

warningLevel attribute

@ Page directive, 194

<compilation>, 524

Watch window, 493

Web applications

adding controls, 44–45

building pages, 46

custom controls, 352

event handler code, 45–46

Root Namespace option, 349

server controls, 42

testing pages, 46–47

Web Form pages and, 40–42

Web Form properties, 42–43


<authentication>, 386

ACL-based authorization, 174–75

application-level tracing, 480–81

Application state, 93

comments, 114

debug mode, 507–8

debug symbols, 196

defining, 37–38

Forms authentication, 169–70

opening, 112–13

overriding configuration settings, 122

overview of, 110–12

Passport authentication, 165

physical path vs. URL and, 464

removing HttpModule, 119–22

Windows authentication, 164–65

WebControl class

inheriting from, 350

TextBox control and, 353

UI-related properties, 351, 398

Web Control Library projects, 350, 352

Web controls, 233–53

adding declaratively, 234–35

adding programmatically, 235–36

adding with Visual Studio .NET, 237–40

attributes, 273

HTML controls vs., 228, 234

overview of, 233

registration and, 247–53

sending mail and, 242–47

styles, 240–42

Toolbox and, 354–55

<webControls> element, 551

Web farms

scalability, 100

state limitations, 94

Web Forms

adding controls to, 44–45


caching multiple versions, 444–46

custom server controls, 355–57

debug mode, 487–90

defined, 30–31

event handling, 216–20

events and, 365

output caching, 439–40

overview of, 185–86

Page class and, 205–7

page elements and, 186–88

page lifetime and, 188–90

page runtime structure and, 221–23

palette, 44

postbacks, 364

processing stages, 217

properties, 42–44

Web Forms, continued

Select Case and, 64–68

server controls, 31

testing, 14–15

Web applications, 40–42

writing code in, 207–9

Web Forms Designer, 42

webGarden attribute, <processModel> element, 550

WebMethod attribute, 410–11

Web references, adding, 430–31

Web Server Certificate Wizard, 157–59

Web server controls. See server controls

<WebService()> attribute, 408–9

@ Web Service directive, 407

Web services. See also proxy classes

advertising, 418–20

authentication, 421–22

declaring, 407–8

Hello World example, 411–15

locating, 423–25

overview of, 31

precursors to, 404

resources, 432

returning data from, 415–18

securing, 420–21

testing, 433

Web service class and, 408–11

WSDL files and, 425–26

XML-based, 36, 403–7

Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 414, 425–28

Web Setup Project, 358, 472–75

Web site resources

ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial, 6

class naming conventions, 54

cross-site scripting, 149

Data Shaping Service for OLE DB, 319

object-oriented programming, 78

Passport authentication, 165

patches, 151–52

port security, 150

practice files for this book, 9

RegularExpressionValidator, 264

resource security, 179–80

security, 179–80

server security, 129, 139

SMTP setup, 242

SQL Server Web Assistant, 453–54

SSL for Web server, 157

storing sensitive data, 466

UDDI registries, 420

Visual Basic .NET programming, 49–50

Web services, 421–22, 426, 432

Welcome.aspx file, 14, 17–18, 24–26

While…End loops, 69, 71–72

wildcards, 176

Window menu, defined, 28

Windows 2000

Domain Controller, 162–63

ports, 150

security improvements, 130

Visual Studio .NET installation and, 555–56

Windows authentication, 163

configuring for ASP.NET, 164–65

overview of, 162–64

password policies and, 144

trusted connections and, 283

Windows Explorer

ACL-based authorization, 174–75

adding path to .NET tools, 572–74

Folder Options dialog box, 14

GAC assemblies, 469

Windows Installer

assembly installation, 358

GAC assemblies, 468–69

support for, 19

Web Setup Project creating, 472

Windows Server 2003, 555–56

Windows Update site, 151, 154

windows, Visual Studio .NET. See Visual Studio .NET, windows

Windows XP

Control Panel views, 460

ports, 150

Professional Services snap-in, 101–2

security improvements, 130

Visual Studio .NET installation and, 555–56

wire formats, 404

WriteXml method, 298, 383

Writing Secure Code (Howard and LeBlanc), 129– 30, 148–49

wsdl.exe utility, 426–28, 433

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 414, 425–28

WS-Security proposed standard, 421

Microsoft ASP. NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic. NET Version 2003 Step by Step
Microsoft ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Version 2003 Step By Step
ISBN: 0735619344
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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