Chapter 9: Extended Examples


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Two warped, two-armed spirals and one polyhedron.

This chapter presents a series of programs that perform more complicated tasks than most of the examples found throughout the earlier chapters of the book. They illustrate a variety of programming techniques and demonstrate a particular programming style.

Each section of this chapter describes one program in detail and gives examples of its use. This is followed by a listing of the code. At the end of each section are exercises intended to stimulate thought about the program and to suggest possible extensions. These exercises are generally more difficult than those found in Chapters 2 and 3, and a few are major projects.

Section 9.1 presents a simple matrix multiplication package. It demonstrates a set of procedures that could be written in almost any language. Its most interesting features are that all multiplication operations are performed by calling a single generic procedure, mul, which calls the appropriate help procedure depending upon the dimensions of its arguments, and that it dynamically allocates results of the proper size. Section 9.2 presents a useful merge sorting algorithm for ordering lists according to arbitrary predicates. Section 9.3 describes a syntactic form that is used to construct sets. It demonstrates a simple but efficient syntactic transformation from set notation to Scheme code. Section 9.4 presents a word counting program borrowed from The C Programming Language [15], translated from C into Scheme. It shows character and string manipulation, data structure creation and manipulation, and basic file input and output. Section 9.5 presents a basic Scheme printer that supports both write and display for all standard object types. Section 9.6 presents a simple formatted output facility similar to those found in many Scheme systems and in other languages. Section 9.7 presents a simple interpreter for Scheme that illustrates Scheme as a language implementation vehicle while giving an informal operational semantics for Scheme as well as a useful basis for investigating extensions to Scheme. Section 9.8 presents a small, extensible abstract object facility that could serve as the basis for an entire object-oriented subsystem. Section 9.9 presents a recursive algorithm for computing the Fourier transform of a sequence of input values. It highlights the use of Scheme's complex arithmetic. Section 9.10 presents a concise unification algorithm that shows how procedures can be used as continuations and as substitutions (unifiers) in Scheme. Section 9.11 describes a multitasking facility and its implementation in terms of continuations.

The Scheme Programming Language
The Scheme Programming Language
ISBN: 026251298X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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