Chapter 3: Going Further

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Assemblies of spirals from the Voderberg prototile.

The preceding chapter prepared you to write Scheme programs using a small set of the most useful primitive syntactic forms and procedures. This chapter introduces a number of additional features and programming techniques that will allow you to write more sophisticated and efficient programs.

3.1. Syntactic Extension

As we saw in Section 2.5, the let syntactic form is merely a syntactic extension defined in terms of a lambda expression and a procedure application, both core syntactic forms. At this point, you might be wondering which syntactic forms are core forms and which are syntactic extensions, and how new syntactic extensions may be defined. This section provides some answers to these questions.

In truth, it is not necessary for us to draw a distinction between core forms and syntactic extensions, since once defined, a syntactic extension has exactly the same status as a core form. Drawing a distinction, however, makes understanding the language easier, since it allows us to focus attention on the core forms and to understand all others in terms of them.

It is necessary for a Scheme implementation to distinguish between core forms and syntactic extensions. A Scheme implementation expands syntactic extensions into core forms as the first step of compilation or interpretation, allowing the rest of the compiler or interpreter to focus only on the core forms. The set of core forms remaining after expansion to be handled directly by the compiler or interpreter is implementation-dependent, however, and may be different from the set of forms described as core here.

The exact set of syntactic forms making up the core of the language is thus subject to debate, although it must be possible to derive all other forms from any set of forms declared to be core forms. The set described here is among the simplest for which this constraint is satisfied. It also closely matches the set described as "primitive" in the ANSI/IEEE Scheme standard and Revised Reports.

The core syntactic forms include top-level define forms, constants, variables, procedure applications, quote expressions, lambda expressions, if expressions, and set! expressions. The grammar below describes the core syntax of Scheme in terms of these definitions and expressions. In the grammar, vertical bars ( | ) separate alternatives, and a form followed by an asterisk ( * ) represents zero or more occurrences of the form. variable is any Scheme identifier. datum is any Scheme object, such as a number, list, symbol, or vector. boolean is either #t or #f, number is any number, character is any character, and string is any string. We have already seen examples of numbers, strings, lists, symbols, and booleans. See Chapter 6 or the more detailed grammar at the back of this book for more on the object-level syntax of these and other objects.

 program  form* form  definition | expression definition  variable definition | (begin definition*) variable definition  (define variable expression) expression  constant       | variable       | (quote datum)      | (lambda formals expression expression*)      | (if expression expression expression)      | (set! variable expression)      | application constant  boolean | number | character | string formals  variable       | (variable*)      | (variable variable* . variable) application  (expression expression*) 

The grammar is ambiguous in that the syntax for procedure applications conicts with the syntaxes for quote, lambda, if, and set! expressions. In order to qualify as a procedure application, the first expression must not be one of these keywords, unless the keyword has been redefined or locally bound.

The "defun" syntax for define given in Section 2.6 is not included in the core, since definitions in that form are straightforwardly translated into the simpler define syntax. Similarly, the core syntax for if does not permit the alternative to be omitted, as did one example in Section 2.9. An if expression lacking an alternative can be translated into the core syntax for if merely by replacing the missing subexpression with an arbitrary constant, such as #f.

A begin that contains only definitions is considered to be a definition in the grammar; this is permitted in order to allow syntactic extensions to expand into more than one definition. begin expressions, i.e., begin forms containing expressions, are not considered core forms. A begin expression of the form

 (begin e1 e2 ...) 

is equivalent to the lambda application

 ((lambda () e1 e2 ...)) 

and hence need not be considered core.

Now that we have established a set of core syntactic forms, let's turn to a discussion of syntactic extensions. Syntactic extensions are so called because they extend the syntax of Scheme beyond the core syntax. All syntactic extensions in a Scheme program must ultimately be derived from the core forms. One syntactic extension, however, may be defined in terms of another syntactic extension, as long as the latter is in some sense "closer" to the core syntax. Syntactic forms may appear anywhere an expression or definition is expected, as long as the extended form expands into a definition or expression as appropriate.

Syntactic extensions are defined with define-syntax. define-syntax is similar to define, except that define-syntax associates a syntactic transformation procedure, or transformer, with a keyword (such as let), rather than associating a value with a variable. Here is how we might define let with define-syntax.

 (define-syntax let   (syntax-rules ()     ((_ ((x v) ...) e1 e2 ...)      ((lambda (x ...) e1 e2 ...) v ...)))) 

The identifier appearing after define-syntax is the name, or keyword, of the syntactic extension being defined, in this case let. The syntax-rules form is an expression that evaluates to a transformer. The item following syntax-rules is a list of auxiliary keywords and is nearly always (). An example of an auxiliary keyword is the else of cond. (Examples requiring the use of auxiliary keywords are given in Chapter 8.) Following the list of auxiliary keywords is a sequence of one or more rules, or pattern/template pairs. Only one rule appears in our definition of let. The pattern part of a rule specifies the form that the input must take, and the template specifies to what the input should be transformed.

The pattern should always be a structured expression whose first element is an underscore ( _ ). (As we shall see in Chapter 8, the use of _ is only a convention, but it is a good one to follow.) If more than one rule is present, the appropriate one is chosen by matching the patterns, in order, against the input during expansion. An error is signaled if none of the patterns match the input.

