18.10 Layers Preferences

18.10 Layers Preferences

The Preferences dialog box's Layers category controls the default settings for newly created layers. See Chapter 4 for details on these options, which can be changed in the Property inspector when a layer is selected.


Specifies the HTML tagSPAN, DIV, LAYER, ILAYERused to create layers. Use DIV (the default).


Specifies the visibilitydefault, inherit, visible, or hiddenof newly created layers. Use visible (the default) in most cases.


Sets the width of your layers created using Insert figs/u2192.gif Layer (ignored if you draw the layer using the Draw Layer tool in the Objects panel's Common category).


Sets the height of the layers created using Insert figs/u2192.gif Layer (ignored if you draw the layer using the Draw Layer tool in the Objects panel's Common category).

Background Color

Sets the default background color for layers.

Background Image

Sets the default background image for layers.

Nest when Created Within a Layer

Allows the creation of nested layers (which are not well-supported in Netscape), such as <layer><layer></layer></layer> .

Netscape 4 Compatibility: Add Resize Fix when Inserting Layer

Automatically inserts the MM_reloadPage function when a layer is added to a document. This function resizes layers in NN4 when the document window is resized. Also see Commands figs/u2192.gif Add/Remove Netscape Resize Fix.

Dreamweaver in a Nutshell
Dreamweaver in a Nutshell
Year: 2005
Pages: 208

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