Ant project, 270

Jakarta group, 322

Application classes. See Application data classes

Application data classes, 1, 3, 16, 143

added to by enhancement, 148

and application's persistent object model, 144

changes made to during enhancement, 149

code light/heavy, 143

datastore identity, 242

identity and inheritance, 172–173

identity string, 352

member field groups, 9

no-arg constructor in all, 151–152

persistent state, 143

of rental enterprise app, 371–372

of rental Swing app, 311–313

types of fields in, 144

which to enhance, 143–144

Application data model for rental Swing app, 316–318

Application data objects, 1, 16. See also Management states

becoming dirty, 119

becoming new, 119

dirty, 110, 119

FCO and, 9–10

fetching by identity, 97–98

JDO-transient, 89

managed, 333

management states, 19

passed by value, 242

persistent-new, 81

persistent state, 22

serializing, 154

sharing one embedded object, 13

transient, 35

unmanaged persistent, 339–340

when persistent become transactional, 114

Application data service for rental Swing app, 314–316

Application identity, 23, 25–31, 35, 242, 353

vs. datastore identity, 26

example of, 26–28

inheritance and, 30–31, 172–173

key fields of, 81

for related compound keys, 29–30

Application identity class, 25

Application key values, 26, 244–245

Application keys, avoiding waste of, 245

Application threads accessing persistent objects, 241

ApplicationIdentity option, 197

Application's view of JDO, 2, 387

Apress Web site, getting JDO Learning Tools from, 272

Array fields, makeDirty method for, 230–231

array tag (JDO metadata), 180

Arrays, 14–15, 147

ascending (keyword), 60

Atomicity requirement of transactions, 4, 104

Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
ISBN: 1590590430
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 156
Authors: David Ezzio © 2008-2017.
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