Identifiers appearing within a pattern are pattern variables, unless they are listed as auxiliary keywords. Pattern variables match any substructure and are bound to that substructure within the corresponding template. The notation pat ... in the pattern allows for zero or more expressions matching the ellipsis prototype pat in the input. Similarly, the notation exp ... in the template produces zero or more expressions from the ellipsis prototype exp in the output. The number of pats in the input determines the number of exps in the output; in order for this to work, any ellipsis prototype in the template must contain at least one pattern variable from an ellipsis prototype in the pattern.

The single rule in our definition of let should be fairly self-explanatory, but a few points are worth mentioning. First, the syntax of let requires that the body contain at least one expression; hence, we have specified e1 e2 ... instead of e ..., which might seem more natural. On the other hand, let does not require that there be at least one variable/value pair, so we were able to use, simply, (x v) .... Second, the pattern variables x and v, though together within the same prototype in the pattern, are separated in the template; any sort of rearrangement or recombination is possible. Finally, the three pattern variables x, v, and e2 that appear in ellipsis prototypes in the pattern also appear in ellipsis prototypes in the template. This is not a coincidence; it is a requirement. In general, if a pattern variable appears within an ellipsis prototype in the pattern, it cannot appear outside an ellipsis prototype in the template.

The definition of and below is somewhat more complex than the one for let.

 (define-syntax and   (syntax-rules ()     (( ) #t)     (( e) e)     (( e1 e2 e3 ...)      (if e1 (and e2 e3 ...) #f)))) 

This definition is recursive and involves more than one rule. Recall that (and) evaluates to #t; the first rule takes care of this case. The second and third rules specify the base case and recursion steps of the recursion and together translate and expressions with two or more subexpressions into nested if expressions. For example, (and a b c) expands first into

 (if a (and b c) #f) 


 (if a (if b (and c) #f) #f) 

and finally

 (if a (if b c #f) #f) 

With this expansion, if a and b evaluate to a true value, then the value is the value of c, otherwise #f, as desired.

The version of and below is simpler but, unfortunately, incorrect.

 (define-syntax and ; incorrect!   (syntax-rules ()     ((_) #t)     ((_ e1 e2 e3 ...)      (if e1 (and e2 e3 ...) #f)))) 

The expression

 (and (not (= x 0)) (/ 1 x)) 

which should return the value of (/ 1 x) when x is not zero. With the incorrect version of and, the expression expands as follows.

 (if (not (= x 0)) (and (/ 1 x)) #f)    (if (not (= x 0)) (if (/ 1 x) (and) #f) #f)    (if (not (= x 0)) (if (/ 1 x) #t #f) #f) 

The final answer if x is not zero is #t, not the value of (/ 1 x).

The definition of or below is similar to the one for and except that a temporary variable must be introduced for each intermediate value so that we can both test the value and return it if it is a true value. (A similar temporary is not needed for and since there is only one false value, #f.)

 (define-syntax or   (syntax-rules ()     ((_) #f)     ((_ e) e)     ((_ e1 e2 e3 ...)      (let ((t e1))        (if t t (or e2 e3 ...)))))) 

Like variables bound by lambda or let, identifiers introduced by a template are lexically scoped, i.e., visible only within expressions introduced by the template. Thus, even if one of the expressions e2 e3 contains a reference to t, the introduced binding for t does not "capture" those references. This is typically accomplished via automatic renaming of introduced identifiers.

As with the simpler version of and given above, the simpler version of or below is incorrect.

 (define-syntax or   (syntax-rules ()     ((_) #f)     ((_ e1 e2 e3 ...)      (let ((t e1))        (if t t (or e2 e3 ...)))))) 

The reason is more subtle, however, and is the subject of Exercise 3.2.6.

Exercise 3.1.1.

start example

Write out the expansion steps necessary to expand

 (let ((x (memv 'a ls)))   (and x (memv 'b x))) 

into core forms.

end example

Exercise 3.1.2.

start example

Write out the expansion steps necessary to expand

 (or (memv x '(a b c)) (list x)) 

into core forms.

end example

Exercise 3.1.3.

start example

let* is similar to let but evaluates its bindings in sequence. Each of the right-hand-side expressions is within the scope of the earlier bindings.

 (let* ((a 5) (b (+ a a)) (c (+ a b)))   (list a b c))  (5 10 15) 

let* can be implemented as nested let expressions. For example, the let* expression above is equivalent to the nested let expressions below.

 (let ((a 5))   (let ((b (+ a a)))     (let ((c (+ a b)))       (list a b c))))  (5 10 15) 

Define let* with define-syntax.

end example

Exercise 3.1.4.

start example

As we saw in Section 2.9, it is legal to omit the third, or alternative, subexpression of an if expression. Doing so, however, often leads to confusion. Some Scheme systems provide two syntactic forms, when and unless, that may be used in place of such "one-armed" if expressions.

 (when test exp1 exp2 ...) (unless test exp1 exp2 ...) 

With both forms, test is evaluated first. For when, if test evaluates to true, the remaining forms are evaluated in sequence as if enclosed in an implicit begin expression. If test evaluates to false, the remaining forms are not evaluated, and the result is unspecified. unless is similar except that the remaining forms are evaluated only if test evaluates to false.

 (let ((x 3))   (unless (= x 0) (set! x (+ x 1)))   (when (= x 4) (set! x (* x 2)))   x)  8 

Define when as a syntactic extension in terms of if and begin, and define unless in terms of when.

end example

The Scheme Programming Language
The Scheme Programming Language
ISBN: 026251298X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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